Why do so many gamers pirate?

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Free shit

Because so many games aren't worth the price of admission.

Maybe because the vast majority of eroge games are fucking shit? Like seriously, remove the porn and these games would be classed as 1/10 titles on every scale from presentation to gameplay mechanics to story.

The ONLY eroge games I've played that I'd argue have objective merit outside of the porn are SiNiSistar and Parasite in City. Their spriteworks are gorgeous and the animation quality is pretty good.

>censored in the west OR japan sales only
>very hit or miss writing quality
>not on popular platforms
>gets translated years after fan translations so everyone who gives a shit has already read it

Well if you're talking about h-games, then its porn. How many people are willing to pay for porn? Incredibly small compared to how many people consume it as a whole. That's just the nature of the industry and doesn't apply to just games.


Didn't a chat leaked recently with them shitting on their userbase?

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Don't forget
>Translation quality is shit
>Leaked discord logs show those 'localizers' loathe the customers

>Make porn
>People steal it because it's low quality

Yeah, they basically said fans are the worst and that they actively hate them.

What game is it though?

Because I get free shit at no harm to anyone else with no negative consequences for myself.
Why would I not?
I would be a dumbass not to.

Cause spending $60 on a halfassed unfinished game is retarded.

I don't even pirate games anymore they've gotten so bad, I just don't play em at all.

Because most games don't deserve my money

>making porn games
>selling porn
>when porn is available in huge quantities for free
>where "gaming" these days is just watching someone elses LP anyway
>blaming piracy for your poor business choices

Its a fucking porn game. Who the fuck pays for porn?

Hentai games companies don't deserve to stay in business.

OP, as usual, is a fag.

>a hentai company shut down because their game got only 50k sales
I think if a hentai game got that many sales it would be the best selling hentai game of all time
this is bullshit

Imagine spending money on porn games of all things lmao. And I only pirate Chinese goods fyiw.

Because being a pay pig is folly

>being this bad at math

Of fucking course that OP was full of shit. Why would I expect anything different?

>imagine if 500k people would pay for the game
95% of those would actually NOT pay for it.

It's the sensible thing to do.

>a hentai company shut down

And nothing of value was lost. Only coomers would cry about

Because it's free and you won't get punished for it.

>50 000
>500 000
>495 000

1. A silly amount of gamers don't pirate, even games that don't deserve a penny
2. You can just make your game as a service if you care so much, riddle them with ads, whatever

taking advantage for maximum profit is the norm in capitalism

This, these fags don't deserve any money.

>Technical issues on release
>0 communication/transparency with consumers when something changes
>Joke translations
>Fanfiction tier editing
>No demos
>There are fanTLs that produce higher quality releases that do it for free
>"Professional" TLs act like manchildren who've never worked a real job in their lives (eg: complains about working for 4+ hours a day)
>These professionals also treat customers like subhumans
>Pretty certain none of the TLs or editors even have a degree in English or any sort of education you'd expect from conventional scriptwriters

>Thinking that if pirating didn't exist all the pirates would buy the game
>Thinking poorfags would be able to afford them if pirating went away
>Thinking any current localization company deserves the blind faith of buying their games without any research
Despite all that, I do buy games that I ended up enjoying after pirating them, to support good releases.


If you're into vore/guro, this is about as good as it's gonna get in terms of 2D sidescrollers.

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Like Gaben has said before
Piracy is a issue of availability and ease of access
If the porn game was being sold in a good store, for a good price and had good translations it would have sold a lot more when compared to pirate downloads

Because why pay for something you can get for free?

>Imagine if 495,000 people actually paid for their games...
How long will it take people to realize this isn't how it works? Just because 500k pirated doesn't mean 500k would have bought it. I'd imagine even more so in Japan considered VNs are ridiculously overpriced. A new VN costs like $80-90 or something like that.

pirates really are the scum of the world. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have shit like Denuvo to begin with.

poor people don't deserve nice leisure-related things. They should be spending that time trying to not be so fucking poor.

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I think porn has warped people's minds into thinking if it's porn it's free.

>>"Professional" TLs act like manchildren who've never worked a real job in their lives (eg: complains about working for 4+ hours a day)
Arunaru getting outed by other fan translators for being a jew because he can't make shit tons of money working like 4 hours a day will always be hilarious.

Maybe because most porn games are just RPG maker shit with the same shitty story and only have machine translations. The only decent hentai game I've ever played to come from japs is Sengoku Rance.

I don't steal things because they're low quality, I steal things because I can, easily, and then keep my money for buying physical objects.
I make games for free with optional tips for people who want extra updates, only about 1% of users do that, and that's just fine.
Dont pay for anything you could lose to a dead hdd

>paying for games
>paying for porn

I stopped pirating years ago and I think it increased the amount of fun I have with my purchases.

>Anime reaction image
>Complaining about piracy
The entire western anime/manga market was built off of piracy. It basically laid all of the groundwork for official people to just come in and take advantage of it for profit.

Lol, cope. I'll be enjoying my free vidya while you're wageslaving for Mr. Goldstein.

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>download and delete game 450 000 times
>game company goes out of business
Who here /devilish/?

how about releasing demos

The idea that it shouldn't cost anything to get your rocks off is the only good lasting effect of porn consumption.
Nofapping and then once a month taking 2 or 3 hours to edge with a game is unbelievable, though.

I actually bought a porn game recently. It was the new Fullflap game. He always puts out something high quality,so I didn't have any issue paying the money

>buying games

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Thanks for the recommendation user, this looks great

>Make a porn game
>Expect people to pay, which ultimately has it linked to their name in some way or fashion

I'm all for buying games, but expecting people to pay for a porn game--or porn in general, is delusional.

I mean, when was the last time you bought porn?

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>Poor people don't deserve culture
Fuck you retard

Read the fucking thread fellas
OP is a fucking gaslight'ing faggot. Don't fall for their bait. Shills just want to justify their coming anti pirate crusade. Watch as they will start targeting popular platforms and use this quack to justify it.

i dont buy games released later in my country than in the rest of the world
less months or years later after being released

>Publisher has 1000000 in the bank
>Pirate the game 450000 times * 60 bucks per game
>Publisher is now 26000000 in debt

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>pirated 500.000 times

What hentai game? That cant be accurate numbers.

The reality is that most the porn games are shit and some of the rare good ones earn a godly amount of money. So the scene gets flooded with subtier garbage by hacks.
Combine that with the coomer mentality and most games will not receive compensation for their work

If it's porn i don't think the quality would matter.

Microsoft did this too. Embrace piracy until you hit critical mas, thanks to pirates, and then shut that shit down and pretend you weren't the ones that uploaded all the "cracked" games.

No worries senpai, gotta look out for my fellow ryona bros.

Based post
Can't really add anything to it, as Gabe once said, piracy is a convenience issue, if they put translated uncensored versions of their games on a platform I use, yeah I'll buy it, otherwise fuck off
Also 95% of japanese eroge are shovelware garbage for lonely otaku anyway

why do so many game developers false advertise and both remove features they promised and become outright hostile to communities that disagree with their retarded decisions? oh no answer mr shill? fuck off.

>side scrolling pixel vore game

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are you 10 or just never went outside?