Chaos Theory is 15 years old

One of the greatest stealth games is having the 15th anniversary today and no one cares.

Splinter Cell thread.
Also new SC never.

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ive never played a splinter cell game but i think Pandora Tomorrow is a very cool name

Splinter cell was amazing but Ubisoft is shit and won’t re-release these or make a new one so fuck it.

>and won’t re-release these
Actually all of Splinter Cell games are on Xbone, including both og Xbox and 360 versions of Double Agent.

Even though a new Splinter Cell is unlikely with current Ubisoft being as dogshit as they are, I'm just happy Chaos Theory exists and it always will

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I remember watching a YT video pretty much adequately explaining why Splinter Cell is dead in the water

>Good stealth mechanics require good level structure, can't be easily shoehorned into an open world with Ubisoft patented radio antennas to locate random side quest shit
>Stealth as a genre is just incredibly niche now, nowhere near as prevalent as it was in the early 2000s where Snake was the stealth mascot of the Playstation and Sam Fisher became this unofficial Xbox stealth mascot
>How do you monetise a game in which the objective is to not be seen? Cosmetics are limited in design between black and blacker, and how do you even brag about that shit?

desu it seems clear they want to make new Splinter Cell, but have no idea how they should do it

>Splinter Cell is dead because Ubisoft cant inject MicroAIDS into it.
Makes Sense

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And who's fault is it that nobody cares?

Remember when those goggles were as iconic as anything else in gaming?

This music and mgs music still play in my head when I'm sneaking around

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>Also new SC never.
...and that's a good thing!

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Blacklist was alright, it's not CT and the story could as well be nonexistent, but it's still was good on it's own

They just need to NOT pump a hundred million dollars into it. Put together a small team of enthusiastic developers and develop it as a side project. Not every fucking game needs to be a huge budget open world clusterfuck with epic cut scenes and tonnes upon tonnes of DLC. Stealth games very rarely benefit from all that shit. All it needs is a good script and a few excellently designed levels. All the gameplay and technology innovations already exist to make a functioning stealth game, they could probably do most of it with fucking flipped Unity assets in the director's garage if they really wanted to.
But then of course they'd never do that because why put out a game that isn't going to make a billion dollars? They need to cram in the latest technology and popular gaming gimmicks from other genres and distract the development team with tying to duct tape everything together instead of focusing on development so that they have a bunch of glamour shots to show off in their marketing.
tl:dr - They won't make it because they're not in the game making business, they're in the money making business

is the steam version versions of 1 and 3 worth getting?

I knew what thsi was before I clicked on it. I think this was the first game where I acknowledged the OST as a separate piece of art. I put this shit on my Mp3 player in highschool.

and then Fisher throws the goggles into the ocean at the start of Double Agent, if that wasn't a sign that the series was going down the shitter then what is

Same. I think it was a pretty cool game and should have been a spinoff series. I don't like all the TACTICOOL KILL +30 POINTS shit, but it is fun to play, but then again I liked conviction. Chaos Theory will always be my GOAT though. It legitimately hurts my soul to know Spies v Mercs will never be a thing ever again.

>Match found...
This music takes me the fuck back.

Name a better co-op game than CT?

God, this takes me back to my early years of online gaming. Seeing that game invite and hopping on to Spies vs. Mercs with my bros. Always playing on the same three 2-3 levels and refusing to do anything but deathmatch.

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I find conviction's more engaging but CT has so many goofy moments it impossible not to like.

>I don't like all the TACTICOOL KILL +30 POINTS shit
Actually these weren't meant to represent the skill, but to artificially award the player. Yeah, that sounds retarded, but you got the most points for ghosting the enemy and the game only told about it after mission, while any interaction with guard reduced the score for said enemy, the more lethal way the worse score. Personally I just disabled that stuff

In a perfect world, Lambert retires after the events of Chaos Theory, Sam takes his role as the guiding voice of new recruits, Sam, his daughter and Lambert remain friends and go on fishing trips during the weekends
instead we got this trash

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CT was fun as fuck in Co-Op.
Are there still Versus servers btw?

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How old is your favorite game, Yas Forums?

>GTA vice city was released 18 years ago.

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been looking for this gif forever, thank you user

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>sitting in the car ride home reading about the cool gadgets you're going to use

You can do it by bringing back Spies vs Mercs and you dress your operator up with tacticool shit, easy. Just take it easy with the colors.

it was also the last decent one true to the franchise
chaos theory is nice and all but its way too easy, even on the hardest difficulty

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>all those cool gadgets that affect your score

SvM is fundamentally flawed because in the Zoomer age, people WILL cheat by turning brightness up. I actually liked a concept from Blacklist of spies supposedly becoming more transparent if they had a high stealth stat. Makes a lot of sense for you to actually dissapear in darkness to avoid cheaters.

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>tfw you realize you dont have a favorite game

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The game fucking sucks and I’ve tried to play it over and over. Sorry but having only 1 way to do things is tedious.

i remember that video, took this pic from it

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>given all the gadgets in the world to see in the dark
>still need to cheat with brightness

this is absolutely the worst timeline ever
the western industry is basicly steering gaming into one genre that can include as many moneymaking as possible and anything that makes less than a gorillion dollars is ''not worth the trouble''
god i fucking hate gen 7 for steering us in this path

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>clint hocking working in the new watchdogs

Literally the only thing that is giving me some hope that it won't be shit like the other watchdog games or ubisoft open world games in general

Oh cool, I was playing on getting it on dolphin and playing the coop with a friend in a few days. Hope every turns out alright and is as fun as I remember

It's not that. Look at Hitman. A game based around being as stealthy and non violent as possible got two great modern installments with good sales.

This is 100% Ubisoft being fucking LAZY.

i've been playing them all back in recent weeks. really, really, REALLY damn good games. even the first is an absolute masterpiece. pandora tomorrow is very good and chaos theory is another level. haven't got round to double agent yet but i can't fucken wait desu.

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it’s the overinflated budgets and need to sell millions of copies that’s the problem

Don't forget to buy Brothers in Arms

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Yeah they are worth it if you get the fixes and widescreen patches

>100% Ubisoft being fucking LAZY.

Nah, they're just getting better success with the other Tom Clancy branded games.

hitman is a good example. absolution sold millions but most fans hated it so the devs went back to what made hitman great. I'd say the newer games only needs a darker atmosphere

That’s one of the most kino box arts ever made

The new Ghost Recon was a failure. I think they’ll shelve that franchise for a while and bring back SC.

BTW the code won't work

>anniversary for commercial products
we need a deadlier virus, and fast

I have never finished Chaos Theory, and have only played the first game to the end. Does Chaos Theory still work well on modern hardware? I should give it another try sometime.

ironside's gonna be dead soon bros, all hope is lost

Yeah. Coop works as well if you use a program to emulate LAN (like ZeroTier).

Why aren't you niggers playing Deep State?

There's a free weekend for Breakpoint right now.

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They just need him to pass the torch in-universe. Blacklist should have done that, but they really wanted their fake Sam.

Possibly, but single-player games don't equal massive micro transaction bucks.

>Ghost Recon Breakpoint
Nice try ubisoft executive

>Play wildlands splinter cell event
>Be extremely excited
>Its the worst fucking dlc ever
>just shooting non stop
Is breakpoint any different. I played the beta and it felt like they somehow made wildlands worse

This. If they were smart they would've had Ironside replace the Grimsdottir role and have a create your own agent or another good set protagonist.

Ubisoft's biggest fuck up in the 2010s desu

The 2000s is two decades away


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wasnt it released on the 21st?

works decently but the keyboard controls suck imo so either use xpadder to map the controls to a gamepad (the way the game as intended to be played) or you can play it via xbox back compat in 4k.

Yeah I saw that trailer. But they kept the fucking gay ass hubs. Is sneaking actually sneaking yet

>official trailers

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>Anyone remember Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory?
Probably not as most of those playing games nowadays weren't born or were just born shortly after.

Sneaking is pretty basic but the new Echelon class is all about shooting out lights to hide in the dark and camouflage. The movement is fun enough to make up for it.

You can make the hubs private for what it's worth.

>Games as a service games

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>aesthetic-breaking cosmetics in "tactical" games

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There's literally nothing wrong with GaaS as long as it isn't being egregiously monetized and Breakpoint ain't.

I would've loved if Morrowind were continuously updated between major expansion packs like Bloodmoon and Tribunal.

>literally bashed by all reviews

Its not about the privacy. Its that I have to go around to some shitty area, through a load screen, to run around slowly talking to people I dont give a shit about.

Show me an aesthetic breaking cosmetic in Breakpoint, I'll wait.


You hardly have to do that.

I never played Chaos theory but I played the first 2 games on Xbox and I like those games a lot more than the PS2 era of MGS. I'll get Chaos Theory after I get my stimulus package.

>There's literally nothing wrong with GaaS
GaaS encourages modifying games irreversibly AFTER release. It encourages avenues of "on-going" revenue i.e. microtransactions and season passes. It is constantly used as an excuse by execs for early releases of unfinished, buggy, unoptimized titles. It encourages games having an expiry date, which is plainly unacceptable.
There is PLENTY wrong with GaaS.

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