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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm sorry that you're such an insufferable bitch.


sorry that you're retarded

Reminder that this thread will likely reach bump limit while also having less than a hundred IPs. See you in 500 posts.

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I'm sorry for impregnating you while you were sleeping.

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s-sorry your majesty...


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t. simp


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More like 30 unique IPs, four of which will just be spamming some barely relevant "fanart" grabbed straight from some booru so they can masturbate together

No need, I'm on her side.

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>apologize for literal garbage
>apologize for being right for just about everything

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The information in the shadow library makes her hatred of the church much more sensible. I still think she went about achieving her goals in a dumb way, but her fatal flaw is her inability to trust Dimitri and Claude with her ambition so it makes sense. The longer I stew on her character, the more I realize she's written pretty decently in spite of being the worst lord in 3H.

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She is the best

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I'm going to enter Edelgard's room and help her "study".

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Women are shit.

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My wife.

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I'm sorry you ended up retarded. The molemen really did you over, my condolences.

From an antagonist standpoint she is very much well written. Most of the problems people have with her come from her own route where she comes off as an weak protagonist.

okay, i'm sorry to the people who shit on edelgard. you were right. i played every route in the game and finished a second run of CF. edelgard is a shit and a liar and a hypocrite.

Sorry for what? Our daddy told us not to be ashamed of our dicks. Especially since they're good size and all.

What did she mean by this?

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Yeah Edelgard, apologize!

My Empress

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I will not apologize. I WILL live my dream.

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The same as she meant in this youtu.be/VeZG34Myttw

Dimitri was such a chad that she remembered her love for him despite forgetting literally everything else

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Which one of these 2 gorillas have a stronger pit odor?

For what?

>The information in the shadow library makes her hatred of the church much more sensible.
No it doesn’t because it says the slitherers we’re responsible for breaking up the empire and kingdom

I still put her above Claude. Claude has no fucking arc to even speak of

>comes off as a weak protagonist
I don't even know how people see that in CF
I played the entire route thinking something was off

Edelgard is a great villain but a shit protagonist.

Look, when you realize how fake it all is, the Seiros worship, the mock battles, the Lady Rhea.. you know, who gives you these 'muh goddess' messages.
She tells your kids they gotta love the goddess and then demands you swear loyalty only to her, and produce more children with crests so she can favor them over others. And then your children are turned into mindless vassals who now they look up to some giant lizard, instead of looking up towards, logic, or reason, or believing in humanity.

I mean kids, HUMANITY'S A LOT COOLER THAN THE CHURCH OF SEIROS. WE INVENTED telescopes and PRINTING PRESSES. We were about to gain back our freedom from the wicked lizard goddess but we got compromised a thousand years ago! When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other... There's no need for gods.

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THAT'S destiny, THAT'S will THAT'S striving, that's being a trailblazer and explorer, GOING INTO BATTLE, mathmatics, advanced optics, the secrets of the universe! It's all there! Life is FIERY with its beauty, its incredible de-tail tuning into it. They want to shatter your mind talking about THE GODDESS SOTHIS!

It's PURE EVIL! They're taking your intellect and your soul and giving you... Alien dragons and Rhea. Unlock your human potential! Defeat the crypto lizards who want to shatter your mind your doorways to perception.
I want to see you truly live I want to see you truly be who you are. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH


I don't want my progeny, who's coming, my unborn grand children and great-grandchildren, to live in this nightmare system these control freaks have created where these wicked lizards are so threatened by human potential. They poison the water, the blood, to turn us into a bunch of servants, a bunch of lobotomized vassals so they can control us. It is a crime. It is the most jealous, envious, greedy, hateful, sickening thing the Church of Seiros does and that's why I am so pleased to be committed in the fight against them.

That's why I don't care about my own life except I want to continue to live to fight them. That's why I don't have fear. I only have fear of myself and my flesh and not being up to the challenge. and I ask yourself what are you doing in this time of great challenge? What are you doing to unlock minds? Once you unlock a mind once you unlock somebody then they can unlock their soul. We cannot unlock a soul, only your will power can do that. But we can unlock minds, and once the mind is unlocked, once the intellect is turned on, then comes the discernment, then comes the awakening of the soul. Then comes true enlightenment and empowerment. So the Church of Seiros seeks to make you a bunch of jealous, stunted, weak, backstabbing jibbering demons fighting each other. All of us have the lower elements and the higher. We must strive for the higher.

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even if i was an edelfan, i'd cringe at this.

Theirs only one girl worth worshiping and thats my Bernie Bear!

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No he deserve every moment of rape She got

>The information in the shadow library makes her hatred of the church much more sensible.
It really doesn't the most she can be angry about is Rhea slowing down technology but even that was in order to keep the peace as she knew first hand what the dangers of technology could bring is left unchecked and the emperor at the time agreed with her after the mess that Nemesis caused.

Adestria is on the decline because of its own ruling body being unfit for the job. The irony is that this includes Edelgard herself.

I killed Edelgard and had lots of dragon babies with my wife Flayn

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Made for blackmail

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For what? Did some new dlc get announced that would make Edelgard more heroic? Face it OP, the Nintendo Dream interview has proven to everyone that she is the main villain of Three Houses like all Red Emperors before her.

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i actually really like her as a villain and think she's one of the better villains we've had in awhile.

i just wish her route was full villain route instead of Conquest 2.0

So who would Byleth and Dmitri be in this situation since El is the villain?

>that facial expression
Diamonds every time

Still your Emperor

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Why did she rape her?

>For fucks sake Dimitri when I told you to give me the D I didn't mean a dagger

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Can't wait to see Edelgard herself wear it

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You and your game are still shit

What did she mean by this

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How can you not love this thirsty girl?

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Donovan and guts?

Thousands of people died because Dimitri didn't call his sisterwife El causing her to remember him

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>settling for no less than femleths 200%
based milk-addict

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Punished Dimitri is Guts, Byleth is Puck

Shes dead in my game
