One of these games is a near masterpiece
One of these games is slightly above average
One of these games is a dumpster fire
>Can you tell which is which?

Attached: Top 3 JRGPS of the past 5 years.jpg (2122x960, 1004.74K)

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That's a trick question. They all suck

they are all pretty good. There's also Ys8 too.

They're already in order, left to right.

>turn-based combat
zoom zoom

Xenoblade - masterpiece
P5 dumpster fire
DQ - above average

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persona 5
>dumpster fire
I never played these games

Is Xenoblade the masterpiece because the other games got enhanced versions to fix their problems?



go back

Fixing Xenoblade 2's problems would require them to make an entirely new plot

SMT V will blow these games out of the water like noah's ark

But he's right

>Dragon Quest
Above average
Absolute dumster fire. Doesn't belong on a home console.

Why can't I like all 3 of them? I mean sure I think some are better than others, but I thought they where all great games. Why does it have to be one or the other?

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dq is a boring fantasy shlock with bad combat, p5 is a boring r9k fantasy with bad combat, and xc2 is a boring coomer fantasy with bad combat.

>tfw the combat was the only thing XBC2 had going for it


The only thing Xenoblade has going for it

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All 3 are bad and have a big cock ama

Two of them are on Nintendo consoles so they are allowed to be good. One is on a PlayStation console exclusively. So that makes it automatically bad. Welcome to Yas Forums!

None of them are as good as 3 Houses

Attached: SmugByleth.jpg (254x286, 18K)

None of these games are a dumpster fire.
P5 is a near masterpiece. DQXI is slightly above average.


The only thing I can tell is that you're a faggot.
Great RPG, simplicity is both its greatest strength and weakness, DQ lovers are sure to fall in love with this game. Difficulty is spotty, because its either too easy on Normal, or you have to be ready to grind on Draconian; it is either a cakewalk or just a way to measure how patient you can be, probably because older DQs were about the grind. Great game.
Persona 5 is the most stylish JRPG I have ever played, the first Persona game I have played after years of playing SMT, and it is a fucking blast, I think a combination of the Brave System or something like it with how over the top this game is would make for the most fun turn-based JRPG.
Xenoblade 2 is one of the must-get games for Switch. It might look just like coomer bait, but the story is perfectly paced and well-thought, the main party is kinda iffy but Morag Zeke and Poppi are amazing characters, and the battle system is engaging once you can keep track of everything. Torna is an amazing addition that does combat a bit better, at the cost of padded story progression. Amazing game.

This. If you play JRPGs you're a faggot weeb with no life. Especially if they have a built in dating sim like Persona kek

The more I think about both Three Houses and Persona 5 the less I like them, whereas I am increasingly fond of Xenoblade 2 warts and all. Couldn't care less about Dragon Quest.

based as fuck

Says a man who probably plays shitty western games like Destiny, Assassins Creed, and FIFA

I only played the Fates trilogy prior to Three Houses, but I can't deny that I fucking loved that game. I have played for far too much time, and know too much about the back story that the player pretty much has to piece together. The scale of that game is gigantic.
If I were to rate them, I think the lowest one would be DQ seeing as it was my first DQ and because of how it handles difficulty. Xenoblade is tricky, because it has my favorite story of the 4, but the least likeable cast, and I enjoy the gameplay at least as much as TH's, but not more than P5's. They are all great games, but
P5 > XB2 = TH > DQ

I loved all three of them

The game that has scenes like this is the obvious dumpster fire.

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Don't you have no go on a date with your virtual waifu right now, incel-kun?

at least I have good taste

Attached: Yes.jpg (647x659, 40.42K)

Retarded bait. Everyone knows those games are all at least 9/10

Xenoblade 2 gave me the same feelings as FFX. The VA’s are atrocious but got used to them after a while and I slowly came around to liking the plot. I imagine in about 8 or so years I’ll be pretty nostalgic for it. Plus Torna was pretty good too.

>japanese """""""humor"""""""

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I see the most split opinions about XC2, so i'd say that is the most likely candidate for "dumpster fire."
Granted, even with those split opinions, most of them are still positive.

I'd guess DQ11 for the "above average" and P5 for the near masterpiece.

Never played any of the 3 though.

they're all shit

Persona 5 is a dumpster fire.
Genuinely dont know how they created a story worse than 4 but people wouldn't know because of the art style is distracting them.

For someone who never played them, you're surprisingly accurate.

Your taste is inherently bad.

like is this fanmade?
I've seen this so many times and this looks like some fucking retard is playing around in mmd

kek i knew it would be this scene

are you retarded? its the other way around dumbass

If you've ever had any experience with a Xeno game you'd notice they're all split opinions. That's because they're the actual kino RPG series and thus filter plebs by their very nature.

Persona 5
>above average
>dumpster fire

No it's motion capture. They thought it'd be funny.

I spend a lot of time on gaming forums and YT

Get fucked nigger.

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based post
I think XB2's pacing is actually a bit wonky though for its storytelling, but otherwise I think your post is dead on

that is tricky since

>One of these games is a near masterpiece

>One of these games is slightly above average
trick question. P5 and XB2 both fall under this

it's not like action gameplay is any better

Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

Do any of the other two games even reach that level of cringe?

Hello blunderfag, nice spam


All of these are like good but nothing more. They are a definition of 7/10

Objective ranking:
DQXI > XB2 > P5
Personal ranking:
XB2 > DQXI > P5
XB2 is objectively less polished and less tight than DQXI or P5, but it also has superior writing to P5 and DQXI.
DQXI is arguably the most balanced game there, with both well thought out gameplay that makes individual encounters strategic as well as character building important, with a story and cast that are endearing and interesting.
P5's biggest issue is front-loaded in quality it is, but its player feedback, visuals, sound design and revamped dungeons make it definitely worthwhile. I also love the Slice of Life stuff you can do in Tokyo. Cast was largely pretty weak for me the further into the game we went. Ryuji and Ann are arguably the best developed characters in the game, follow by Yusuke, Makoto, Futaba, Akechi and Haru

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All those JRPGs are mediocre. They're not terrible but not a single one approaches "masterpiece" by any stretch of the imagination.

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>Genuinely dont know how they created a story worse than 4
You and me both user. They also somehow outdid Kojima's recent game x3 with the amount of cutscenes. I think that's commendable.

>One of these games is a near masterpiece
Dragon Quest 11.
>One of these games is slightly above average
Xenoblade 2.
>One of these games is a dumpster fire
Persona 5.


>it's all one single person's doing.

Damn the boogeyman has you guys beat.

Persona > Xenocringe > Bore fest

Persona was the best, but none are good representatives of JRPGs.

DQ11 is a solid nostalgia driven RPG
P5 is great is if you don't mind social sim elements and a cliche story
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is possibly the worst JRPG I've ever played

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Pretty much what I think.
Starts of extremely strong. But then just falls off, it's still extremely enjoyable due to the polish of the mechanics. However, the story while trying to be "deep and mature" is just average all around. It's extremely basic if you think about it. The last act also shits itself.
It's DQ it's pretty good all around, but it really doesn't have any massive strengths. It plays like a great classic jrpg, but that's it. There's nothing unique. Also the last act shits itself.
This one's pretty good. The character interactions are top notch, and te stroy is miles above the other 2. However, the gameplay is pretty ok at best, and graphically the game looks the worst. The pacing is also ruined by having to play the beginning of each route each time.
It starts like complete shit with chapters 1-4 being bad to above average, with 3 being the exception. The main characters are pretty tropey, but they do have some depth. That said, the villains re honestly pretty good if you pay attention to them (or read the analysis). It's definitely the least polished out of the 3 in terms of story/gameplay, but there is a lot to like about it. After Chapter 4, the game pretty much only goes up. The final act is pretty great too, and is where the game shines.

I think they're all great games but if I was to rank them it would be FE3H>XC 2>Persona 5>Dragon Quest.

And the XC2 DLC content shits on both FE3H and P5/P5R DLC content, both in terms of value and quality.