Memes fucking suck now

Memes fucking suck now

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We need to go back to 2010

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They've always sucked. Let me guess, you're 18-21.

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thats a reddit meme to begin with co-opting the right wing meme

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Thank you
post the desktop one

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I ran out of tide, goodbye

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>memes fucking suck now
>fucking suck now

>"Le memeys and le life was le best in 2010 XD"
>people complained how shit 2010 was
>le hecking zoomers are nostalgic for it

I blame social media

Just rip and tear this and rip and tear that XD

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I take it you didn't have any happy memories.


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seethe cope haha

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newfags will never know when shit like this still felt novel how merry a time it was

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They’ve fucking driven that meme to the ground faster than Dat boi.

2010 was shit. Fuck this garbage. We need to go back to the God-damn 1980s and set up some quantum reality function where at 00:01 on 1st Jan 1990 we all, all fucking one of us, go back to 1st Jan 1980 instead, and we leave this scientific abomination of technology on repeat forever and basically life's gonna be alright now

>he doesnt have any happy memories after 2010

Yeah, they're no different from the last generations, nor will they be the last.

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normally id say were getting old but this meme is just so dumb I just dont get how people like it. I get the "lolsorandumbxd" millennial stuff, but this is just celebrating someone complaining and then another guy being a retard.

Still its not as bad as the usual "reaction image" memes. Like the pikachu face meme was so boring because it was just a reaction to any sort of news someone finds interesting. Or the "everyone liked that" meme. Its like they need to tell everyone how to feel instead of laughing at the meme itself.

It's better than EPIC FTW!!!11!!!one!!! Happy negro xD cockmonglerrrr so zany Z0MG!!

Epic post, Yas Forumsrother. You just WON the internet, good sir.

We need to go back to classic memes like Pedobear, Ima firin mah lazor and longcat is looooong.

These memes were epic for the win!

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Shit like this makes me want to live in a Kaczynski style shack in the woods. I can't relate to anything anymore. It's all so soulless.

Memes have always been shit . Haha longcat is loooooong so funny xd

got get your nurse to change your diaper old man you're stinky


idk why we are posting images of tidus but I will join in regardless

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No, you don't understand. Memes back then sucked too. Memes have always been shit. It's just your perception that's changing. You have a certain nostalgia for back when you were younger, and what the memes were like back then. It was your first introduction to memes, thus the style of the time is ingrained in your brain. Memes have a pattern of changing every few years. And during these changes, kids and teens who are discovering memes for the first time will go through exactly what you are going through right now. They'll think their modern day memes are shit and think back on their favorite memes from their time.

Memes were always shit, and they always will be.

Lets us take the nyan cat back

Enjoy things.

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At least it's not "nobody: literally nobody:" cancer.

I think memes just move too fast now

>Memes fucking suck now
They've sucked for the last 10 years
90s to 00s internet was fresh and exciting
Now normal fags locked it down and ruined it

I remember when saying shit like was this mocked. You're no better.

this is "umad" parading around as self-deprecating humor, and umad was always a bunch of unfunny spam


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>2010 was shit. Fuck this garbage. We need to go back to the God-damn 1980s and set up some quantum reality function where at 00:01 on 1st Jan 1990 we all, all fucking one of us, go back to 1st Jan 1980 instead, and we leave this scientific abomination of technology on repeat forever and basically life's gonna be alright now
I'd be fine with this I could still chuck and supercharger on my 350ci v8 and run leaded fuel with no faggot road rules and police state bullshit

I do. None of them require interacting with retards on the internet or irl.

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If only we knew.

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it was funny the first time when it was about money printer, but its just pathetic reddit trash now

when we got the word filters ~5 years ago because americans are absolutely unbearable retards that all started to talk like niggers overnight because twitter did?
baka desu senpai

Awesome if you thought memes were kewl, you were and are a dork.

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Wrong. 22

tbf Kids Exchange doesn't sound like a good thing either

That's just bob-tier attention-whoring

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yikes bruh you posted cringe

No, I just refer to people mocking that sort of thing in general.
Imagine if you started saying "bruh" in like 2008.

>imagine 2008
take me back

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You sir just won the internet! Epic win

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>Yas Forums: smart people pretending to be stupid
>reddit: stupid people pretending to be smart
>rest of internet: stupid people pretending to be smart pretending to be stupid

Post the I am a wizard edit

I'm sad about those young people who'll never know what's it like to just laugh at dumb shit

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"Bro" was the official pronoun for Yas Forums gendered channers for years.

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Man all of these fucking memes suck dick, you've got to be done in the head to express superiority and post this garbage
Except you

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The internet has always been shit.

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You got any fun orly owls? Or bachelor frogs?

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based on what?

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This hasn't been accurate in years. Now its
>Yas Forums: normies arguing about politics
>reddit: normies arguing about politics
>rest of internet: normies arguing about politics

Bro isn't "bruh" and doesn't have the same usage either.

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>bro isnt bruh

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I'd rather see rage comics than Wojak and Pepe.

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Your fault.

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You'd rather see jokes than endless posturing?

How did you get a screenshot of my desktop?