Laugh at the juxtaposition

laugh at the juxtaposition

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spamming things I don't like in order to make people sick of them and make them not like them isn't working as quickly as I had planned

can I get a 'wholesome' from the chat?

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Okay, I will. Every time you post about this, I will like it a bit more, because you keep telling me to like it.

Hi Discord

ITT sensitive niggers get upset over fanart again.

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For people who play video games you guys are so jaded.

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>I hate this meme and its popularity, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>I'm gonna make threads about it! That'll show them :)

>people who play video games

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*picks up phone*

Erm, who is this?

*chatter from based individual on the other end of the line*

Why yes, I DO love Animal Crossing!

*voice from other end of line begins to sound clearer* “Yeah, you won’t believe it! He turned himself INTO A PICKLE!” *sips iced tea from whiskey glass* but anyhow, What if, and make sure you’re sitting down for this, what if Isabelle alcohol? AND, she friend with Doom Xir?! UH YEAH, BAM!”

*hangs up Tom Nook themed phone*

God, that epic joke has made me thirsty for some delicious Reddit Karma:tm: !

*opens reddit*

*sees drunk Isabelle befriending doom xer while epically bro fisting*

Me: “ah, finally! Some good fucking food!” (Quoting the most epic meme I can remember at the time).

*clicks upvote*

Oh. My. God. That was... E P I C ! ! ! !

*rubs belly*

Ho ho ho, oh yes quite funny teehee

*tugs on cock*

O-oh, hold on! That feels good!

*tugs harder*

hnnngh, yeah... REALLY good... heh...

*begins thrusting vigorously into cupped hand*.

Humina humina humina!! YEOWZERS! *eyes bulge and tongue falls out of mouth* AWOOGA AWOOGA BVVVVVVVV

*cums into hand, rubs all over isabelle amiibo*

Ahhhh nyessss. Stupendous! Simply put!

*notices beeping* Huh...? Hold on *scratches balding head* what is that ruckus?

*notices beeping and flashing lights from my söyometer*

Literally nobody:
Not a single soul:
Racist biggoted 4channelers: “THIS JOKE IS SO LE NOT FUNNY”
Me: erm, yeah, ok. Racist and sexist much? This is simply not okay!! *reports to janitorial authorities (with haste!)*

*sips on iced tea in whiskey glass* heh, yeah, that’ll show xim. Now, lets see what else is on.

*clicks remote*


*camera slowly pans out and fades to black*

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I really liked this the first day actually, I thought it was great and all but they have dragged this on for too long.

I like this picture.

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do you think doomguy can separate his career from his personal life or not

>Single-Player review
So they admitted they barely even played the game before shitting out a hasty review in order to be one of the first sites to have one.

The only thing worse than bad memes are people who make it a point to complain about bad memes.

this man is possessed

Imagine if OP was heterosexual LOL

Nothing wrong with juxtaposition, unless it’s beating a dead horse.

So they wouldn't shit out a hasty review on an evolving multi-player. If they reviewed it as it is, with shitty net-code, lots of lag, and god knows how many bugs, the entire game would receive a vastly lower score.

What actual retard plays Doom for MP

>evolving multi-player

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I have a slight hope that corona will beat some perspective into a faggot jaded OP.
emphasis on slight

>People actually playing video games

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I see Yas Forums learned a new word.

>So they wouldn't shit out a hasty review on an evolving multi-player. If they reviewed it as it is, with shitty net-code, lots of lag, and god knows how many bugs, the entire game would receive a vastly lower score.
Hasn't stopped review sites from doing that for games in the past. Only way to see it is Bethesda shat out even more money than usual to make the bloggers clam up about the garbage multiplayer.

Fuck you, it was funny because it had the same release date and they were buying each other's game in support.

Then you Redditors got a hold of it, now you're trying to be ironic.

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>real-life consumes parody

Your mom likes to hamster cabbage my dick?

Your mom likes to bond burger my dick?

I think it's cute, but why is there no Marathon/ROTT crossover fan art?


This. You need to be wackier quirkier and more random!

I guarantee this meme is 3/4 viral marketing

Really makes you think.

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They're doing their research and playing the game before they shit out a review.

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>Yas Forums has fun
>reddit is autistic
sounds right

Shut the fuck up, cunt.

People don’t have to find your shitty jokes funny, especially not when you faggots repeat the same exact unfunny joke hundreds of times.

It's cute I guess. It'll be forgotten about soon though.

You say this as if Yas Forums didn't stop becoming a source of OC years ago (and worse, it's appropriating memes and lingo from niggers)

>Shut the fuck up, cunt.

>People don’t have to find your shitty jokes funny, especially not when you faggots repeat the same exact unfunny joke hundreds of times.

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Your mom likes to seed and feed my dick?

Fun is a buzz-word.

Reddit's posts are educated. Yas Forums's lack any sort of substance.

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That was 7 years ago, Yas Forums no longer has fun.


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i really don't wanna make a comic

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Oh yeah well I think the people who complain about the people complaining about bad memes are even worse!

>over a week since launch
>TORtanic fags still FUCKING SEETHING over a joke

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>and worse, it's appropriating memes and lingo from niggers

Negroes are at the forefront of culture, and half the memes Yas Forums has ever had have involved negroes in one shape or form.

BASED and CRINGER are negro lingo, too.

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what does this mean then
>This Game Will Make You Feel 'Fun' After 4 Minutes Of Playin…


>dude what if

>Thought Flick was a qt
>Turns out Flick's male


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>Negroes are at the forefront of culture.


It's because Negro Lingo is "dangerous" and inherently "anti-establishment" which makes them attractive to copy into your vocabulary.

It is said that 60% of the English Language, and 30% of all language around the world has involved the danger and coolness of the black skin in one way or another.

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What a stupid thing to be mad over.

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Is that a problem at the end of the day?

im so tired of normies mistaking blind consumerism for being a nerd/fan

i lov brokoli

Reddit tends to show bias to universally agreed upon opinions, hiding controversial thoughts and limiting the potential for discussion while promoting samethink.
This encourages hugboxes and circlejerks while severely suppressing constructive discussion. But to top that off, the upvote/downvote system further encourages hands off engagement. Where in Yas Forums the only way to tell someone your thoughts is by personally making a reply to their post, Reddit allows you to just click the "agree" or "disagree" button and never have to engage in discussion. This is incredibly unhealthy for discussion forums.

I like that meme.

Imagine hating fun.
Just look away if it upsets you faggot.

There's no difference, both are conzoomers.

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>buying each other's game in support.
jesus fucking christ. who the fuck does that? why?
>Then you Redditors got a hold of it
the redditors are the ones who buy games to 'show support' you fucking cringey faggot

this meme is pure cancer and I don't understand why you're even here considering you think we're the redditors. kys

And unfortunately, Yas Forums now serves as an outlet for frustated redditors to say things they would never want associated with their reddit screen name. This site is just as bad as Reddit these days and people still acting like there's some sort of quality to be found here are retarded.

>you're not a true gaymerr if you think these cringey underage meme jokes are cringe!
fucck off you cancerous cunt. go back to the youtube comment section you smoothbrain

>chad redditors bro

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Reddit flakes the chaff from the best.

We live in a biased world, and as one great philosopher Kant said, we're shaped by other's opinions of ourselves. We're not a singular entity separate from the whole, and in fact it's been proven that under extreme cases of isolation, the human mind loses cohesiveness and breaks apart. We are a social species for a reason, and you might not like it but the man you're today is entirely a result of other people's actions. Not your own, and the abuse of power to shut you down into compliance is also a mechanic that we've only recently gotten rid of via the internet.

Except now it's coming back via intense moderation. So the rooster comes back to roost, anyway.

The reality is that your "Controversial" opinions are not even worth engaging or talking about, and they're doing what any normal person would do and ignore you. Reddit reveals "Controversial" opinions for the soap-box, bearded man shouting in the streets opinions that they really are: In Real Life, nobody gives a shit.

"Controversial" Babies are generally mad because they can't act like a retard, and expect to be rewarded (YOU)'s like you do on Yas Forums. It's essentially the great filter, and proof that your opinions are shit. Like that time you made a joke in class, and nobody laughed.

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this is satire right? This isnt pol right? Right?

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>chad 4channers bro

how the fuck does one even review animal crossing within the first week? the game itself is meant to be so drawn out I dont know how you could honestly review it without playing it at least a month or so

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heckin wholesome if you ask me