Rimworld thread. Post some comfy bases

Rimworld thread. Post some comfy bases.

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>Surely you must have noticed that I tend to terraform water and mountain walls in dev mode so I can create the perfect natural defense system and also make my base look good.

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Tilled soil and embrasures fags need not post. Nobody wants to see your cheat bases you made using basically devmode.

Not that comfy but I was fucking tired of mountain bases.

Embrasures are literally obsolete after barricades were introduced. They give +5% cover effectiveness.

Attached: uncomfy.png (1920x1080, 2.23M)

Yo you can build bridges in this now? Actually nevermind I see your colonists are mice or some shit so it must be a mod.

bridges are vanilla

I haven't used dev mode at all. I always spend hours finding the perfect colony.

I was talking about myself

oh, then you are gay

>Tilled soil
>Retard base design
>Wealth inflation from infinite food
This is your brain on cheat mods

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>can build laser rifles and bionic bodyparts but making the soil more fertile is impossible
Fuck off retard, I bet if Tynan put it in-game as an official update but made it cost 10 wood per tile you'd cream your pants and use it everyday.

Cry more.
>muh wealth inflation
Makes raids more fun.

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>Wealth inflation from infinite food
based retard

Anything I ought to be concerned about after the introduction of the highly ludicrous DLC?

buy it, it's fun

dont join the empire, you can get all the psy mods by being a rebel and not have to deal with their shit.

>Crying about tilled soil when he uses AROM
Get your priorities straight, vanillafag.

>building around natural roads
Utterly based build but that battery farm is triggering.

>Global Warming
immersion = broken

I sure am glad that underground bases are very defensible from outside threats.

I think I'll dig even deeper as nothing can get me in here.

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Nigger is sitting on three years of food stockpile, still producing more food and has nearly a thousand herbal medicine. That's a ridiculous amount of raid points for going full retard because infinite crop cheat soil. It's funny to see people bitch about raid difficulty and needing killboxes while they're doing retarded shit like this.

Attached: if u read this ur gay.png (1916x1079, 3.39M)

Why? It's just solar lamp farms laid out in a grid to appease my autism.
The whole "can only farm half the time" got old so I made custom year round farms.

That shit is annoying during the summer. 60°C during the day.

Attached: farms.png (1920x1080, 3.08M)

>one incendiary shell lands
>entire base gone
>doesn't even have to be incendiary since entire base is built on bridges
Nigga you're fucked

>he thinks i build my bases around raids
>he thinks i wouldnt just pre-emptively aggro the siegers to attack me with sniper rifles
>he thinks mortars are strong

Is it worth replacing legs with mechanical ones if they ever drop below 85% efficiency? Assuming you are flush with steel and components of course.

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>Furry mod
>Using floor in a kitchen
You're playing in an easy mode biome. Stop being retarded and just unroof your fucking cheat soil crop boxes outside of winter instead of wasting electricity on solar lamps.

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I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not since I'm an autist, but be careful of infestations. They can spawn in your caves but I don't remember how you controlled this. I think you usually leave a big, unused, dark area off to the side so you can deal with it easier if it happens.

Mortars are strong and one landing on your bridges would destroy anything on it.
Biggest meme weapon ever. Low rate of fire, shit accuracy even on someone with 15+ shooting, decent damage and range but it doesn't matter since you'll miss two times and then a meleefag will close his distance and knock you out. AI make snipers seem like god-tier but that's most likely because they're fucking cheating. Yes, I said it, the AI is fucking cheating, no way they headshot or insta-kill that often.

>unroof your fucking cheat soil crop boxes outside of winter instead of wasting electricity on solar lamps
Wanna see more of my cheats? Look, those research counters increase research speed by 1% each and it stacks up to 20 times.
And that trash can automatically cleans the environment around a radius.

Attached: research.png (1920x1080, 2.77M)

My games always ends up with pawns being sad/uncontrollable due to bullshit so i never really played the game

>how fucking DARE you cheat in a singleplayer game

this but unironically

You must just be bad at the game if you don't know how snipers, or any long range weapon basically breaks AI that are in a raid waiting phase. And even when you kill enough for them to force assault you can just outwalk them as they do stupid shit.
>Cheat in game
>Still lose game because your cheats fucked up the game balance from own stupidity
>Bitch on Yas Forums that raids are unbalanced because you don't know how to manage colony wealth from mods giving you near infinite items

Based modbro. Screeching vanillafags wouldn't understand.

t. 800+ hours

i've had a total of 3 sieges and got through all of them with very minimal damage just by kiting the mortar operator and killing anyone trying to chase me with my close-combat gunners
my haulbot also has a fire extinguisher so fire is not a problem either
dont reply to the min-max autist
he just wants attention

It sounds like you're terrible at the game then. That's the punishment for not taking care of your pawns, in a game that is entirely about managing a colony of people.

This is like saying you won't play Doom because the demons keep trying to kill you.

I tried to set fire on those bugs but when it did not work I just sealed off that shit

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Reminder that Tynan fucked up turret balance and that you shouldn't use them.

How so?

They're effectively worthless now. Their damage is garbage, their accuracy is garbage and their stopping power is shit.
They are not able to fight off tribal raids anymore.

Nigger the game is built around losing and loss, it outright says that it's a storytelling simulator.

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Winning is my story.

Spooky looking caves and tunnels
I love it

and what a boring story it will be if you just cheat to win every time.

>Management game
>1/4 of one day's work with one pawn saves 11000 energy a day for 45 days
>Retarded minmaxing

Attached: vdfmb.jpg (815x611, 80.54K)

>Barricades on the inside of the base, leading into the unexplored tunnels
Cool shit, dude, love it

No one gives a shit about what Tynan has to say about the game. He has proven time and again that he's a fucking retard.

Wow, and I thought Dorf Fortress players were autistic spazzes. You guys enjoy complaining about the most mundane, tiny shit like someone stabbed your mother in her groin with a knife and licked the blood from her slit.

>hive spawns in a cave complex right next to my base
>don't eradicate it immediately
>it keeps growing
>bugs are starting to get closer and closer to my base
>have a plan to lead them out of the cave into a field full of turrets and bear traps
>plan fails
>a hundred bugs overwhelm my entire base
>everything is destroyed and everyone is dead
>the only survivor is a colonist with brain damage that can't walk

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its just one guy who escaped from his containment general on /vg/


Attached: sooyjak.png (106x128, 15.64K)

Best way to deal with bugs is to just cook them alive.
If a single part of their cavern is unroofed though, tough shit.

That's straight out Alien tier scenario
Rename Demler to Ripley and you got the whole package. She even looks like young Sigourney Weaver

Freed myself from this shit and never looked back
The DLC being garbage definitely helped to move on

>not eradicating bugs as soon as you see them
You only have yourself to blame

You can handle the largest infestation in the game easily with six pawns if you use melee blocking. Even less if you use grenades if you don't care about selling the insect meat. Nobody to blame but yourself

>Official CE release this weekend

I don't mind the loss, leading a team into the cave as one last desperate attempt to eradicate the hive was absolutely kino

What are some essential mods?

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>still no mod that makes the poker table a 3x3 instead of 2x2
my symmetry autism can't stand it

How do I stop making mountain bases? I never seem be able to make an outside base feel secure enough

>This triggers the soilfag

Attached: Soiled.webm (346x386, 1.13M)

You posted this exactly same image a week or so ago. Have you really made no progress at all? Or is the swastika the one and only important thing here?

Come on. It may not seem like it, but even this place has a memory.

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Tilled soil

VGP - vegetable garden
Prepare carefully
Children, school and learning
Pawns are capable
Snap out!
Share the load
Quality builder
Run and Gun
Dubs bad hygiene
Realistic rooms
Omnicore drill

By creating killboxes.

Is there a mod that makes your guys fight by themselves? I dont want direct control.


How dare you! Next you'll be using doormat. Fucking doormats!

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I dont want to have direct control over my guys