How well does text porn games with pixel sprites sell?

How well does text porn games with pixel sprites sell?

I'm looking at shit like the first Corruption of Champions and I realize people were actually paying for it, though it's probably because it was also furry and had some degenerate fetishes sprinkled in as well. But if you had good writing and could make something decent with it, you could probably make money off that shit.

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because it makes my pee pee hard

Just get yourself a patreon and put out something good, and you will rake in the cash.

The same reason why shitty "artists" make thousands making shitty "art" online - they fill a niche people are willing to pay for.

This. You don't actually sell porn games, you strategically keep them in development for as long as they remain profitable.

>put out something good
Hell, not even. Just look at Innoxia.

It's because the gameplay and writing is better than most of it's peers. honestly playing other games makes this shit look shakesperian

I've never paid for porn in my life but if you made CoC without furries and cuckshit I would probably throw you some money to play it
I wouldn't mind a SFW game that plays like CoC honestly, it's a fun one to idly grind

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You can now marry your Fox Wife, and bring her along with you!

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Hate to tell you mate but the furry, degenerate shit is what rakes in the money in the first place. Basic supply and demand (Niche fetishes that aren't often catered to are what people will pay the most for) and often times the whole reason one of these games becomes popular enough to find the patrons with money is because they fill a niche otherwise hard to find content for.

can i get her raped by orcs not interested otherwise

fuck off cuck
she is vanilla only

is this in the hgg mod?
I didn't realize that you could bring companions into battle and as a result the glacier and volcano areas are really tough

Only problem is that the daughter content vindicates the "ultimate cuckoldry" copypasta

She meets and decides to get married with someone who treats you like a cuck and never respects you and there is NOTHING you can do about it. Even question her choice and she storms off.

Actual cuckolds write this

not hearing a no

I just wish more games implemented fuckable nipples

No, it's the fanfic game "CoC 2" made by savin, renowned cuckold.

games with the horrible TiTS style world navigation are not worth my time time or cum

>made by savin, renowned cuckold
i'll pass

It's even worse actually. Tits had the decency to be a grid, this game just has squares thrown around randomly and connections drawn equally randomly

>falling for the cuckold meme

Nah I don't play the game

Is the balance on characters fixed? or it still heavily favors futa?

As much as I wish, there is no actual cuckold content. "Everyone is a slut and fucks everybody" isn't cuckolding. CoC 2 doesn't have it, and what barebone elements are in CoC have been modded out.

What do you even mean?
I'm serious.

Kinda funny how retards spout the cuck meme but conveniently that the original CoC had ACTUAL cuck content in form of Urta.

either it's a cuck game or it's not. which is it?

Once again - a slut who fucks everyone, including the protagonist, from Day 1 - can hardly be called cuckold content.

I remember that, I stopped caring after that.

>As much as I wish

go back to working on your game Savin. Squeeze what money you can out of your patreon cucks. No one here is gonna give you money for shilling it here.

I've played the game both vanilla, modded, and /hgg/ modded. There is very little actual cuckold content - basically one or two Helia scenes which go nowhere. 99% of what autists claim is "cuckold" is actually just "character is a slut who fucks anything that moves, and never pretends to be otherwise".

Savin doesn't have the balls to add actual NTR, since he knows his forums will become one giant flame war.

CoC1 has relatively little cuck content

CoC2 has a cuck for its director

Because 90% of WEG are 3DCG garbage or "alpha version 0.01A please donate to my patreon :)"

go on f95 right now and I guarantee you'll have to go through several pages just to find anything worth a damn. Fenoxo and his gaggle of autists have major flaws but they provide frequent updates and more at least decent content than what else is available in the WEG market.

And let's be honest, the scene in the original CoC where you get so addicted to minotaur cum and go on withdrawals that you wander into the gloryholes in back of the goblin haircut place and get gloryhole gangbanged by minotaurs is so fucking hot that every so often I replay the game just for that scene alone.

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Every time you meet a female character it either has a visible horse dick or it doesnt and every time i like a girl that doesnt i have been let down by them having a dick anyway (Minotaur, elf, tanuki). Have your futa by all means but please give me someting here

I meant centaur not minotaur (its more of a case of an affeminated boy, but still)

>the scene in the original CoC where you get so addicted to minotaur cum and go on withdrawals that you wander into the gloryholes in back of the goblin haircut place and get gloryhole gangbanged by minotaurs is so fucking hot that every so often I replay the game just for that scene alone.
The entire internet was a mistake.

But internet brought us wholesome, loving kitsune waifus.

So what niche hasn't been filled yet and how much patreondollars can I make by filling it?

Yeah too much futa shit. I don't know what the cuckshit is cause I only played a bit of it (I'd be double out if I found it) but it lost me at 90% of the populous having a dick.

You have to admit it does create sentences that are, without a doubt, unique in the whole history of mankind.

I wish I earned more money.

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College setting and very lovey-dovey. No unless you actively go for it.

What are you on about CoC2 has way less futa than TiTS or the original game.

If you wrote less snuff and despair you might.

No rape*

>I replay the game just for that scene alone
Extremely based.

>vanillapleb enters thread about fetish videogames and acts surprised that people jack off to things they don't like
I have played over 300 eroge and jacked off to each of them.
I've beat my meat to every single monster girl quest sex scene, even the ones I don't like just to prove a point. Even the Beelzebubs and the weird poorly drawn angels. I don't even like vore but I jacked off to it on principle. Because I care about eroge, unlike you. You lack vision and character and don't deserve to even lurk erotic game threads because your type are the types that always ruin it. You insist on only pleasuring yourself to things you like. I would pity you but I'm about to start a NG+ run of monster girl bifrost. Never post again.

Night games by silverbard games. You and a bunch of other college students run around after dark trying to strip wrestle tickle and fuck one another in a game of sexual manhunt.
It's perpetually unfinished but there, you're welcome.

If you seriously need to ask this (especially to the perm-virgins and coomers of Yas Forums) then you're never going to make it.

Imagine being so hung up on the idea of a slutty cat in the game that you would pass on best girl.

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All I want is more Slablands-style setting. Just a fantasy world with cute monstergirls all over the place. CoC1 was also great but a little over the top for me. Also, fuck all these people putting shitty art into their games. If your art sucks, just go without and let the players imagination do the work. CoC2's art is terrible.

I wouldn't do my bro Brint dirty like that. I'll just take his dick and bide my time and eventually teach him to love taking it and make him an absolute buttslut

Where to find?

It may just be me and my perception of it but it annoyed me a lot because of the female cast the 3 that i mentioned made me go "huh she is pretty i hope there is something to do with her" just to have it trown in my face that they have a dick. The wolf, the bee and and encounter with a party in the forest where you can fuck the brown doe girl where the only ones i was on board, all else was a no go for me

Just outside the city, to the north :^)

You can't fuck her own daughter that you have with her which is bullshit.
Yeah I know shut the fuck up

Best Patreon game!

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there's kind of ntr content with the centaur girl(male) and the minotaur, only one scene though

Thanks, friend. :^)

that's free market for you baby!

Would any of you guys be interested in an anime girl cookie clicker brothel game?

This is the part where we all throw our heads backwards and laugh!
>CoC2's art is terrible
I mean, it's not Lilith's Throne, but the art is pretty good for the most part. There are some early arts in-game from TiTS' artists, wich are pretty bad, but DCL and Moira do a good enough job.

I still don't get what those clicker games are


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They're basically number porn.

The question is whether something like it exists. Most porn 'games' have very little content. Walls of texts or not, nothing exists that really presents an alternative to CoC.

Not really, if you want someting simple check Slave matrix, do that but bigger/better looking and you are golden after publishing the first working build you have

It's small on top by spedumon.