How can such a mediocre game loaded with cinematic bullshit be regarded as a masterpiece and one of the best games ever made? pic related
How can such a mediocre game loaded with cinematic bullshit be regarded as a masterpiece and one of the best games ever...
The real game isn't the shooty bits, it's the game playing with your feelings
I hope 2 goes all-in on the gore
Jewish nepotism
Director is a jew and all of the media is jewish. Geee ...
low barrier to entry
even the scum that are gaming journalists could get into it
Why do 14 year olds think their worthless uneducated opinions mean anything.
Tell me all about how JAWS is a shit movie because the shark looks fake zoom zoom.
Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean other people didn't.
that explains a lot
Me too, the trailers seem pretty rough with the disembowelling so let's hope they don't tone it down
>seething for 7 years
It’s totally fine if you’re in the minority that didn’t like it, but the fact that it was liked by so many should tell you something. Maybe narrative-driven games just aren’t your thing?
>everything I don’t like is bad because THE JOOS
I liked the environments and the world. Joe seemed fine but i didn’t care for anyone else. Game itself was average to me.
The big problem i had with TLoU is that the game aspires to be a movie. There is a lot of games that have great narrative and dense plot, and all of that without being a fucking "cinematic experience". The fact that it's liked by many people just tell me that there are a lot of normies in this world.
I honestly have no idea. The Last of Us series is trash. But normies eat it up for some reason. Generic writing, story and gameplay. Just a mediocre piece of media all around as you said.
I couldn't give less of a shit about these characters. Oh no his daughter died! Lmao cry me a river bitch.
ape escape 4 needs to exist
I never got the whole “this game is great because it’s like I’m watching a movie”. Uh just go watch a movie?
>cinematic bullshit
Is that all you fucking faggots nigger fucks can cry about
Omg there's a cutscene it's a movie!!!!! even though cutscenes have been around since gaming began
Fucking just end yourself
>How can such a mediocre game loaded with cinematic bullshit
because it's not cinematic bullshit?! bro you should try playing the games you talk about lol. it's so ez to tell people who don't play something and you are harming your own cause because you look obsessed.
Lowest common denominator is easily amused.
>has the same gameplay as Resident evil 4, but even better
when will PC fags finally cope? i know its hard when every exclusive you got in 10 years are literally pixelart indie games.
I played this to the point where I had no ammo, no crafting supplies and literally couldn't progress any more because of it.
Oscar bait
The problem isn't cutscenes per se, but how they are handled in the game alongside the gameplay. When the gameplay tries to resemble what you would see in a movie and the only purpose of the gameplay is to get the player to the next cutscene, you have a big problem there.
Because it's great and your shitty opinion is not a fact. Cope more.
sonytard spotted
>loaded with cinematic bullshit
If it was loaded with anime bullshit I guess it would be great by standards of this shithole?
>and the only purpose of the gameplay is to get the player to the next cutscene
Considering your mentally challenged logic I can say the same about every game with cutscenes.
that makes absolutely no sense.
I have PC, PS4 and old busted X360. Cope more.
I love Uncharted but this was boring as hell. Fucking Naughty Dog. Just make Jak 4 already
because game journos dont review game mechanics, they review their feelings
Naughty Dog is dead and has been for a while now.
TLoU has really good gameplay.
Games journalists are desperate failures who wish they were real journalists, so when a game comes along that gives them a chance to write about a movie without leaving their lane they're gonna jump right on it and never EVER stop beating that dead horse.
>The big problem i had with TLoU is that the game aspires to be a movie
I don't see how is this a problem. Having cinematic immersion make game only better, not worse.
>I can say the same about every game with cutscenes.
No you can't. Cutscenes shouldn't be the main purpose of playing a game and the primary tool to tell a story. There are games who can use cutscenes in a proper way.
Dude, that would be "interactive movie."
People, for some reason along the way, think that plot/story should override gameplay.
The people who praise such things are probably too dimwitted to even write film criticism.
naughty dog's platformers were shit too. made only to compete with other mascot platformers on other consoles, soulless corporate hack jobs
There are better ways to make a game immersive. Even if it is by its ambience, being movie-inspired isn't the best way to do that.
Cutscenes are sparse in TLoU. The game uses environmental storytelling and rewards exploration. You obviously haven't played the game and are just parroting echo chamber rhetoric.
How TLOU uses cutscenes in "non proper way" and what's the "proper way" to use them?
Nope, having good story still improves game immersion. Sorry.
>story is good so that means it's movie and don't have gameplay/gameplay is bad
Holy fuck, Yas Forums autists are really desperate and insecure over Sony exclusives
Just because you can technically still control the character doesn't mean it's not a cutscene, effectively at least. There are several instances where you're just listening to exposition while being forced to keep pace with someone.
pretty cutscenes and run of the mill third person shooting is GOTY material apparently.
>I've been found out.
Nah Jak & Daxter are awesome
Autists just wouldn't get it
>run of the mill third person shooting
Oh, please. What other games have gunplay as satisfying as TLoU?
>Just because you can technically still control the character doesn't mean it's not a cutscene
The absolute state of this fucking board
>Nope, having good story still improves game immersion. Sorry.
I didn't talk about story there. But also no, if the story is not well told than it's not immersive.
>How TLOU uses cutscenes in "non proper way" and what's the "proper way" to use them?
non proper way- being a primary tool of story telling aiming to help the feeling that ´the game is a goddam movie.
proper way- being a tool that only complements the rest of the game, but is just a "side dish" at the end.
The game gives you ammo when you’re low on it so you’re just retarded or lying
Sometimes I cannot take this place
Sometimes it's my life I can't taste
Sometimes I cannot feel my face
You'll never see me fall from grace...
I love TLOU but i'll name some
>Max Payne 3
>Red Dead Redemption 1
>Dead Space 2
>some of the Battlefield and Call of Duty games
There is essentially a giant clique in the market that views gameplay as work and wants the "experience" to minimize that work while interesting them.
>games journalists
They love press X to do cool shit games that are about moving from cutscene to cutscene. And there's a fuckton of them.
I wholeheartedly agree OP, it's what made red dead redemption II shit, more movie less gameplay
You are still using retarded buzzwords without explaining them. How the fuck cutscenes in TLOU make it "movie" but in other games they are not? Are you retarded?
If you're talking about strictly third person games, then Max Payne 3 and it's not even close. If first person games as well then an uncountable number of games. The Last of Us is praised for many things but gunplay is certainly not one of them.
>The game gives you ammo when you’re low on it
>it's the game playing with your feelings
The worst capeshit movies have more emotional impact than TLOU.
Only for plebs like you maybe.
cutscenes shouldn't be standalone analyzed in this context. it's the correlation cutscene-gameplay and vice-versa that should be analyzed.
You'd be a pleb to think a poor video game adaption of The Road is somehow good.
>cutscenes shouldn't be standalone analyzed in this context. it's the correlation cutscene-gameplay and vice-versa that should be analyzed.
Yes, and? Conclusion?
It's not good but great. Like I said you are pleb user.
is the gameplay and extension of the cutscene?
or is the cutscene just a tool to complement the experience but once it's over you can get back to the action because is that what a video game is all about?
No, please expand your consoomer horizons and see TLOU is a pitiful experience both in terms of gameplay and story.
Name just one movie more emotional than the great masterpiece that is The Last of Us. I want to watch you plebs squirm.
>is the gameplay and extension of the cutscene?
What the fuck are you talking about? No, it's not. And?
>or is the cutscene just a tool to complement the experience but once it's over you can get back to the action because is that what a video game is all about?
Yes, it is? Are you talking about TLOU or japanese visual novels now?
They kill off your daughter in the first ten minutes of the game even though the player has no attachment at all to them and should have no reason to care for them. It was purely done for shock value to manipulate your emotions and trick you into thinking this was quality writing. That's pretty lazy storytelling.
Only pathetic pleb could have such objective shit taste. You shouldn't even post here.
I have no idea how the game got as much praise as it did for how clunky it was. I guess I must have quit before the story gets good, but I don't think any story could redeem how bad it was to play.
>even though the player has no attachment
I had. It's amazing how they done it.
TLoU and other movie simulators take the first option. when you're playing the game a lot of times it feels like you're playing the fucking cutscene
Have you watched Lion King? Simba and Mufasa had like 2 scenes and still death of his father was really immersive. Objectively shit opinion.
How so? You have serious problems with using arguments user. What's the difference between TLOU, Resident Evil, Silent Hill etc?
>you shouldn't feel bad for this guy's daughter dying because you didn't spend your entire life watching them grow up together