What do you want next from VALVE ?

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Source 3 packaged with Half-Life 3, Portal 3, Team Fortress 3, and Left 4 Dead 3, and delivered in under 2 years.

Nothing. The valve we knew was dead. Now it is only a store, that's all there is to it.

Dota 3

Half-Life 5

Well since Half-Life 3 got confirmed by the ending of Alyx, I guess I want that.

another flop
>source 3
will never happen, valvo santo has not talent left

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A VR Orange Box (containing HLAlyx, a portal vr game, and team fortress vr), Portal 3, and HL3

Portal 3 please
Half-Life is gay and overrated

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>Puts in Vive instead of Index
>even cuts off image
Yup, you're retarded. Or an Epic shill. Or both.

>half life alyx

what website was this screencapped from

they still update steamOS to this day though


Just a game. Not a game with a marketplace, not a game chasing the next multiplayer trend, not a game with a 10 year franchise plan, not a game made to sell vr hardware. Just a motherfucking game.


2013 Valve's website

The pathetic low playerbase that crumbled after 2 days

>playerbase for singleplayer game goes down after enough time passes for many to beat the game

So was Portal 2


Left FVR Dead

Damn half of this shit I had just forgotten about, Valve really went to shit rapidly after the orange box, I remember I used to play CS:S and DoD:S, they promised maps and content which they never bothered delivering, and never even acknowledged they hadn't delievered, back when they used to have a weekly Steam update pop up to talk about what they were working on. All their creative drive just fell apart, they left games to die, and churned out a bunch of misguided trash

jesus, one classic after another

Where the fuck is my Day of Defeat on the Source 2 engine. Reeeeeeee

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shut the fuck up retard

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permanently shut down Dota 2 and CSGO servers
release TF2 classic and make it 30 bucks

Oh right, if We're really refusing to count to 3, a Ricochet update would be welcome.

>vive is 1000 bucks
>hla failure
>epic games image with "lolololol"
this image has to be a joke

It's a single player game with little replayability. You think everyone who owns it has to constantly be playing it at the same time? Retarded.

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None shitty client

>seething Soldier/Demomain
CS will always dominate your ass, fag.

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Ass Portal.

>Singleplayer game loses 80% of his playerbase in 2 days
That's a lot but pretty normal for flops yes

I fucking knew it, the people who hate on HLA are the same people who think SWSH are legitimately good.
Fuck me.

>outsells BL3

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I haven't played TF2 in 9 years, and CSGO has ruined first person shooters

Its not my fault that Valve took the awesome game they were going to make and then let a bunch of bed wetting retards have too much of a say in the design and then just let "le funny meme orb" that wasn't even funny talk at you the whole time. The best part of Portal 2 until custom levels which were added years after the fact were the fucking commercials.

>Outsells bl3 some 6 months old game
Why are you even lying ? Borderlands literally doubled alyx numbers, get a brain drone

you blind, nigger? see >a brain drone
learn English.

Sure thing, pal. You're welcome to play the alternatives.

I'm trying, but they're all full of paid skins and esports faggotry

Methinks the Epic Games shill doth protest too much

Estimated you subhuman and it flopped, literally nigger tier iq, try to read next time

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One RTS please

DotA 2 proves they can do it

Artifact reborn is gonna be incredible.
Finally a non p2w card game.
Interested to see how they gonna combat everyone making same uber strong deck.
Probably weekly rotation card ban or something.
Few weeks and we get real news.

Those are pretty good numbers for a singleplayer VR game.

>6S, Insurgency, Diabotical
>b-but muh skins and e-sports
Who gives a fucking shit, you dumb nigger. You can easily ignore all these things. Jesus fuck, you actually have room temperature IQ.

that's borderlands 3
pic related is the flopped game

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>toyota sells millions of corollas
>Lamborghini only sells hundreds of gallardos

Lamborghini BTFO!

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it's completely impossible to ignore because it's a multiplayer game and one of my teammates is dressed as a pizza mascot
if they add a menu option to disable all cosmetics and revert everyone to default skins I'd play with it on at all times

Oh, whoops
Although those are still good numbers
And plus, it's been a week, some people have already finished and moved on; not all games have to be replayable.

Why does everyone compare Alyx to non-VR titles? What about sales to other VR games?

>car example
the actual state of vr fags and no a software company with 0 manufacturing skills doesn't make a lot cash with hardware, their profit margin is like 10% at best

Breh, nobody judges single player games based on how many players are playing the games

>it outsold bl3
>bl3 literally doubled their numbers
>uh ehh
>Although those are still good numbers
now the cope begins, just stop, this picture was taken 1 day after release

You rn.

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TF2 Source 2

>nobody judges
hits like sekiro had a consistent player count, flops like alyx are losing half of their playerbase in 2 days because nobody is buying the shit after release

i wish. tf2 is in such a shitty spot right now

Not user, but in what universe does player count = sales?

>concurrent players == sales made
>comparing multiplayer game to single player game that need special equipment to even be played
>the VR game still sold double the amount BL3 did on steam

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Contrarian spergs

I remember seeing this vid a while ago, still relevant
he's kinda a fag tho

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how dense are you brainfart ? you can literally estimate the sold units with the peak playercount and how fast it crumbles (1 week for single player games, 1 month for multiplayer games) and no a game with a peak with 40k gets raped by some game with 90k peak in terms of sales

TF2 2008

>average total playtime
>1.5 hours
tech demo, lost coast is better than HLA

>0 manufacturing skills
What about the Index? And the Steam controller?
And the Steam Machine?
The absolute state of vrlets: Coping, and pretending not to cope, while claiming everyone but them is coping.
What a sad life you guys lead. I pity you, really.
Anyways, since that's the pic of Day 1, why don't you post what the numbers are, today? Oh, I see. Strange how you avoid mentioning the review score.

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I want a good game, not this bullshit we got called HLA.
>no melee
>because there is no melee, if you ever run out of ammo you are soft locked in the game
>only 3 weapons, of which have very limited and useless upgrades (literally no point in taking reflex sight when you unlock laser sight)
>cannot use more than one weapon at a time
>no actual jumping
>no sprinting
>objects in the environment have very limited intractability (ie, lighting a lighter or spraying the can of paint)
>puzzles are a fucking bore and incredibly easy
>very limited physics based puzzles on SOURCE 2 POINT FUCKING 0 ENGINE
>very limited enemy variety
>dumb as rocks enemies that often times won't move when a live grenade is next to them
>ending retcons previous games
>no vehicles you can use
>incredibly linear to the point that the game could have been a ride-the-rails shooter
>not enough resin to upgrade all your weapons
>very small enemy engagements, typically 3-4 enemies
>zombies and antlions are incredibly slow to match your slow speed
>cannot toggle flashlight despite large portions of the game being indoors and dark
>you play as a voiced protagonist in a virtual reality game, breaking immersion
Fuck, how can anyone even pretend like this game was anything above "meh"?

Common copes heard from HLA Shills in an attempt to defend their shit game (mostly regarding melee and ammo):
Not the point. The point that this game breaking soft-lock can happen regardless.
Yes, and those are shit. Just because a good game has bad things in it doesn’t mean a bad game should have it too. That and those softlocks were not tied to some braindead ammo management system that could easily be fix with adding melee.
It’s not but let’s pretend like it is. At least in good survival horror games you have a knife or something to defend yourself with. Have that in Alyx? Nope. Nothing. Out of ammo? Game’s locked.
Okay, let’s pretend like the soft-lock didn’t exist. Why NOT have melee? Why take a step back? Why not be able to smash a zombie to death with a brick? Why the less fun for no reason? Because some play tester got dizzy? Come on.
This is HLA shill propaganda and has not been proven.
You know what did as well? Moving in general. You got use to it. You will with jumping and sprinting because there are games out there now that let you do so.
Not like Alyx. Alyx’s exploration boils down to opening a fringe door every now and then. HL2 you had moments where you can look for the cooking Vortigaunt. Do not even try to say the two are completely the same because they just aren’t and you’re being intellectually dishonest if you say otherwise.
Now that that’s out of the way, give me a good argument and not this coping bullshit.

And the community hub followers

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>Steam machines
I'm still salty about that. Valve put no fucking effort into that shit
>Linux efforts are just proton!!!!
I mean, that's cool and all, but the fact they couldn't strong-arm developers to release Linux native shit is appalling. Double-so with Google's Stillbornia giving them the ability to get that shit easy.

this is your mind on fucking Fortnite
Zoomers everyone