BallisticNG RACE DAY

Quarantine days

>What the fuck is this?
BallisticNG is a PC antigravity racing game that is a love letter to the classic wipeout games. You go fast as fuck.
>How do I join?
Everything you need will be here: (soundtracks added)
A game download is included for the poorfags and people who wanna try before they buy
Make sure you get the NEW TRACK PACK (check the date)
>How do I play
user guide will be posted
>I'm bad
Theres always multiple newfriends to play against, not instantly winning is nothing to be ashamed of

Attached: Race day.jpg (1920x1080, 798.75K)

first for hyperion

Second for Diavolt

Reporting in.

Beginner guide 1

Attached: BnGuide.png (720x1500, 934.62K)

Can't race right now but I support this thread.

Attached: 03 03 2020 19 15 56.jpg (3840x2160, 1.43M)

Beginner guide 2: Vehicles

Attached: BnGuide2.png (720x3183, 1.65M)

Beginner Guide 3: Pickups

Attached: BnGuide3.png (720x3000, 1.45M)

Any idea when part 3 will be done?


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Port: 11100

Attached: FINLAND FAST.png (640x400, 160.89K)

Attached: BNG fixed.png (720x3183, 1.66M)


Attached: 1562448063356.png (640x400, 187.55K)

it's time
get in

Attached: qH1TTSr.jpg (1000x561, 115.91K)

I appreciate you taking your time to make these. Bless.

Is the download for the latest version?

Attached: 03 03 2020 19 06 50.jpg (3840x2160, 900.43K)

Just like the bug in wipeout 2097.


What's the key?

These are actually pretty well made, props to you for making them.

unironically they're fun to make I just need to sit down and do it
Some of the stuff I just grab from the wiki but doing my own scientific testing is also fun


nvm, for some reason it was asking me for a key when I first clicked the link but it's fine now

you got energy wall wrong, it deploys on the opposite side right?

I'm away from my main machine at the moment, should I hold off and use a controller or steering wheel or are keyboard controls tolerable enough so I can install on this stupid laptop?

machine gun all nx tryhards

Attached: G-tek_atlantica.webm (800x450, 2.89M)

>steering wheel

I play on a gamepad. It feels fine.

controller gives you more precision with analog steering and brakes while keyboard gives you faster input, so there's an argument for both being the best

with keyboard you will have to figure out a custom keybind setup that works for you, as far as I remember the default layout isn't very good

wheel lmao

How's the new track pack? No longer a gojillion gigebytes?

it's the same one lmao


That C.Y.G.O.N vehicle isn't in the guide, what's it like?


Is that in the current build or the beta?

current 1.1.5, I don't think you'll be able to connect with the open beta build

It is

don't complain, just download it

Oh I didn't realise the guide had been updated, should've looked.

Soundtrack guy here. I know it's a minor thing, but could you add in a line to turn off sequential music in audio options in the pastebin, so that the music will play randomly instead of sequentially? I forgot to include this when I made that post.

Attached: fastest brick you will ever see.webm (800x450, 2.05M)

Edit tremor text, add that it also destroys energy walls. Also edit shield's description to include the fact that if you plan to go through an energy wall, you must activate shield manually to not slow down as it won't activate automatically. I guess it doesn't count as a weapon, but it still protects you from the energy wall if it's on.

not him but it does say in the energy wall text right above the tremor that it gets destroyed by tremors

>but could you add in a line to turn off sequential music in audio options in the pastebin, so that the music will play randomly instead of sequentially? I forgot to include this when I made that post.
Why would you want that, though? That seems like the objectively worse way to cycle through music.

Why does plasma include text about tremor then? They both allow you to go uninterrupted as you activate either item.

be there soon

Attached: 1540285336977.gif (500x288, 2.38M)

Attached: Practicing fast.webm (800x450, 2.45M)

do we really need 300 tracks?

>Why would you want that, though? That seems like the objectively worse way to cycle through music.

From my understanding, doesn't sequential play through the very first track in the first folder and goes through each of them in order each time you launch the game before going to the next folder? That would mean that no one would be able to hear tracks from WipEout Omega Collection for instance which is the very last folder. Having sequential turned off would allow for all the tracks in the folders to play as it goes through all the folders and chooses music randomly. Or am I wrong?

Attached: 1583014397105.png (352x377, 124.71K)

you don't want to be that one guy who doesn't have the next track installed, trust me.

Attached: h.png (402x416, 309.95K)

Unless you put them all in one folder, it doesn't look like it. I have to select the Wipeout Pulse folder to listen to one of DJ Fresh's songs if I'm not wrong.

problem with the shuffle setting is you might hear the same track you heard two songs ago
just happened to me a few minutes back

ah yes, "nine eleven anniversary edition v1.8"

Ah, alright then.

>nine eleven anniversary edition v1.8
truly a work of modern art
I shed exactly one tear every time I play it

Attached: 1478218240112.jpg (1024x576, 51.01K)


Attached: IQ.webm (800x450, 2.87M)

You can always tell vonsnake to fix it

It's a rite of passage

delete this


Attached: sGJS3XZ.jpg (1920x1080, 208.53K)

>the lighting is so terri-

Attached: harvest.webm (800x450, 2.89M)

well there's that

Attached: playing yourself.webm (1707x960, 2.9M)

Attached: autopilot_confirmed_brainlet.webm (711x400, 2.5M)

pls delete i didnt know