Over the next few weeks you're going to hear a lot of people complaining about NG+ in Yakuza 7 being paid DLC...

Over the next few weeks you're going to hear a lot of people complaining about NG+ in Yakuza 7 being paid DLC. This is blatant misinformation. Do not believe it.

Yakuza 7 hype thread.

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3-5 on PC when?

Wake me up when the next actual Yakuza game is coming out and not Yakuza the turn-based JRPG.

I can't wait to see what Kiryu and Majima get up to in Yakuza 8.

I only played 0 and kiwami. The fuck is ng+ in Yakuza? Easy mode?

are we ever getting ishin on pc

Doubt it. At least not before it gets translated.

>hype for dead series

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Just play 0 and stop there. There's literally no reason to keep going unless you want to play the same game over and over but with worse combat and worse writing each time.

Fast content clean up. I did it in 0 to get missable achievements like letting Majima get glassed.

5 has the best combat in the series.

This. 5 Kiryu is best Kiryu.

>you want to play the same game over and over
but i do

you picked the right series

Oh yeah, NG+ will be handy for 100%ing the game. I'm glad they're not locking NG+ behind DLC. Who would charge for NG+ anyway?


Don't fix what ain't broke. They ruined the series by trying to do exactly that.

>misinformation posting
Nice try faggot

What's good about kiwami 2? I hated 1 after playing 0?

I essentially played the same yakuza game eight times over, and wanted to play the same yakuza at least eight more times. 7 has completely fucked up the series, it should have been a spinoff so I could ignore it.

It's mostly a preview of the Dragon Engine for PC players. Everything feels different there, it's hard to tell if you'll like it vs the Y0 engine.

The bomb being a fake in 2 sums up perfectly why the writing in these games is terrible. Nothing ever actually matters or has consequence. Things happen just to have a melodramatic scene which ten minutes later doesn't even matter anymore. Kaz can be stabbed and left to die and then be back on his feet and fine 2 minutes later. These games are full of this shit. It's not even "twists" because that would mean things would have to be foreshadowed or at least still have consequence. But literally everything that you think is happening can be undone at any moment. RUBBER BULLETS is the most extreme example but the games are full of this garbage. It only annoys me because when people point out how shit the gameplay is they defend the games by saying "you idiot, you play for the story" but that makes no sense when they're written so badly.


Which game did you like the most if any of them, and why? Sounds like you at least played through a few and found a reason to continue playing.

stop samefagging

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This pasta is true but the stabbing in Yakuza 2 is far worse than the bomb. The bomb has several factors building into why it's a dud, but Kiryu getting stabbed has ZERO impact after the 30 seconds it takes to hobble to safety. It should be the perfect opportunity for a timeskip and give the Omi time to take up place in Tokyo, but instead Kaz wakes up the next morning ready to go.
Yakuza 7's NG+ DLC will obviously be free for the Western release but I just don't give a damn anymore anyway.

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Having played through 0 to 6 I can confirm this is mostly accurate. I'd like to hear from someone who thinks this is untrue, but it's hard to have played them all and not notice this.

This autist is still at it?

Someone is just desperate to make Yakuza 7 sound bad by spreading misinformation. I want to know what the fuck his problem is. It doesn't matter anyway, it's still going to be GOTY.


based on what?

why wouldn't Y7 be GOTY?

So i've never played the Yakuza series, but I can get 0-5 on PS4 for about $90
is the series as good as people say it is?

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There's some truth in the talk of you playing the same game over and over. Might be better if you start at Y0 (Origin story and peak of series) or Judgement (Standalone spin-off) then decide if you want go in further.

I feel mixed about these games, as a whole I love the characters, the stories and the goofy substories, the variety of minigames as well as the brutality of the fights but a the same time for someone who plays action games like DMC or Bayonetta, the combat feels mediocre and a bit sluggish.
Start with 0, if you like it then you'll probably like the rest.

Don't be one of those fucking retards who buys an entire series of games before even finding out if they like one. Buy and play 0. If you aren't bored by the time you're finished, get Kiwami 1 afterwards. That will definitely make you want to stop. Don't buy them all before finding out 0 is the only good one.

well the thing is the origins collection on the ps4 store costs the same as 0 does
so if I get 0 i'd get kiwami 1 and 2 as well

Yakuza is the series of diminishing returns. Kiwami is shit, Kiwami 2 is a step up but still not great. 3 is shit, 4 and 5 are okay but there is a lot of tedium and story bullshit in them, and then 6 is fucking terrible. It's really not worth playing so many games which are all so long only for so little payoff. They're only really suitable for players who have literally absolutely nothing else in their lives.
Chances are you'll enjoy 0, but remember, the others are all far worse.

Try 0. Do you like it? Then yes, give the others a go. Do you not like it? No, they're all going to play more or less like 0 with varying levels of polish. 0 has a slow start but the games themselves are set in the same area with some new areas and they improve on concepts. Make sure you're not going into them expecting something like GTA or Mafia, Yakuza drama is there but it's nothing like those games.

You're also in a shitposting thread because OP and his pasta in have been making the rounds for over a year and a half at this point so be warned.
is also his pasta, just look it up on the archives.

You will inevitably start to feel bored. You will walk from pointless conversation to pointless conversation. You will read and read and read while character models stare at each other lifelessly. You will do the same unchallenging fights hundreds of times over where enemies pose no threat. You will stare at cutscenes that play out in the slowest way possible. You'll tell yourself the story has gripped you while trying to ignore how badly written it is.
You will wonder why Yas Forums and various ecelebs hyped up this series, and begin telling yourself that YOU must be wrong, not them. You'll tell yourself it's good just to feel a part of something.

That's what you're in for.

So do they just pretend this game never happened when Y8 comes? Story seems like it's even more retarded than 4's and is stolen almost wholesale from a book, Ichiban sucks and is just le wacky retard man, JRPG bullshit, paying for features that have been in the series since the beginning. This game will be rightly memoryholed and retconned out of the series timeline. Ichiban will only ever be mentioned off handedly as a joke the way Scooby Doo does with Scrappy and Flim-Flam.

>Make sure you're not going into them expecting something like GTA or Mafia, Yakuza drama is there but it's nothing like those games.
i wasn't expecting anything like that, from what I understand it's a game about a journey and the side missions are just you beating the shit out of drunk people while playing mahjong on the side

I know this is a shot posting thread, but it’s like 5 cents due to “regulations” keeping them from making it free in japan according to nagoshi.
It’ll probably be free and in the launch version of the western release.

Completely agree.
Like these guys said, start with 0 but go in with low expectations. Don't expect too much. If you like it, keep going. But don't expect it to get better, it'll probably never be as good as 0 again.

Wait which game is this image from?

Then you've got the right expectations. Scammers and random young punks will also pick fights with you and it does do a mix of both serious and either whimsical or lighthearted. There's definitely an overarching story you follow but the games always want you to do stuff on the side for fun so you don't blow through everything.

It's 5 cents for a week and then it's like $8
There's no point in trying to make it seem like they're being cool about it.


should I worry about trying to do every single side mission in each game?

That depends if you want to fight the secret boss in each game. If you don't then simply do what you find, if you do then check up a guide. Some games have quests that can be missed but the more recent ones don't.

No, lots of them are boring timesinks
Just do the stuff that you think is fun

I dunno man. Y0 is like $5 on the Steam during sales. What about Judgement?

well I know 0 has side questlines that branch into kiwami 1 and 2, so is the entire series like that?

They're self-contained to the quests themselves so you miss nothing in the main story. There are some you see over multiple games but it's not common to see that happen.

For a month actually.
Not trying to make it sound like they’re being cool, I’m just stating why we’ll get it for free as Persona 5 royals DLC was 10 yen due to a similar situation, and it’s going to be free for the western release.

Judgment has shit combat and the frequent tailing missions are torture
It also has no karaoke which is one of the good yakuza minigames
The real let down of Judgment though is there is no actual detective work to do in it. It's not a detective game, more like a detective movie, with crummy combat

sidequests are basically non canon
lots of stuff in the games simply get ignored or retconned throughout the series, so you shouldn't worry too much about things like this
if you're getting into the series primarily for the story, you should know that it does not have a satisfying conclusion, and probably never will
every game is treated like the last game, and kiryu is brought back in each sequel for dumber and dumber reasons. he was given a sendoff in 6 but even that's been undone already by 7.

3, 4 and 5 were never treated like the last games in the series. 4 even ends on a continued ending and 5 expects a game to come out after it. Even 2 doesn't feel like his story would end there only 6 does.

Well Kiryu probably won’t get another game, since they’ve stated they want to depict more stories with Ichiban.

I'm still pissed that the story would end in such a shit way but even more pissed that the tiny part of 6's story that was good has already been nullified by 7. Becoming invested in these characters was the worst decision I ever made, but thankfully they've been driving the series into the ground so long now that I finally just don't care anymore.



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>sidequests are basically non canon
What? No you can largely assume they are especially if they get referenced later i.e. Pocket Circuit Fighter or Mizuki and Akimoto.

yeah and then 7 sold like shit and was received poorly
so let's see how that works out

Yakuza 2's story is bad. Kaoru and Ryuji are great but they're great characters in a bad story.

They can't be canon. Kiryu would have to do everything including his real estate business in two days in 0 and Majima would as well. Kiwami's also don't count because 6 redoes the stories of the returning characters and 7 continues off of 6 with Pocket Circuit Fighter.

>Kiryu probably won’t get another game
lol sure kid

It wasn’t received poorly in Japan though?
Review outlets are giving it positive scores, and user reviews on Amazon and PSN are positive.
It’s also sold over 400,000 copies with the highest digital sales of the franchise, which is good considering the protagonist and combat change.

>It wasn’t received poorly in Japan though

I see falseflagging haters are trying to make Yakuza 7 sound bad again even though it got a good score from Famitsu