Quake Hampions

Quake Hampions

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Quack Champions

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BATman: Arkham Knight

>new maps are actually announced
>but will only happen in at least 3 months
fucks sake, QC is easily my fav not completely dead arena shooter, do something with it



Quack hampions.

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play more promode

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diggin this thread bros



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Wait, they announced new maps?

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not based at all

Stop Playing QC.
Play QW and CPMA.

I haven't heard about new maps but they are adding Clan Arena next patch.

I havent played since Hell Knight released, is the game still trash?

i speak autism so fluently i can see hes bitching about 2017 anarki movement

Why couldn't he get into qc?

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daddy said in discord hes focusing on maps
i play all, deal with it

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this writing reeks of ESR

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Silence, brand.

>tfw you like QC

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based futaposters

baguette bitch boy couldn't into different movement types and got raped by anarki players

Feels good, meat.

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Not vidya.

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so whens the next quake scheduled to release?

I played this game a few years back and it was okay I guess but they wanted 10 fucking dollars just to change your handle so I quit playing.

lol who saves all this petty garbo
you post this same shit in every thread. is it drunk russians? diabotical shills?

These battle royale games are glorified roulette.

it's just obsessed oldfags, please don't feed

>Quake is not vidya

run along little zoomer. the grownups are talking

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>play quake 1
>it's just a mud and dirt tech demo
>play quake 2
>it's just a generic space mahreen shooter
>everything afterwards is just arena shit that literally no one plays
>there are people that legitimately praise all of this

I love QC but Thickerror is a fucking idiot and deserves ridicule.

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>Enemy Territory Strogg model

>Quake Wars is in limbo between Beth and Activision

Bad at the game and can only play on aerowalk vs nobodies

>3d models ripped
>still no porn

Hello fellow ancientfag

Play quake champions today!

I would if I didnt have to wait 20 minutes in queue for a match

Is this game any good? I steered away from it because I heard bad things. Sell or deter me on this. I play arena shooters on a regular basis and love adding more to the rotation.


QC is like a mix of all Quake MP in one game. Some characters play like they're in Q3, some from Q2 (ledge jumping, grappling hook), some from Q4 (crouch sliding), and so on. If you like Quake MP then QC is just another solid entry in the series. Being a free game it does come with the shit that follows, like purchasable cosmetics and such. A lot of it is easily earnable with currency you acquire for just playing and some of the cosmetics are really cool shit like weapon models based on older Quake games, ie the Thunderbolt for the Lightning Gun.

QC's real issue is the performance seems to fluctuate from person to person. I know I personally don't have any issue with how it runs but people do mention it so I can't say it doesn't happen.

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