Castlevania Season 4

It's confirmed, what we want from it lads?

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Discussion about video games would be stellar.

More Lenore femdom.

>Discussion about video games would be stellar.

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Alucard butt fucking

It's still one the better adaptations out there.

More gay shit just to piss off you assholes.

to not take 9 episodes for something interesting to happen

I want vampires using their magic powers to turn these anime twinks into big titty futas for based futa on female sex

Not video games

Richter becomes gay his bride becomes lesbian
Marie is more powerful than richter also a lesbian btw
Dracula is reborn thanks to the pedo dark priest shaft and their gay church
Alucard goes full gay in the castle having buttsex with every monster instead of stoping shaft Dracula kills himself for having a queer son
the future is rainbows!!!

Fucking this Jesus. They are stretching the barest of plots out forever. I was hoping we would be done with Curse of Darkness by now but it looks like we're stuck with "le humans are the real badguys" for another season and Alucard as a tragic villain

To turn 10 episodes of sluggish pacing into just 4 episodes of progress and intrigue.

I would say "a show so terrible they can't help but cancel it" but we already got that and they didn't cancel it so I'll just say video games


You know why they call him "Shaft?"

i for one enjoyed the lesbian vampires, goat fucking jokes, alucard taking it up the ass, and most off all this guy

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because he would risk his neck for his brother, man?

i found the first half of the series to be too fucking talky
by the end of it though i saw it was all necessary - very similar to a tarantino movie
still: less talk more action

I want them to abandon this garbage plot that was extended way past its prime and move on to the Richter era. Then we can have SotN right after.

I want Alucard to be spitroasted by two BBCs


The absolute disregard for the established canon pissed me off a lot more 2bh.

big Yas Forums energy post

that guy was pretty sick, but what was even sicker was when they brought out fucking LEGION

Every character either gets fucked of cucked by big black men with 9 foot cocks.

gay buttsex lol

Hector should get stepped on barefoot by Lenore

I want to see Hector redeemed. Why the fuck did they make him such a bitch? God damn it. Legit made me angry.

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More anal

Warren Ellis didn't like how heroic Hector's VA sounds, so he did it to knock Hector down and toy with the character. He's also stated in an interview that he can do whatever he wants with the series and no one can do anything about it because they can't fire him.

>Alucard's slow descent to evil
>Hector finding a loophole to fuck over Lenore
>Isaac V Carmilla
>Return of the Infinite Corridor somehow, not sure how they plan to fit it into the story but I really hope it returns because I really liked it

Is Season 3 any good? The first season was good shit but the second season suffered from abysmal pacing.

>Lol just cram the good guys in a library for half the season while the politics in Dracula's castle come off as a shitty GoT wannabe

Season 3 is the best of the seasons, and I say this as someone who found the first 2 seasons underwhelming.

less assfucking on alucard this time around would be nice

Find a way to get him in

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Not to ask Yas Forums for advice

>gaysex between the main characters
>look up the producers
>hit dat early life
Yas Forums is always right

Alucard going to sleep instead of receiving anal poundings
Hector doing something for once after his femdom gf dies thanks to isaac

>Fire Warren Ellis
>Get a competent writer instead
>Remove Hector's retarded SIMP shit or have Lenore become more sympathetic until she's killed by Isaac so it can set up Curse of Darkness.
>Make Hector slowly become more like his cocky and arrogant like his game persona, whilst Isaac becomes more unhinged like his game persona.
>Actually adapt Curse of Darkness
>Restrict the filler to Trevor and Sypha only, and make them actually hunt monsters and vampires, otherwise gtfo.
>If you're gonna show tits and nipples and force them in my face then at least show Sypha's tits
>Fix Saint Germain's weird redesign that makes him look like the SoTN Librarian (when screenshots came out I legitimately thought he was the Librarian).
>Or skip to Simon Belmont already where we won't have all the dumb multiple side characters shit and it'll just be Simon, Death and Dracula.
If none of this shit happens I'll pass.


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I wouldn't want Richter yet, I wanna see Simon Belmont first.

Trevor and Isaacs parts were the only good part of the the season. Alucards part sucks and Hector with the vamp sisters dragged on way too long.

>Fix Saint Germain's weird redesign that makes him look like the SoTN Librarian (when screenshots came out I legitimately thought he was the Librarian).

Don't you get it? That is their master plan.

They want the SoTN adaptation's librarian to be this version of Saint Germain, immortal due to alchemical bullshit.

See my biggest gripe with the series is how it drags and drags despite the short runtime. Almost like Netflix only hires hacks

If they pull that, I'd unironically keep watching this train-wreck just because that would actually be kinda fucking cool.
I am still hoping they pull off the other stuff I mentioned, because Season 3 felt fucking terrible to watch.

>Sypha, Trevor, and Alucard are the most boring characters of the series
>story-wise are at the same exact spot as the end of season 2
>takes way too long to set up a story line for other characters
>makes the Judge into a childkiller because MUH SLEEPY TOWN SUBVERSION, despite monks opening up a portal to hell serving that same purpose
>Saint Germain was a great character, was almost weird to see so many middle-aged white people on screen in 2020

I like it, I'll keep watching, but I'm afraid they'll jump the shark at some point if they don't clean up their act.

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Only played sotn and rondo of blood.

What have they changed? I know they removed syphas' link up the church and upped the 'church is evil!' thing

I just want to see Isaac beat the shit out of those stupid vampire lesbians with his big black cock

Saint Germain looks like his games version, he's just wearing clothes on top of it.

You can unironically skip all off Alucards part except for the end and you'll know all you need to about his part.

About what?

A cancellation. What a god awful adaptation. Worse yet, it's not even a good show on its own merit regardless of butchered source material and pulls the most generic and predictable plot twists, such as, get this fellas, the church isn't so nice.
The best thing that'll come out of it will be the crushed hopes and dreams of people who actually enjoyed the show once it inevitably goes full Netflix like all of their shows do a few seasons in.

We want:
>More gay buttfucking
>More cringey modern anachronistic dialogue
>More shitting on religion and Christianity in particular
>More needless vampire politics
>More butch..."reimagining" of characters

I trust Warren Ellis. He is a huge Castlevaniafag and absolutely knows his stuff, without stuffing his stories with politics and siding with his narratives and agendas. He is not that guy.

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Season 3 killed any interest I had in this show.
Season 1-2 were promising as fuck, Season 2 pulled some dumb shit but I still looked it and said "This looks and feels like Castlevania"
Season 3 felt nothing like Castlevania
It felt like a weird fever dream or like back in the day as a bored teenager I used to read shitty fan-fictions of popular series. It felt like that, didn't feel real.
And I am not just talking about Alucard getting anally pounded, the whole show's writing and tone went from actual castle exploration to a fucking D&D campaign in one fucking Season. And it's not even the good kind of D&D campaign, it's the boring one where the DM forces your characters to do stupid shit whilst his OC does all of the fun stuff and you have to watch him do the fun stuff.
That's how this whole season felt, and it felt nothing like Castlevania.
I literally went back to Castlevania 3 and reading the manual, and completely forgot about the Netflix canon (outside of Trevor's redesign because it does look cool) because it just feels way too much like a separate unrelated thing at this point.
The worst part is how much of an arrogant fuckjob Ellis is. Deflects any criticism like he can do no wrong, simply because he wrote Dead Space and Transmetropolitan. He just mocks any fan criticism like a fucking cuntbag, I swear this show is one tweet away from a fucking controversy because he's the kind of guy to piss off the twitter crowd by accident one day.
Worst part is, his first draft of this fuckshow (back when it was still a bootleg direct-to-dvd script) was actually alright and didn't have all this shit, I don't know how the fuck it ended up going this route.

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>I don't know how the fuck it ended up going this route
Because pic-related why.
He listened to THAT crowd as per usual

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unironically more music from the games. The fact that we haven't heard Beginning yet is bullshit

Why am I not surprised. Jesus christ.

Your opinion baffles me. Season 3 had the least happen with the most episodes. Please explain why it's your favourite.

Season 3 feels like a shitty D&D campaign like described. Don't bother.

What is with Netflix anime and gay male sex? Devilman Crybaby had the same thing

Shin Devilman was really fucking gay, stop pretending it wasn't.

Well actually, Satan in Devilman is a hermaphrodite, so who fucking knows