Are we still pretending that DOOM Eternal isn't a top 5 FPS of all time?

Are we still pretending that DOOM Eternal isn't a top 5 FPS of all time?

Attached: DOOM Eternal Arc Complex.webm (896x504, 2.86M)

No pretending needed. It's in teh top 30 maybe

Doom 3/2016/brutal doom is better

Top 20 possibly. Has Yas Forums ever made a list of their top FPSes? I believe we did one with RPGs

nah, normie trash

>Let me just dash needlessly forward and backward swapping weapons every shot so this molasses slow game looks fast.

This looks like a game for someone with ADHD, holy fuck

It's a fun game, but playing like this sucks. Wish you could have two weapons on one button, that'd make this a little easier for me, but it seems that technology has been lost to time.

>spastically changing weapons after every shot

I'd say it's designed for the ADD mind, but I even have ADD and it's too much for me.

>he hasn't played the game on nightmare yet where standing still for a second can instagib you

Why does everyone act like swapping weapons like that is an impossible task to do? You can literally use the weapon wheel to do the same thing so you don't have to memorize the keys if you want to go about it that way.

is this what zoomers consider good gameplay?

Together with Titanfall 2 it's tied for the best fps SP campaign of 2010-2020.

Its the most efficient way to put out damage you faggot. Maybe if you played anything above journalist difficulty you'd appreciate how important it is.

I think it was supposed to look like "old school" arena shooters. Instead the guy misses bunch of shots and randomly switches between weapons because it looks "cool".

nooooo why are you switching weapons this isn't doom I just want to use the super shotgun

>misses a rail on a literal wall of flesh
dogshit player, far cry will forever be the best run and gun pve game series

Pressing Q swaps to previous weapon, while holding Q opens up a weapon wheel

>t. zoomer

The weapon wheel sucks, just lemme double tap buttons.

>I just want to use the super shotgun

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Every weapon has backswing animation, and swapping between them negates that. For example, when fighting against Marauder your usual tactic stagger with SSG, swap to ballista, swap back to SSG - this way you can do 3 (2 ssg+1 arbalest) shots in that little window when he is vulnerable and finish the fight a lot more quickly

I dont like wheel either, I was using 1-5 the whole game

>bind to whatever key you want
>select ssg and balista
>hotswap between the two

>Doom 3/2016/brutal doom is better

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sheesh, that gameplay looks really robotic


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is this from a show or something? How can bud not even eat a slice

Doom Eternal is reddit and zoomer repellent.

rip and tear good sir

>playing on easy

Nobody believes that.
literally nobody.

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>swapping weapons when you still have shotgun ammo
that's not how you play doom

>invisible walls everywhere
>super gore nest
>use shoot gun meathook to jump for extra life pillar
>NOPE you can only get this once it's unlocked
yeah no

explain your reasoning

its easy to be "the best shooter ever made" when your competition is non existant outside of Indies who actually go for an authentic old school feeling and mechanics.

Brand name really carries this game hard. Dont get me wrong. the game is a good time. but Its hardly doom or a decent "shooter" , its more close to fucking overwatch than an actual shooter.

The single button presses are rewarded instead of aim and actual ammo management (No, running out of ammo with a piss poor ammo capacity then pressing C to regain half it, hardly counts as ammo management)

Z switches to previous weapon in the list. X switches to next weapon in the list. Super Shotgun > x > Ballista > z > Super Shotgun

>its more close to fucking overwatch

And yet all the normies are bitching the game is too hard...

honestly i was just playing golden souls 2 yesterday and made it through a bunch of the worlds before taking a break and i had much much more fun with it than i had with eternal.

i found eternal to be monotonous most of the time and it got more boring and frankly formulaic the more it went on.

give pic related a try. its much better in my opinion.

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Just beat 1993 doom and 2016 doom

Gotta beat doom 2 and 3 before i buy eternal, should i wait for a sale?
To be honest i didn't think I'd like 1993 but i prefer it over 2016, still 2016 was badass

You know what is the first thing that comes to my mind when I think about Doom? Grappling hooks and rainbow colored drops. Haha rip and tear. Am I right?

Its true.
People describe Overwatch as a "shooter" but in reality its about who presses a key the best. The shooting/Aiming is hardly rewarded and often detrimental to achieve your goal.

The same principle works with Doom Eternal. You need to press the button at the right time to kill and get rewarded. Aiming and shooting are there, but its nowhere near as rewarding as playing by its rules, meaning doing the glory kills and using its gimmicky weaponry or exploiting obvious A-B-C weakpoints.

Normies also bitched that Dark souls was the hardest game of all time yet that was never the case.

It's pretty bad. Granted, 2016 was as well.
Doom 3 was better.

I beat Doom, Doom 2, 2016, in the last month. I am about to beat Eternal. Eternal is fantastic.

What part of this is supposed to be interesting lol

>This looks like a game for someone with ADHD, holy fuck
the player is abusing weapon switching to skip reloading delay, I think.

Okay, and? Dark Souls is not popular among normies. It has a mystique, but they don't play it.

Thanks for the quick reply, when all thia covid shit ia done I'll pick it up

>A B U S I N G

People say Hugo Martin is based but having played Doom Eternal i see he absolutely missed the gameplay appeal of the original doom.

In fact i doubt he ever played a decent amount of doom to begin with. the game is fun but he missed the point so hard.

Its so fucking weird to me how normie core DaS is. You'd think it would've sold like 10 million copies per game but its not that much more then alot of the popular jap games with DaS3 sitting around 4-5 mil max? Its so weird how many of them dick ride it just for the clout i guess. More people find see From as the shit company they are outside of BB/DaS1 if they did.

>dark souls is not popular among normies
It was all over the media and Dark souls 3 specifically tailored to the normies lmfao.

>reddit spacing
Doom and Doom 2 still hold up. There's no reason to remake them.

What would even be the point in remaking Doom 1 or 2? You can still play them and theres new content coming.

>Dark Souls is not popular among normies.
Yes, it is. It's one of the most normie franchises.

>I like it so it's reddit repellent
translated, don't forget that zoomers love it, and that doesn't make it a bad game, it is amazing, but i have to recapitulate on that because you are probably as sensible as one

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thats just the average doom 3soy

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Holy based.

Switch Doom 3 and Eternal and you're right

he missed one shot, which looked like it went through the arm and didnt register and two rockets, which the arachnotron dodged
either way weapon switching lets you do more dps since your skipping the ending animations guns
>Switch Doom 3 and Eternal and you're right

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You didn't read the rest of my post. It has mystique, but they don't play the games. Do you know normies? I do. They all know about Dark Souls and talk about it like it's the hardest game ever - but will refuse to even attempt to play it. I practically had to put a gun to my friend's head to even get him to fight the Asylum Demon a single time.

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haha you wish faggot

it's funny because one lock on burst from the rocket launcher causes each one of those mobs to stagger anyway. the weapon switching is just for show.

Good goy.

taking what made the game great and trying to improve on it sounds like a sensible idea to me honestly.

just imagining the same classic smooth gameplay of the first one with a bit more mobility is appealing.

Am I missing something? looks like standard fps gameplay to me.

Literally no better FPS. This is easily the peak

>For show
t. faggot who always run out of ammo
Beside the lock on takes time and rocket recovery takes too long