What possible features are you hoping for in GTA VI?
I have a feeling that the jump between GTA V and GTA VI is gonna be huge.
What possible features are you hoping for in GTA VI?
I have a feeling that the jump between GTA V and GTA VI is gonna be huge.
Other urls found in this thread:
Better interaction with the AI and more accessability on the map PLEASE
Better ragdolls and vehicle deformation
For it to actually release.
I don't really care about features.
I want:
-A better map than V.
-Better variety of missions.
-More missions.
Main story that isn’t total dogshit
GTA IV Story >>>>>> GTA V Story
Could they even make another GTA game set in the 80s? After Vice City and VCS all the best 80s music has been used up.
vr exclusive
I want it to be set in the past rather than the present.
>rockstar releases gta for consoles when new gen consoles are nearby
>they will port it to next gen consoles later
>they will port it to pc in couple years
Yeah, stupid consumers gonna buy that game 3 times
A well optimized PC version that doesn't come out 2 years later
Why is there a six in the VI? Are zoomers this retarded and they dont understand roman numerals?
>Takes place in the GTA version of Florida, with Vice City being a part of it
>Set in the 70s or 80s
>One main character
>Good physics
>More single player content
>Releases on PC at launch
Red-Dead 2 levels of simulation and interaction.
Steering wheel support with force feedback and manual gears.
A better map. V's map was complete garbage.
None of that multiple protagonists bullshit. We don't need 3 mediocre ones. Just focus on 1 good one. But with Dan gone from R* we're probably not going to see a GTA anytime soon.
>I have a feeling that the jump between GTA V and GTA VI is gonna be huge.
Sorry but biggest jump was between 3 and VC. VC introduced more guns, motorcycles, more boats, helis, planes, running a business. Map wasn't a masterpiece but it was better than 3 and still holds up against SA as well imo because only Los Santos feels like an actual city. Less is more.
get rid of the shit online and focus on worthwhile dlc expansions.
will never happen I know but I can dream.
>10 years and the preceding years of some of best music has been covered in roughly two hours of eight genres
I'd like to go a full game without being talked down to by some spic on immigration.
>Map wasn't a masterpiece but it was better than 3 and still holds up against SA as well imo
lmao VCucks actually believe this shit
Fuck the 80s, make it like Michael Mann kino.
Everything that made GTA IV the best game ever
I have 0 problems with
>1:2 female to male ratio assuming they keep the trio thing and they should, worked like a charm
>racial and class issues like they did in SA
>fucking dudes being an option
I have problems with
>getting lectured on politics with how things should be
>trannies man I'm not comfortable around trannies I'm sorry
Basically things that are really going on are cool I like exploring those themes when its done by Rockstar but PLEASE educate me on how things should've been
You seem to be mentally ill, I suggest you take your meds
The map was fine, the problem is the game ignore 95% of it.
>OMG is that HECKIN' grand theft auto 6!
>go to a location
>kill piss easy npcs
>go to another location
>kill piss easy npcs
LSPDFR style vigilante missions with infinite replayability.
Vice city was 1/2 scarface and 1/2 miami vice.
the biggest jump was definitely GTA 2 to GTA 3
bring back vehicle missions
the reality is this game will not live up to it's expectations.
RDR 2 set a standard of quality that we probably won't see in the next GTA game i.e a bunch of enterable buildings, solid gunplay with gore and dismemberment etc They also aren't going to take 8 years to make the next installment either so i don't expect much quality.
So at best we can hope for is a not so shit story, and hope the online can carry it BUT it's most likely going to be a shitty reddit narcos story with online riddled with micro transactions........
>that user that thinks gta games pre-3 are even remotely relevant to this thread
>I have a feeling that the jump between GTA V and GTA VI is gonna be huge.
We all seen the difference and stepbacks they had from just going from GTA 4 to 5. I wouldn't be surprised if they go full saints row
online ruined the game. IV was kind of fun, but even modded VC and SA really showed that GTA games aren't really meant to be multiplayer at all.
>a bunch of enterable buildings
They had the benefit of there being not that many buildings in the first place because of the setting.
When you've just got an old west main street you only need to worry about a handful of pretty simple small buildings. When you're in a dense urban environment like saint denis you see the doors and windows that are just painted on.
the tone, settings, culture and characters that they created in the original top down games are still at the core of the modern GTA games. Thats what seperates them from everything else. If you played them you would know that aside from the perspective, so much shit carried over.
>enterable buildings
they kind of tried it with IV and it didn't really make the game more amazing or anything like that.
You just know they're gonna go all out on GTAO and the story will be secondary
I wouldn't be surprised if even the TECHNOLOGY takes a hit just to roll it out quicker than their usual 5+ year dev cycle
>gta games pre-3 are even remotely relevant to this thread
Whos to say that making a 2D-era GTA and transitioning it to 3D wouldn't be the shit?
in 3 there was a view you could select that was top down
the problem is you couldn't get far enough out to be useful.
I had a dream last night that GTA 6 was a remake of GTA 2 with its retro-future vibe. mite b kewl
The sound effects in GTA V were extremely weak. I want punchy explosions and gunfire in the next one.
Vice City but expanded to include the swamps. Then we can use airboats and shit.
Otherwise it should be set in Las Venturas with you running a mob casino and actually have the interior of the casino and hotel be huge and a big focus of the game, maybe let us upgrade parts of the casino instead of buying properties.
Yes that is the gameplay loop of every game from 3 onwards.
a smaller map problem solved
it need to be VR only
whatever they do it shouldn't be set in the present, gimme 70's kino
First of all fix the driving. Driving in IV with the crazy suspension was garbage and driving in V went the complete opposite direction and made it feel like every car was a formula 1 racer with perfect handling. They need to find a middle ground. Forget multiple protags, it's too hard to tell the complete story of each character that way. In V there was obviously supposed to be a gradual change in Franklin's character but instead it just kind of slapped you in the face with his old friends suddenly hating him for seemingly no reason and then immediately making up with him. Same with Michael, who had a spontaneous and unsatisfying reunion with his family.
Most importantly, if you're going to give the players choices, then make those choices worthwhile. Most of the heists had only tiny changes depending on the approach chosen. If I recall only the FIB building raid and the final heist really changed significantly with player choice, and even then it was really just two different missions rather than the same mission with drastically different events happening. I was excited to play though a second time naively thinking that I'd make different choices this time and completely change the way the heists work but I was massively disappointed.
actual shit to do outside of creating your own mayhem. add in running businesses, player designed heists, bounty hunting, drug dealing, fraud, undeground racing, pimping etc.
I hope they'll make a collectors edition, because then it'll be a GTA VI CE
>After Vice City and VCS all the best 80s music has been used up.
I'm not saying that I want another 80s game, but all this post is saying is "They used all of the 80s music that I personally know of"
I'd love to see a GTA story focusing on a ring of street racers. Make the primary focus of the campaign stealing fancy cars or going to other areas to challenge their drivers. Basically like Need for Speed if anybody cared about the story, but with added GTA wackiness.
It was one of the few highlights of the game's map, and the map still felt empty and lacking in interiors.
>Better argument than GTA V
>More things to do in the world.
>Better physics.
>criminal simulator > discount SR
Came here to say this
The water in GTAV looks a lot better though. Also this video gets linked way too often.
I would like to see more stats and have the bodybuilding or fat gains mechanic of San Andreas come back. They should add a hotdog eating contest minigame to replace yoga.
Actual mission design not
>Travel an immense distance and shoot some guys in a very specific way or you fail
>I would like to see more stats and have the bodybuilding or fat gains mechanic of San Andreas come back.
Only if they actually improve them. They were just there because R* wanted to throw so much shit into GTA SA.