Game has a harem ending

>game has a harem ending

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Other urls found in this thread:

>game is unrelated to video games
>you play as a sage

Just because you dont know any doesnt make them not videogames

>you can romance the loli

I've honestly always hated this picture. Everything about is trying SO hard and it just annoys me.

That pic reminds me of Nozomi. God I love Nozomi.

Attached: Shenmoo.jpg (1200x675, 147.65K)

bro its just a lady smirking at dinner

It's just a nice lady enjoying her meal, relax my man

This post was not made by Ryo

seething roastie detected

how to spot a disgusting wh*toid roastie , now go cry about it on reddit you trash

jesus christ those bangs are horrifying

are you retarded? she has nice tits and a good face. if you can't appreciate that you're a faggot

>Yas Forums
>video games
>not a porn subreddit

Why are white women SO hateful of asians?

I know what you mean


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They all look the same

god I wish that was my gf

That's what you get 99% of the time you point a camera to a woman.

>implying it's not a tr*annoid

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In the thumbnail they looked pregnant
I am extremely disappointed


This picture is like 10 years old. Where is she now? Is she still out there flaunting her cuteness and big tiddies? Is she a cake?

Tы игpaeшь зa мyдpeцa, a eщё ты лeди

>game has a monogamous ending and extols the virtues of waiting till after marriage to have sex

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>game has multiple siscon endings
>game has a blood related niece ending
How did they get away with it?

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>waiting till after marriage to have sex
That means not ejaculating outside of sex either, otherwise it doesn't count, pleb

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I have failed

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Legit question, are asian women that submissive? Is it a culture thing or what?

they know their place in society

It's more like they know being submissive gets them what they want from their partner

>are asian women that submissive
No, they're just as picky and demanding as all other women.

having a harem of women is the best feeling

it's cultural not nature. if you abuse asian women too much, they will turn into westernized femzoid

All women are submissive if their man is not a pussy
Pinch them on the neck when they are acting up to assert dominance

nun best girl only because she wears a garter belt

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azn mommy please gib milkies and spring rolls

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Moreso than western women, yeah. It's a cultural thing. Asian femnazis and SJWs definitely exist though.

>Book series has a harem ending
>Series gets a good video adaptation that has very little to do with the actual story in the books

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delicious sweater puppies

Far east Asian (China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, developed parts of Mongolia) women you're likely to meet are babied to death for all of their lives and their parents have huge, huge, unrealistic expectations of them. Because of that, they're completely submissive. But they're also lazy (don't know how to cook), and are REALLY REALLY tied to their parents.

t., married Chinese girl. Pros:
+9/10 even without makeup, zero surgeries
+was a virgin
+middle class
+quickly converted to Christianity.
-we go to her parent's house sometimes 3 days a week, if I don't put my foot down, would easily be 5+
-she's basically a child with any big decisions
-she's only used to high class stuff, so she doesn't understand how to clean or maintain a small home while we save for a bigger one
-very limited cooking skills
Overall, most of the issues are fixable and have improved a lot since we've gotten married. Would definitely much rather have her than some white roastie.

They're just more accepting of their submissiveness than other races.
Every non-fetishist "dominant" woman I know are all acting and are huge subs as soon as you put pressure on them.
Kind of too bad

you picked up a low tier chink if she can't even make you some onions sauce braised chicken or salmon..

wow I forgot you can't say basedsauce

How can white fats compete?

>+9/10 even without makeup
Lying on the internet again, son?

I believe him. I've dated some smoking hot chinese FOBs here in America.

>They're all traps

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Came in thinking of this. I will not watch the series amazon is gonna shit out.

I almost married a Chinese girl
Thank god we broke up
Her glass hearted nationalism was so bad I half suspected she was a fucking CCP spy sometimes
Literally any time someone criticizes China it was always unfair and racist and what they said was lies

Fuck China
Fuck Chinese
Nuke the yellow monkey fuckers
Japan forever
Nanjing never happened baby

It's culture; from aesthetic to behavior femininity is idealized. Genetic obviously no difference between whites and asians here. Hell, westernized asian chicks can reach unparalleled levels on insanity.

stop posting disease vectors

If you hadn't heard, there may be a silver lining to the empty bun shutting down the world right now:

The problem I've had with chinese girls is that they're almost completely devoid of empathy. The insect memes are partially true.

Or you could just date Taiwanese, which is literally all the best parts of China (actually has more traditional Chinese values than modern China since they island was populated by educated refugees from the mainland) without the hyper nationalist communism and ego issues.

You can't point out the parallels between gook thots and the western ones without being called a roasty/tranny by the dumb weebs.

They're more comfortable with being submissive, but they're by no means all submissive.
They're just like other girls except they're less poisoned by feminism telling them if they don't wear the pants they're a failure

is there anything greater than big titty asians? not jungle asians tho

Non asian woman detected.

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