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How would you have fixed it?

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literally just have it be a direct copy of smash bros
They were so fucking scared of people calling it a smash clone that they fucked up the gameplay as hard as possible to try to avoid it, only for people to call it a smash clone anyways.
It was gonna be a smash clone either way, so they should have at least made it a decent game.

game was fun with friends

Not really

you can't. In the end the appeal of smash mainly stems from the characters. Even if the game was a hundred times better than smash no one would play it because who cares about Fat Princess or Nathan Drake.

I always thought this would be better as some sort of 3rd person 3D arena brawler. I think part of what makes Smash work for Nintendo is that it takes cues from 2D platforming, a genre that Nintendo got its start in video games popularizing and innovating. A lot of the IP featured in PSASBR come from 3D games, so it would make sense that an all-star crossover game would take cues from those sorts of games to give it its own identity. Would appeal massively to the Playstation's install base and help to distinguish it from the Smash brand

Air Dashes for everyone
Air Supers for everyone
Air Grabs for everyone
Ability to pick which super to use. If I have 3 meters and I want to gamble it all on just level 1's then let me
Remove all cinematic supers
Instead of nerfing the combo heavy characters like Raiden, Drake, Dante, Kratos and Kat, buff everyone up to their level instead.

How would you know?

>Can only KO by building up enough for a super move
>Matches are incredibly slow, repetitive and predictable as a result
What were they thinking?

What about a proper art style?

We took the mechanics from super smash brothers and made them worse on purpose, as a joke.

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I remember this, god that was a trip

Even Smash does it.

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It was. The super system worked really well in team battle which allowed for some nice team combinations. Low tier characters in 1v1 mode jumped to top tier when combined with others. Sir Dan is probably the best character to have in any team in 2v2 but garbage in 1v1.

The worst part about this is that they were actually working towards that and then decided to drop that idea altogether.

Needs more pandering to niggers. Only nonwhites play fighting games.

>Use level 3 and get to kill my opponent twice before it's over
>Friend uses level 3 and is limited to 1 guaranteed kill
You can't fix what isn't broken. It's clearly intended to be trash.

Isn't there some kind of conspiracy theory about Sony intentionally sabotaging the game midway through development? I think I remember something about them gearing up for something great that really stood out from smash, but Sony forced them to change everything.

These characters have no chemistry together. Its like taking take 1 member from Nsync, NWA, The Temptations, and BTS and making a boy band.

Rebuild it from the ground up
The game has so many problems, you would need a complete overhaul to fix everything. Just make another one thats not shit.

what about a japanese dev?

You know what you gotta do user

They were making a third person capture the flag game but Sony wanted a Smash clone.

>third person
That's the first I've heard of that. I thought it was smash like from the start.

They felt they had to drastically change how the game works from smash to avoid people calling it a rip-off, but they would have had more success if they just tried to recreate smash entirely

Bullshit. It would have roasted even worse it didn't use unique mechanics.

For what it was, I liked it.

Should of had better characters. Proper costumes (Ie more than 1) more useful unlockables. remove the kill confirms as the means to score points. Use a traditional health bar if they needed it.

would have done better.

remember the official video tags when it was revealed

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Not that guy, but I'm angry as fuck and I need some fun shit, gonna stream it here
starting in 2 minutes or so

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>anonymous users aren't allowed to chat

>Hates Mario
>Big Grin
>Anal Powers

Even their memes are copies of Nintendo, wojak versions on top of that

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Wouldn't even have to copy Smash directly could have made it like Powerstone as long as the combat was fun.

I miss this kind of games from sony, now all they care about is cinematic games

Seriously, I was literally going to type based in the chat but never mind
What a fag

this game is 100 times better than smash, this isnt supposed to be a party fighter, its a 1v1 and 2v2 platform fighting game with real combo systems instead of the retarded percent shit. aside from the inexcusable amount of bugs this game is fantastic and i easily sunk 3k hours into it. 999 ranked with every character, black belt ranked in every queue, and ive got every title unlocked. the people who shit on this game are either would be fans put off by bugs or smash mouth breathers who only play that game because they dont understand real fighting games with depth


Oh well, give me a minute then.

Well, the mechanics they ended up going with was boring dogshit so it's hard to imagine something worse than what we got

Fixed the shitty online ranking system
Added more ps1 characters like tomba or brave fencer musashi
A better final boss fight for arcade mode. I actually really enjoyed playing online 2v2 with my friend because it's one of the only fighting games where you can 2v2 really easily with a friend, we played the shit out of it too. Too bad it was mostly mediocre and didn't sell well because I still want a sequel
Also, post your main

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Worst Dante
Specials were imbalanced as shit. Sackboy's level 3 was godlike while half the cast might as well have just had a level 1 super.
Too many literally who characters

Funny thing about worst Dante is that he was actually more fun to play than the actual Dante

Nah, I would've played the shit out of it if it had been a melee clone.

Yeah the game was actually fun but they picked the wrong designs for half the cast. Sony fucked us over and cut dart too.


it has better gameplay than smash 4 and ultimate.

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>memorable characters


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The only good concept from this was the mash-ups.

>parappa not even on the box
>raiden on the box despite being in games that were not playstation exclusive
>fucking big daddy (bioshock was a microsoft exclusive for an entire year before playstation even got their shitty port)
>fucking fat princess, a concept that already had fatties and women in general seething upon it's inception, a game that quite literally even sony fans didn't give a fuck about, not only included on the box but in the roster
>donte from the shit reboot no one asked for included, also not fucking playstation exclusive
>some killzone nigger no one cared about
>fucking heihachi, from tekken which is no longer a sony exclusive franchise

god damn there is just so fucking much wrong with this.

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Colonel Radec is literally the only character people cared about in that series since none of the protagonist were likeable.

are you ok?

Add Ricky Bobby.

RIP Betty

This made me check and yeah, Smash never put 3rd parties on their covers even though Mega Man was a huge part of the marketing in 4 and the whole everyone is here thing for Ultimate.

It was kind of fun desu

Fag streaming here, fucking piczel

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