"It's going to be Dark Souls.. with open world"

"It's going to be Dark Souls.. with open world"
What the fuck does From Soft mean by this? The whole appeal of Dark Souls was in its semi-linear level design.

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from will make the first open world game that isn't shit

It means
>Souls-like combat
>bonfire-like restoration point
>1 currency for practically everything that drops when you die but can be regained if you get to that death point or kill the monster
>big badass bosses
>story told through the in game lore and scenery rather than cut scenes

Except this time it's fully open world.

They already proved with Suckiro that they have no clue what made DS and BB great. They will fuck this up for sure. Open world ruins the entire atmosphere of a typical From game.

gta with robes and swords

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>bonfire-like restoration point
The problem already starts there. Open worlds are HUUUUGE. So how does that work well with a game where you die a lot? Nobody wants to travel a vast distance just to die to some BS and then have to travel a vast distance AGAIN.

So either they put in tons of teleportation points to every relevant part of the game (which kinda defeats the entire purpose of having a large open world) or they start you off right where you died which makes death less punishing and thus the entire game will feel less threatening to you.

...it literally won the GOTY award dickhead

t. filtered

And? Only retards care about shitty awards. "Herp derp muh Oscars and GOTY"

So did Dragon Age Origins

but why did sekiro win GOTY? I thought only bad games won GOTY.
that's how it's always been

Just trust Miyazaki buddy

>The whole appeal of Dark Souls was in its semi-linear level design.

who ever said this lol

the whole appeal is the combat and character/build customization

Overwatch won GOTY. It's just random. It means nothing.

The combat heavily relies on restrictive areas though. If you have a giant open sandbox, you can easily cheese every enemy or at least run away from him which means that a lot of the tension is gone.

He already fucked up with Suckiro and grr martin will make even the lore shit.

gentlemen? may i?

I'm pretty sure they've said that the open world will be dotted with standard dungeons and locations that you would expect from From so the level design should be just fine.

So what's the point of the open world then? Just to waste your time with putting big pointless areas you have to travel through to get to the actual dungeon?

yeah basically, the interview he did just said he wanted to have the same world design but this time with big open fields.

>So how does that work well with a game where you die a lot? Nobody wants to travel a vast distance just to die to some BS and then have to travel a vast distance AGAIN.
Have you not played any game before the year 2000 or something? And stop dying holy shit.
>So either they put in tons of teleportation points
Or they give you something to travel faster, like maybe a kart? Gee, I don't know.

If you played DS3 DLCs you'd have a good idea of what they're going for.

I'm sure they'll find some purpose for it like more open ended progression and exploration, and even if not the game should still have warping in it so it's not that big of a deal if you don't like it. I like that they're trying something new, and if anyone can do it right it's From.

>And stop dying holy shit.
Why are you shitheads so fucking elitist? Now a regular player is not allowed to die in a From game anymore? He has to beat every encounter on the first try or he is not gud enough to be allowed to play the game. Fuck I hope that trash company burns just so we can get rid of its compltely cancerous fan base.

>If you played DS3 DLCs
I have and none of these were open worlds. Not even close.

3 hours lads

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>evolution of trick weapons
>shadow of the colossus esque map with dungeons
>horse ride
>no stamina

dare i say, kino...?

you can die, but at least not an exaggereted number of times

>I'm sure they'll find some purpose for it
And will that purpose be worthwhile? Probably not. Open world only sounds good when you say it but when you actually experience it, it is always a boring chore to get through. Open world games only make sense when they are relaxing. Like, you don't play the game to challange yourself, but to have a nice relaxing journey and take in the environment - like virtual hiking or some shit. This is the complete opposite of what find people appealing about From games, namely the challange.


The thing is, this doesn't require a giant open world and it never did. Again: the idea is always nice in your head, but when you see it before you then you realize that you don't need to have a giant world to explore because there simply is not enough content. Look at the biggest games with the highest budgets. They cannot manage to put enough contents to make a giant open world feel meaningful at every turn. So why not cut out the unnecessary fat and make it a more meaningful expeirence. Does it really improve the game if you have to walk a million miles to get to a cave with cool armor inside, rather than finding the same armor in a secret passage in a normally sized dungeon?

>I like that they're trying something new, and if anyone can do it right it's From.

Yeah, it's not like every time they deviated from the original formula, it got worse. Oh wait! It did!

i hate the open world meme so much

But even a single death is extremely tedious if that implies having to travel big distances AGAIN. Hell, if the world is big and complex enough, you might not even find the spot where you dided easily again unless you paid close attention to the map when you died.

>The whole appeal of Dark Souls was in its semi-linear level design.
If you think that was the WHOLE appeal of Dark Souls then you're a retard.

Dark souls1 was meant to be psuedo-open world anyway.

?? develop pls

You mean exactly like every souls game ever? As soon as you know how enemies behave, you've always been able to sprint freely through areas without taking any damage.

>Now a regular player is not allowed to die in a From game anymore?
You're allowed to learn from your mistakes and stop being a bitch. What? You never fell in a pit in a mario game and had to start over before?
>Mister Miyazaki said open world, so that must absolutely mean open world
>Even if he corrected himself by saying it probably doesn't mean that for him

specify why it ruins the entire atmosphere

Classic fromsoft dungeon design with an open overworld

So either the game is a lot easier than any other From game, or it sucks ass because you have to start over the game a thousand times. What a terrible idea.
>evolution of trick weapons
Yes please. Give me something I can SEE on screen so I know what I have equipped, rather than a fucking Sekiro skill.
>shadow of the colossus esque map with dungeons
What makes the SOTC map special/good? It's empty and big.
>horse ride
Not a fan.
>no stamina
No. Please stamina.

for me its the one thing that would change the game entirely, it would be immersive af, and i would be at the edge of my seat fearing for my life

readalso the map of sotc have its secrets and its vague af, with included dungeons it could work, horse ride for transportation and immersion, im tired of stamina, its just limiting the combat

>You never fell in a pit in a mario game and had to start over before?
So you really cannot see the difference between
>having to re-do densely packed gameplay
>having to ride for five minutes into direction X again

Learning an area, its traps and enemy placements is not the same as being able to always avoid/cheese everything because everything is open.

Why are you so hell bent on shitting on this game? Honestly, I can understand having some reservations but at least wait to see some gameplay before going into full doomer mode.

>Yeah, it's not like every time they deviated from the original formula, it got worse. Oh wait! It did!

Another weird thing you're doing is acting like this is Dark Souls 4, it's its own thing, Dark Souls is over and done with. Just like Sekiro deviates from what came before and has it's strengths and weaknesses, Elden Ring will too.

Because tension builds the deeper you go into the dangerous unknown place. Oh shit now I fell down somewhere and cannot easily turn back to the save place. I have to make it to the next bonfire! Oh fuck I died. Now I have to survive until I get back here or I'll lose my precious souls!

There's a lot of tension. Compare that to:

I can always easily turn back and go anywhere at any time. I either don't have anything to retrieve if I died somehwere or if I do, I can easily and safely go there because everything is open to me.

And if there are real dungeons where the real gameplay happens, then the open world is just pointless filler.


wtf dragon age origins is a good game



It's basically gonna be like OOT. You ride around on a horse in a big open field looking for areas and dungeons and shit.

Yeah and Sekiro is shit and this game will probably be shit as well.

That's my realistic expectation, not me being "hell bent".

permadeath is retarded in a game like this and the other stuff you mentioned doesn't address the problems of an open world game with From-tier difficulty.

>It's basically gonna be like OOT.
all my puke

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How fucking hard is it to do something new rework the stamina system to be more realistic.
i.e. attacks cost stamina and AD/AS drops accordingly.

its tension to the next level, plus with the immersion would be a extra challenge

>having to ride for five minutes into direction X again
You think this is going to be Witcher 3 or something? All Souls games have shortcuts.
We even have leaks saying things like enemies patrolling differently every time.

All these movie games have clearly slowed your mind.

Sekiro is shit if you expect it to be exactly like Dark Souls I guess, but take it for what it is and you might enjoy it. If that's the only type of game you like though I hope you find something among the many clones to satisfy you for the next few years since Elden Ring is going to be different too.

the dungeons could have shortcuts, use your brain retard

How does having pointless empty spaces make a game more immersive or intimidating?

The only cool aspect I can think of is the surprise. Like, if you wander around you never know if your next step might trigger something cool. Like, when you travel through a forest and arrive at a glade, you don't know if it's just some random glade or the arena of an epic fight that is about to begin when you step into it.

But the problem with this is that the payoff of such moments is far too small to justify the enormous waste of time of just wandering around for hours during which you can just run by lots of cool stuff you will never know unless you waste even more time looking at every inch of this enormous world or look it up on the internet which defeats the purpose of exploration. In the end, it's just better to have a more tightly packed experience with better pacing.


When are we getting any news or updates on it?

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Shit compared to Baldur's Gate

Make a big world, but have fast traversal options. Like one of the biggest issues with most open world games is how tiny everything feels. Cities smaller than villages, everything within seeing distance of each other, no sense of grandeur, etc.

without a doubt sometime within the next month or two, i literally doubt they would wait a WHOLE year before releasing more info.

>its tension to the next level
Not really. I KNOW for a fact that I will die eventually. I cannot reasonably expect to have a no-death run on my first try unless the game is a lot easier than any other From game (in which case there is also no tension). So I know that will have to start over the ENTIRE game eventually. That I will lose EVERYTHING I collected eventually. This doesn't make me feel tense. It makes me feel less motivated to actually bother collecting and exploring anything. If I actually tortued myself with playing such a game, the first couple of times I play it would be "test runs" where I fully expect to die and just try to see how far I can get as fast as I can so I know what is coming and I have a better chance of beating everything on my next attempt. That's not fun though. That's a pure chore.

Suckiro is just a gad game. The whole experience is akin to doing tiresome dance rehearsals repeatedly until you get a waltz down the way your instructor wants it to be, except he doesn't tell you what he wants in the first place and you have to be beaten into knowing.

The combat doesn't really let you experiment much at all, there's a few things here and there you can do to give yourself some variety, but it's not much. It all boils down to you waiting for a button prompt to parry, how is this any different than a QTE? I can't see how.
The combat is just not satisfying. No, I don't need to git gud. I just find it boring to have to sit there for 2 minutes blocking in order to do damage. It's not fun. I wanna FIGHT, not parry all day long in every single fight.
Yeah i know, there's some variations where you whittle down the health to make the posture meter drain less, but it's all just boiling down to the same shit.
If you think it's fun, that's cool. More power to you. But i think this game is gonna divide a lot of the From Software fanbase, and not cause it's too hard, cause the way the combat works is just boring for a lot of us. Parrying isn't that fun or compelling enough to base an entire game around it.
Hell, a game like Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 had heavy parrying focus, but you didn't HAVE TO use it to do decent amount of damage.

The game lacks so much polish that it feels unfinished. My guess is that it was developed by an inferior division of the company, out of a scrapped prototype.

The stealth mechanic is a pointless joke. The fact that most enemies are blind and deaf breaks the immersion and the fact that you can easily run past them even when they are alerted means that stealth killing them is not necessary in the first place.

Graphically speaking, it is a very ugly game. Drab environments, repetitive architecture and boring enemy design.

>60% of the map to be accessible at the start of the game
>each significant area has some filter bosses so you have to sort of do every area in phases unless you godly
>weapons besides boss ones easily obtained early but with lots of long term scaling
>the flexibility to roll with i frames dark souls style, dodge with speed and quicker attack readiness bloodborne style, or block defensively somewhat sekiro style to find openings
>it's really fucking long and replayable kinda like scholar of first sin but better overall quality

>I want the same game over and over reeeeeeee

the absolute state of shitters

I don't even play Zelda I'm just saying that's what it'll probably be like