Where is she working now?
Where is she working now?
At my house deep throating my BWC
Independent contractor that licenses use of her name to attatch to products so horny nerds will buy the game, since they fell in love at first sight with this woman in a tech conference. Inspired by Jade Raymond.
how big
5 inches
10 cm
>actually know what happened with this woman
>can't talk about it because of NDAs
I hate the law sometimes. Suffice it to say, she has some real big balls for what she did
enough to break the ice
Forced meme
>she has some real big balls for what she did
for acting like a retard on stage?
europoor vs amerifat
in a red light district hopefully
Building a machine that milks BWC.
on the street corner at 2amj
sucky sucky desu
at the bat soup emporium
What she got harassed by the executives? Give a hint.
She's making the first video game for blacked.com
Here come the Americans
angles are so funny
looks like Hideo Kojima as a girl
here comes the Yas Forumscel
wait a sec...
has anyone seen hideo and her at the same time?
Miscegenation should be a crime punishable by death. But that's just my opinion.
>tried to edge out mikami because she thought she was hot shit after e3
>got fired and tango gameworks told everyone shes a cunt
>now no one will hire her
she got them fixed
It's the world's best porn site.
I don't know what that means
Damn nigga
Bitch sucked so much black dick shit's fucked her teeth
No woman can resist the bbc
>she has some real big balls for what she did
don't tell me she transitioned
It sounds like you're speaking english. But I can't hear properly over all the cock in your mouth
Trying to make a living out of her Twitter attention whoring.
is not even funny when asians are involved
Americans are the majority here, faggot. You're a minority.
All of you, suck black cocks.
Interracial breeding.
I agree, but only between most groups.
I'm unironically a faggot who thinks white and asian is fine.
Any other oldfags here if you went back 10 years ago and told yourself Yas Forums would be absolutely obsessed with black dick for whatever reason, would you believe believe yourself?
Is that why there's so much racemixing shilling, lack of right wing values, weebshit, cuck threads and general anti-whiteness all over?
Thank god you are all going to be wiped out by coronavirus.
>He's obsessed with black dicks
must be hard being a gay nigger
why would that be at all surprising?
this board has always been full of both kinds of faggot, so yes
The lack of "rightwing" shit is because of how popular this site has gotten in the past few years, unfortunately. It never used to be that way.
That said, pretty sure most eurofags west of poland are all far more left leaning than even America is right now.
Well, for an asian woman. He wouldn't be wrong.
Suck black cocks Yas Forumsfags.
Nigger, the support for the far right has been increasing mostly in western Europe.
Then again, I guess that's how people react to having to deal with 3rd worlders for the first time in their lives.
And this coronavirus shit will only accelerate that even more.
Why would I suck something I don't like?
You can choke on whatever you want.
BBC is for impregnation not for sucking
>the support for the far right has been increasing mostly in western Europe.
But thats only very recently.
Hopefully they can save themselves, but I worry its far too late.
>t. self hating gay guy
It's alright user. You just need to jump off a bridge. That'll solve that problem
>Ghostwire loses it's director
>TangoGameworks has been deathly silent since E3
Hope you guys enjoy Bethesda either closing Tango down, since only ONE game they've made was made quickly, or having a white guy direct again.
I feel like she got too cocky. As someone who followed her work even before her E3 fame, she always seemed up with herself thinking she ran the show even though she was just the artist. Her comments in the Evil Within art book had her bitching about the team ignoring her chunni story/character suggestions (some of which were honestly horrible for a detective crime thriller/horror like Evil Within). Ironically some of those ideas look like they were going to be in Ghostwire Tokyo so I would've given it a chance since it would've been its own thing now. Wouldn't surprise me if Mikami took her down a peg a couple of times for getting carried away.
I doubt that would lead to her losing her job. Consider a few things.
Mikami admits TEW1 was in a shitty state before she was hired to design for it. The game was made with models before art, which he admitted was stupid.
He didn't fire Kamiya over RE2 despite the fact he had it up to here with Kamiya and wanted nothing to do with him or RE2 at the time.
He also didn't fire the original director RE4 to whom he had to replace.
this site was always full of full blown faggots, like moot himself
She will sell her body just like the modern female does.
All in god's plan
I love LotR and can decide if I really like this meme, or really hate it.