Are you enjoying Insurgency: Sandstorm's free weekend, Yas Forums?

Are you enjoying Insurgency: Sandstorm's free weekend, Yas Forums?

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I prefer the original but it ain’t bad. Ill prob buy it

does it still run like ass

No, I disabled shadows and got 200 fps in some areas

I havent played a more boring shooter in awhile

runs fine for me

No because I stopped playing months ago when I realized that it was an inferior, dumbed-down version of Source intended for the casual audience.

Haven't played in a long ass time, has anything major changed?

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>hijabbed muslim womyn soldier

the west was a mistake

darude sandstorm LOL

Well it is funny hearing them get killed

Do muslims let their women fight too? or is just western jewish subversion?


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women are a meme
a stale, outdated one


has this game been free 20 times?
>join every free weekend
>rape noobs because I play other fps games
>hear absolute bro players trying to help noobs
>carry entire flank with another player while bro is helping new players
Might actually buy. The community is pretty nice and uses mics.

>The community is pretty nice

Why are the soldiers women

Where's her suicide bomb vest?

Commie Kurds.

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How does it compare to the first one?
I got 100 hours in that one, i love how it's a sweet spot between arcady cs:go and mil sim arma
How is the workshop? Is there still a mod for niko niko IED and allahu akbar nades?

because your daughter WILL be drafted to defend Israel's sovereignty, goy. she's our property and a strong, independent woman just as capable as a man!

holy fuck lads imagine the smell

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Mehh, doesn't look bad, but I'd much rather play Onward. I just can't go back. Have a bump though.

Nah, I'm playing Warzone. An actually fun game.

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It does.

Imagine unironically being against shooting women and hearing them choke on their blood

Yeah it does. Shame because I love the gameplay. It's just an unpotimized mess.

The microstutters are still there if you really wanted to know.

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Game setting is loosely based on war in Syria and thats supposed to be kurdish all-female militia, YPJ, though they dont wear hijabs afaik



Trump got them all killed, just like he's getting Amerifats killed now.

>king crimson

Nah, I'm playing Tetris. An actually fun game.

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Reminder that modern warfare 2 maps will be remastered and released in the 2019 game.

>playing sjw games

based Trump
the only good Communist is a dead Communist

Yep and the only good American is a dead American.

The non remake maps(except power plant) are a bit ass and comp is dead but the gameplay is still fun.

lmao butthurt third wolder seethe

Reminder: Trump hasnt read intel reports for 3+ years now. Intel in January warned of the Virus. LMAO AT DEAD AMERICANS. Entire country shut down. Collapsing in days.

is there not a goat in need of raping somewhere, abdul?

nah guns are done really poorly, especially aks and slav optics

ur so mad that Trump keeps winning. keep seething idiot

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Is there not some toilet paper you need looting, fatty?

Winning what? A rigged election? Rigged trials? Winning weapon contracts for Saudis? America is North Korea.

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If tanking the economy, causing inflation and letting thousands of americans die of an easily preventable infection is winning, yeah, keep winning muttbro

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Happens for me too, moved to SSD and everything. Shame, because I like the customization and general feel. I miss BF4 bros.

I broke your brain, you can't even use words you dumb fatass. Did the hoax virus infect your brain?

>the kung flu is only happening in america
you have tds

bf4 is still alive

Your prophet is a pedophile.

Rome didn't fall in a day but America did. What is it, 4 million jobless in 1 day? 500 billion in unaccountable money for billionaires? lmao

Yeah but every other country acted in advance
Trump is thinking now of putting partial quarantine here and there after 120k confirmed cases, untill last week it was "nothingburger"
He'll go down as an incompetent leader in a time of crisis

Funny, I'm not religious but your president is a Pedophile.


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Are you laughing now, tough guy?

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Not really. No

>every country is facing this and reacting in similar ways, some worse (Italy is dead, Spain is fucked, UK PM has it) but we're going to focus on america because we're obsessed.
you're assuming im an american too. your shithole countries are probably hit with this too because in case you forgot, this is a global pandemic. you have tds. what a retarded thing to use as a club

I meant to post this one.

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Muttland is literally 3rd world.

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You can play as a female SF character and not wear a hijab you know.

>your president

I'm not even American, nor do I have any strong feelings for Trump. You're just a pea-brained shitskin shill and your stench is wafting through my computer screen.

>but we're going to focus on america because we're obsessed.
We're laughing of america because in just a week it skyrocketed like no country before hitting 100k in a week

Ya you just vehemently defend the pedophile cause you have no strong feelings. Fuck off you boot licking sack of shit.

This is happening in every country and worse in others. Relative to population, Spain and Italy are getting fucked with 70 and 90k cases each to the US's 120k. You're really really stupid dude, learn how this virus works.
I wish the country did collapse so we could finally get rid of you people.

Ah relative to population, now it matters but not when you rape the earth, then it's china that matters.

>vehemently defend Trump
I understand that your goat farm in Turkmenistan doesn't provide much in the way of education, let alone sanitation, but with the ability to click over to and browse this website, I would imagine you'd have enough reading comprehension to assess whether or not this is true.

>Relative to population
so what happened with the higher population countries, then? at least two are doing far better with the virus.

Remember Kent state, Remember my lai, remember the endless wars

>kent state
didn't happen, fuck off
>my lai
the zipperheads attacked first
>endless wars
the sand niggers have to go

Every time I ever feel bad about anything I've ever done to my parents, I just remember that they willingly let a Jew doctor cut off my cock. What a disgusting society we live in.

As long as it's at the expense of more mutt lives you and the mudslimes can blow each other to kingdom come for all I care. Just tell your jew overlords to stop sending them to 1st world countries. We're full.

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