NieR 10th Anniversary

Stream scheduled to start tomorrow at 3:30 PM JST, most of it is the orchestra and the new YorHa stage play. Around midnight JST there seems we might get some reveals and just retrospective about NieR.

Hopefully somebody restreams the orchestra and the stage play, as those parts aren't free.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Yosuke Saito: “Various things and unannounced title(s) are simultaneously in the works for NieR‘s 10th anniversary, which will be announced at the proper timing. Please look forward to them!”
>Yoko Taro: “2020 is the 10th anniversary of the NieR series, which I directed, and will be full of various events… In other words, there are many deadlines. In many ways, I may have already reached my limit for next year. Or rather, I have reached my limit.”

I hope it's a Nier remaster or remake

another orchestral arrangement released in case anyone missed it

Why the fuck is like half of the shit in stage plays and novels?
Does Yoko Taro hate gaijins, especially EOPs?

Reminder that the FFXIV raid music that blends weight of the world and final fantasy prelude is the most aesthetic jrpg music has been in 20 years.

Wouldn't you?

A new game would be nice though i worry about SE wanting to exploit it as the new Kingom Hearts filler between FF and DQ games but i wouldn't complain about a Nier remaster/remake. I own the original and got a nice mint copy from the rerelease a year or two ago for PS3 but it shouldn't be left to die on PS3 like MGS4 when it was multiplat in japan, the Cell excuse doesnt apply here.

brother nier in english without modding when

gestalt/replicant collection on ps4 please do any of you think they'll also eventually rerelease DOD1/2/3?

I think 1 might get a remake, but I doubt we'll ever see much of 2 again as it wasn't a YT directed game. 3 might get a remaster, but I think 1 takes priority.

I hope it's not a remaster, I don't want even more faggots playing my game

A Remaster shouldn't take that much effort, no? I suppose Taro has been busy with the YorHA stage play and mobile games? I hope it's a sequel to Automata, or hell, a Drakengard sequel or a Remaster/Remake of DoD3, lord knows that game needs it much more than NieR does.

>Ever wanting a generic anime twink over Best Dad Ever.


Just fucking fix the camera in Darkengard and its a solid grimdark musou.


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april 1st

I literally just finished nier automata endings ABCDEG with all side quests and holy shit Yoko taro where have you been all my life started OG Nier immediately

Btw you can emulate OG Nier PS3 version as 60 fps runs perfectly on RPCS3

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Friend let me help you understand the autism that sets up Nier because its a spin off of a spin off and oh lawdy is it some wonderful shit:

I downloaded drakengard 3 as well
From little research 2 isn't relevant
Should I play the first?

just re-release nier with the option to play either version of the game you fucks

of course. playing 1 will help you understand his mindset, don't watch some faggot youtuber explain it.

brother nier makes more sense in regards to game mechanics, the game being a subversion of jrpgs, and his relationship with kaine
dad nier makes more sense with yohna, emil and weiss

there are perks to both

here's the recap of the drakengard games
>drakengard 1: the only videogame that's actually art. deliberately antagonistic on every level, one of the worst games I've ever played. I recommend everyone play it
>drakengard 2: plays it seriously but has gameplay only slightly better if not kind of worse than the previous game, meaning it's way worse. don't bother
>drakengard 3: tries to let you know it's in on the joke that drakengard fucking sucks, but all that does is have the game go "haha doesnt this thing i'm forcing you to do suck lol" sometimes, when it then has problems that just aren't addressed because they're actual flaws, like it's fucking awful framerate. don't bother playing this either

Oh boy. Okay.
Drakengard/Drag on Dragoon is what looks like a Berserk style grimdark fantasy but as it goes on introduces evil angel things interfering with reality.

In one of its endings this leads to the events of Nier which is set in our world where in 2004 a virus called 'White Chlorination Syndrome' wiped out most life on the planet.

However in another ending the events of Drakengard 3 occur where we meet an Android named Accord who is not a Yorha android but built in many copies like them to watch the timelines as something is interfering with them, probably the watchers/angels

Its convoluted but not 'but...perhaps' convoluted asspulls like dark souls headcanon.

Then Nier has a few stage plays and a novel in the drakengard 10th anniversary rerelease that explains events between Nier and Automata.

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You can emulate drakengard 3 at 60fps
Is it worth it though?

Yoko Taro is the kind of person who'd announce Drakengard 4 on a Nier stream.

What was shadowlord doing with replicant yonah for 5 years

I hope they do a bluray of the new symphonic arrangements. The last bluray only had a string quartet and some guitarists with the rest of the instruments being pre-recorded :(

Wasn’t there a joke about how he would skip right to Drakengard 5 or something

Thats why i love him.

Worth it for the final boss music alone

Prepare to hear that song a lot if you try and beat the final boss legit

wait, so there is no announcement tomorrow?

It came out on the xbox here as well. Retard.

Nier Gestalt did, not the Jp exclusive Nier Replicant with young nier. Mongoloid.

Announce Nier 2 already, you moonfaced faggot

You have to play FFXIV if you wanna learn more about the upcoming Nier game

you mean Nier 3

The game with the big ass

>Do raid
>"Huh, whats with all this strange white powder?"
>Opening week can instantly tell whos a OG Nierfag.

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You mear Nier 1.5 Popola and Devola electric bogaloo?

I hope for nier automata pc patch.

He did an April Fool's thing on Drakengard 4 some years ago so technically it already happened

got source no this?

I want Drakengard 4 more than anything else. Would give me a reason to replay everything from Drakengard 1 to Automata as well

>new Emi Evans vocals
she has such a beautiful voice. Hope she never stops recording Nier music. She's as important as Keiichi Okabe

>Drakengard 4's plot requires completing everything in Sin'O'Alice and playing the FFXIV raids.

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>You also need save from replicant and gestalt with E ending.
>and at least one ost disk

b-but i bought the OST on itunes because shockingly apple was the less yiddish option!

Are Sin'O'Alice and FFXIV raids essentials to understand the whole lore?

sino currently has no connection to taro's other shit and it's not even solely written by him but would not be shocked if it was included in the future because of the nature of that series' world as a purgatory for people that were once living in Tokyo

FFXIV is tied to Soulcalibur 6 since brown 2B first appeared in SC6

>started OG Nier immediately
You're telling me Automata was your first Drakengard/NieR game? What the fuck were you thinking?
Also don't fucking play NieR 1 before playing Drakengard 1 and getting Ending E.

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Remaster of the original with the option to chose Papa or Brother Nier please.

Also 2B in Smash.

It's really not important to play DOD1 before doing the original Nier since most of their connection exists only in the DLC text blurbs and Griomoire Nier, but it is kind of pretty fucking essential to really understand anything about what happened in the second half of Automata

I just fucking finished nier Replicant on RPCS3 and tolerated the shitty graphics

This is so fucking unfair

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As someone who 100%ed the first 2 and platted 3, I couldn't agree more with this.

>Skipping games form the series
>Not appreciating the art that is Yoko's creations with its pros and cons
Headbutt a knife.

I didn't play DOD 1 and I felt I understood the second half of automata pretty well. At least on the surface, some stuff about the arc was a little confusing to me, but I haven't replayed the game since I beat it in 2017. I've held off on playing the og NieR as well, hoping for a rerelease of some kind. I did play DOD 3 tho, but that's pretty disconnected aside from the flower.

I still need to plat Nier and Nier Automata, I’m feeling a replay of both and platting them

Platting Nier Automata is easy because you can literally buy the achievements ingame

Besides, Platinum is already working on another game for SE. Now with the April 1st confirmation from Platinum the stream would need to feature a teaser for the true reveal, and that seems kind of unlikely.

3 set up the whole cult of the watchers, pacts and potentially zero being the queen beast

3 also explained what the deal with the watcher symbol is, which in turn is pretty significant in terms of why Adam and Eve are the machine's stand-ins for Brother and Sister One after taking all of that data (and the red eye disease itself) onto their network

Zero is absolutely not the Queen Beast. She's fucking dead.

You don't know that!

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>plat Nier years ago
>urge to play it again comes every now and then
>remember how mediocre the combat is
>remember how much I have to spam roll to get everywhere
>remember how gay farming mats was
PG working on N:A was a godsend after getting buyer's remorse from pre-ordering DOD 3 (fuck you "limited print" cunts for making me pay full price for this shit).

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>literally sealed away at the end of the fight
>with Accord saying she might meet Zero again
>Grotesquerie cosmetic DLC called "my dear child" or something to that extent
Far more likely that she is desu

Thanks for your money.

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Do the stage plays and drama CDs and all that shit even make money? Seems like an awfully strange investment with a very niche audience.


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To be more specific on that, it's the listing on the PSN store. Most of these are just "Mikhail and [X thing]", but this one was very specifically "Mikhail and my beautiful child".

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Do not be a remaster or remake
Do not be a remaster or remake
Please do not waste time on a remaster or remake

New game, new game newgamenewgamenewgame

Why the fuck does this creepy shit exist.
Fucking Yoko Taro man.