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Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-28 Top 100 Video Games of All Time - IGN com.png (673x244, 33.69K)


literally who cares

Gotta love how they contradict themselves

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>MGS2 taken out but Fortnite added
What a garbage site

okay kid

>tf2 removed

>the placement of portal and portal 2 was swapped
>god of war 2019 was added
>Rise of the Tomb Raider, RDR, Borderlands fucking 2 added
>TF2, WC2, Grim Fandango removed

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>Borderlands 2 added

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that list is pure cringe

"we got paid so we decided to change the charts"

>Witcher 3 moved up?

How is this possible, what's higher than #1?

>top 100 of best something of all times
who gives a shit

IGN was one of the few bigger websites that had 3 over NV, that change is something at least

Here's there list
> 26. Civilization IV
> 27. Bioshock
> 28. Witcher 3
> 29. Tranny of War
> 30. Metal Gear Solid
> 31. Shadow of the Colossus
> 32. Resident Evil 4
> 33. Metroid Prime
> 34. Bloodborne
> 35. Pokemon R/B/Y
> 36. Mass Effect 2
> 37. Super Mario Kart
> 38. Fallout New Vegas
> 39. Star Wars: KOTOR
> 40. World of Warcraft

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I understand removing tf2, since its nothing like it used to be. But cant tell me nu-Tomb and Borderlands was because muh ingame politics

this is a PRETTY fucking solid list you faggots stop being contrarian

> 6 Mario Games
> 4 Valve games
> Doom
> 2 Souls games
> New Vegas
> Gen 1
It's awful

tf2 is shit now

prey 2017 should be on the list at least

>oregon trail removed
This is why journalists will be the first to die in the boogaloo

MGS2 is a pretty shit game by modern standards. It would never be made in the same way again if it was developed today.

>caring about the opinion of a company that hires literal gender studies kids to review nintendy games

I genuinely don't know what's worse, Kotaku or IGN in their levels of incompetence, ignorance and to the medium video games overal.
what an unfunny joke.

>God of War(2019) added

God of War come out in 2018

That is not an argument considering MGS1 is in

>Resident evil 2 remake
Yes, its a good game, but top 100? I dont think it even makes it top 300

Yeah no. Its only playable with pc gameplay mods, base game is shit.

>swapping Halo with Halo 2

>capture our staffs loud opinions

All you need to know about this, really.

Imagine putting any party game on a top 100 list

>Fallout 3 was swapped out for Fallout New Vegas

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>Fable 2
But why?

Memlands 2 and the 7th Assassins creed game are added, but TF2 and MGS2 were removed.

>tf2 removed
>overwatch top50
zoom zoom

What the fuck went wrong? Their 2003 list was genuinely perfect. How did they fall so far?

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> Starcraft & X-Com in the top 10
Fucking kino

this is how it feels to get old

They have influence, unfortunately.

Why was FF7 never highly regarded like FF6 & Chrono Trigger?

>best games of all time
>author hasn't played even 10% of games

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>Fallout 3 was swapped out for New Vegas

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I don't get it. What's so funny?

>Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
they got one game right.

>Fallout 3 was swapped out for New Vegas

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MGS2 removed? Did the trannies take over at IGN?

IGN thinking they're qualified to list anything other than the dicks they've sucked.

>Fallout 3 was swapped out for New Vegas

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>MGS2 removed

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But soi bois like 3 over new vegas?

>OoT bumped out of top 10
>BotW bumped into top 10
Stopped reading right fucking there.

>the legend of zelda: breath of the wild (SEE DEAL) was added to the top 10

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I'm not saying they aren't, but is there any evidence for IGN being paid out by game companies? Because of their size, I'd just assume that they are, but it'd be fun to see proof instead of just assuming. Like, do they have that reputation simply because they're a big name? Or did they earn it?

do you think weapons will still break in the sequel? surely they aren't that stupid, right?

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Well at least they can get something right
> IGN: The songs from Thriller are a master-class dissertation on what defines musical greatness. It's a flawless album from start to finish, (Although, to be fair, the album's predecessor Off the Wall is objectively better and more artistically rewarding.)

that's a good change, oot is not that fucking good. also swapping out smelee for ultimate is based as fuck.

Given how many diehards aggressively defend it I wouldn't be surprised.

Leaving any NES game on the list over their SNES or later sequels is just nostalgia. Games from 3rd gen and older consoles have aged horribly.


You can't ask that without posting this

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people still give a fuck about mario kart after ctr remake came out and shat all over that shit?

No game from two decades ago would be developed the same if it was made today you fucking retard, that literally means nothing


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YOU aged horribly, tranny.

It's a shitload better than botw. botw doesn't deserve to be anywhere near top 10 to begin with.

meanwhile on Yas Forums...

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I want a much more limited inventory in general. No more hundreds of healing items and armor swapping that trivializes combat. I'm not necessarily against limiting your weapons, too, but it could use some tweaking.

Skyward Sword had a great take on inventory, where you had to fumble around for your items DURING combat. No item subscreen for you.

It unironicallly makes the battles more dynamic since you can just swap weapons and whip the close to breaking ones at the enemies face for massive damage. It's the best combat has been in a while. We need more varied moves like twilight princess and it'd be perfect

>30fps lock
>micro transactions
No thanks


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>God of War 2019
What? Did I miss something?

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