When will we have the next Yas Forums vs. Reddit tournament? What genre would it be? FPS? Fightan?

When will we have the next Yas Forums vs. Reddit tournament? What genre would it be? FPS? Fightan?

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never, 2020 Yas Forums is more interested in bitching about trannies and zoomers to do anything fun like that again

Think about why it's like that for a second

because you're a dumb faggot and you should neck yourself

alright. sorry.

nah it's not that

It'll never happen again because reddit and Yas Forums are far too interwoven with each other now.

So a Ditto match?

Shazbowl was the last one, right? I think there was another tournament that wasn't in TA, but it ended on a wet fart.
But what everyone's been saying so far is why. Too many redditors browse now, Yas Forums vs Reddit would just be the website hitting itself.

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because going on a political crusade using third-grader level insults is trendy these days?


>Too many redditors browse now

Then if you would participate you'd just select the one you want to represent

Which defeats the purpose.

How? You just pick which website is your favorite. There's no way to verify "real" Yas Forums users and it's been like that in the past.

You might as well just forego the reddit v Yas Forums theme at that point because it's entirely superfluous

It stopped happening since that BF3 shitshow.

There were a couple ones. The Wargame one was breddy gud.

Besides the idea of voting for what team you want when you browse this site being easy to manipulate and voting for Reddit is just disgusting in itself, there's a lot more on why it's a lot harder to coordinate a match like that now, not just actual redditors polluting the site and confusing the numbers. A lot of cool shit that used to be organized on-site usually doesn't go that way anymore, most game nights and events in general usually end up getting plopped onto Discord, which is a very easy way to kill events and generate a fuckload of e-drama horseshit. People go to Discord and programs like it for convenience, and then the thing they wanted to do just never gets done. Or it's closed off to a select few, turning into an actual clique.
And this board in general is so caught up in merely pretending to be retarded and just general shitflinging that trying to properly organize an event like that would be absolutely painful. Not that you shouldn't try, though, just keep in mind it's not going to be easy in the fucking slightest.

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>since that BF3 shitshow
i forgot what happened exactly
didn't team plebbit just kick like 3/4 of the 4chin team or something?

That's probably the wet fart I was thinking about before, yeah. Most of the team got kicked out, and then it just ended.

never 4get

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>eight years ago

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>Besides the idea of voting for what team you want when you browse this site being easy to manipulate and voting for Reddit is just disgusting in itself

Dude it's not that fuckin serious It's just 4fun holy autism. who fuckin cares about "muh manipulation"

This, but who's going to organize this?

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More like reddit vs reddit

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but user, you are the reddit


>we have Yas Forums the musical shit
>Yas Forums is to soi to even do some hardcore competition with an other website

Now it would be Discord vs Reddit

>Yas Forums loses because its team is entirely composed of redditors
Yeah, nah.

What segment of Reddit was talked to for organizing the older tournaments anyway? Just randos that used it?

Tetris Battle Royal

There needs to be a DNA test to figure out who's real Yas Forums users instead of the poser plebbitors.

>There's no way to verify "real" Yas Forums users and it's been like that in the past.
No redditor would be willing to say nigger or kike on mic. Pretty easy verification there. Just ask them to verbally deny the holocaust or something.

the culture war has been happening since 2016
Yas Forums vs reddit
democracy, white nationalism, freedom VS trannies, niggers, anarchy and communism
WE are winning btw

>Think about why it's like that for a second
because the people who inhabit this board are more interested in drama than video games

I've argued for a while that having reddit cookies on your browser should give an auto-ban but according to /g/ that wouldn't be possible.
Really, if you browse reddit you're a faggot and shouldn't be posting here. Simple as.

>No redditor would be willing to say nigger or kike on mic. Pretty easy verification there. Just ask them to verbally deny the holocaust or something.

You don't think some epic Yas Forums users would also pose as plebbitors too? Why are people so autistic on who's who on who's representing any side when anyone can troll either way. On top of that it has succeeded in the past regardless. I don't know why zoomers are this fuckin dumb to begin with.

I've been here since my ban from Gametrailers forums back in 2007 and I still consider myself an newfag, OG newfag but newfag noneheless

why would Yas Forums fight against itself?

>No redditor would be willing to say nigger or kike on mic.


but Yas Forums invited all of rebbit over here.



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Today I will remind them.

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That used to be the case but the Yas Forums worshiping aspect of reddit as well as The_Donald members are edgy enough to not care about that shit. They're basically hybrids. All the vanity, banality and cringe of your average redditor mixed with the edge factor endemic to Yas Forums.

They were here well before 2016, they've been here since 2008.

Moot is a fag that work for google diversity club

>That used to be the case
It never really was. Reddit had a number of subreddits that read like a Yas Forums thread.

He has a point, but christ why won't they fuck off?

reddit spacing detected; didn't read

See, there you go. There's no actual test if someone is "from reddit". Whatever arbitrary test you have to "prove" someone is from reddit is undoubtedly flawed and based in nothing more than your feelings.

>reddit spacing detected; didn't read

I remember people bitching about the wall of text and preferred people to space them out

now newfaggots are thinking it's reddit spacing lol

keep being jelly

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And where are they now? Nothing like that could ever last on reddit. Yas Forums might have a problem with faggot jannies trying to dictate board culture and meme police but its nowhere near as tightly locked in place.

If the quest for relevance doesn't keep reddit trucking along exactly as their advertisers want the moderation will intervene.

There are screenshots of Yas Forums from 2004-2006 that have "reddit spacing". It's almost like Reddit spacing isn't a thing and just something someone created to shitpost.

>Nothing like that could ever last on reddit.

Owners of select subreddits, I would guess.

i blame project chanology. you know i'm right.

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There isn't an accurate test but you can sometimes tell based on their choice of words.
A good example is Dark Souls. Yas Forums traditionally abbreviated it as DaS, because Demon's Souls was DeS and using DS would have been confusing.
Reddit uses DS, or DkS as an abbrevation, the former being more common because no one on reddit has ever played Demon's until enough Yas Forums cross-siting redditors started realizing they had to play or pretend to play demon's to be "cool".

Over the years, use of DS has fucking skyrocketed on here. It's the most common abbreviation for it.

Those people mostly stayed on Yas Forums unlike this clusterfuck

>There isn't an accurate test
All I need to hear to disregard your post.

the donald being a Yas Forums colony only lasted about a month or 2 before site admins ousted the leadership and planted their own based magapede leaders
its why posting went from dropping redpills on the overwhelmingly liberal reddit base to BASED BLACK MAN SUPPORTS TRUMP WHAT DO YOU MEAN HORSESHOE THEORY

but they are the ones who brought Yas Forums to a mainstream audience.

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based and btfo
user on suicide watch

nigga ran away from the website why should we still listen to him

There is no more difference in userbase what the fuck would be the point? 90% of you fags don't even play games.

Same year, but the Yas Forums/SA alliance on TERA stomped out Reddit's guild of Fairy Tale i do believe. We had 3 Vanarchs non stop when the total amount of vanarchs was 5 or 6

Doubtful, modern Yas Forums is a perpetual daily intake of tourists. That's why it's exclusively porn and there isn't real discussion. Baiting people is also incredibly easy, like retardedly easy. Nobody even says "bait" they just get angry. The Chanology faggots are all on Yas Forums and Yas Forums.

Because he was right.

It's not accurate, mainly because redditors reading it WILL change how they refer to DaS to blend in, but it's something that shows an obvious change in demographic.

>Yas Forums and on Yas Forums
Sorry, Yas Forums and Yas Forums.

i've literally never seen it referred to as DaS here. you're talking shit.

why do people sperg out so bad about Reddit? I'd understand if it were just the bigger subs but if you go smaller and nicher than it's not very different from a /vg/ general. Is it just a tranny or soijak sort of thing where it's used as a scapegoat for literally any disagreement or problem

>mainly because redditors reading it WILL change how they refer to DaS to blend in
user, this thread has 31 posters in it and no one thinks your analysis is sound. No one is reading your posts, much less caring about them.

>website couldn't bring in enough cash to be a sustainble model even tought it had millions peoples
>peoples just for the lulz made him man of the year
>google see that shit and made him an offer
>money and fame vs endless problems, partyvans and cancer spreading
honestly, nobody can blame him shit,
even Yas Forums died and is now just the 10 same threads on loop