Post yfw you saw the white gold tower in oblivion for the first time

post yfw you saw the white gold tower in oblivion for the first time

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someone post the edit

Shadows don't work that way.

Then how do we have a picture of it working that way brainiac?

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It's obviously a disembodied ghost penis.

I actually can't get over how hot this is, this is 100x hotter than a pic of her getting fucked or cummed on

Brains are weird huh

That's the joke, it's unironically the white-gold tower.

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ayo hol up
Oblivion looks like THIS?
wtf I love Oblivion now

The dude is clearly doing a bridge pose

seeing girls turned on is the most natural fetish there is.

birds are very dumb

me on the right

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take it back

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cute bois having fun

me in the middle

mad lads

Fun fact: the shadow cast by the sun onto a sundial is in fact known as the gnomon.

So she's got gnomon her face.

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>multi-mile long round trips for food every single day
how do penguins do it

She's been gnomed

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gnot a gnelf

me in the back middle

What dumb looking fucking creatures

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Cringe. Penguins are peak cute.


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Big Dick Problem #85...

This is absolutely ridiculous.

He's got no balls.

What an absolutely awful post.

Noo that poor boy

why are coomers so retarded?

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why does she have those drills, is she jewish?

H-he's fast.

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why do we still have knife-ears in the year 433 4E?

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Because I love elves and not gay robots.

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They're ok so long as they don't have huge doggy pupils.

someone's got a 3.5" tower

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This is the most depressing story I have ever read.
Why couldn’t pun pun not fuck up just once in his life?
why did it have to end like that

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>everyone watches from afar
>the duck get a front row seat

god I wish that was me

Do you think the penguins watching got horny?

he was a real human bean

the seal was probably exhausted at the end of the day as every penguin slut lined up for her turn

Did it die?

birds are not cocksleeves

Attached: penguins going at it.webm (684x378, 2.77M)

I want to see him pull out and leave the penguin as a broken slut, ostracized by the rest of its group.

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fucking great user

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