Who remembers "BARRELS" from Pewds?
Nostalgia time, bitches!
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Barrel time
I remember Barrel from atelier Rorona
Remember when pewdiepie wasnt some dumb fucker who makes meme reviews.
he was always a shit show
Wtf happened to Pewds? He's such a lefty now
Can we get a public ban on this one mods?
what a fucking
I watched pewdiepie when he started his amnesia series, it was actually fun to watch because he was just a chill dude playing videogames. As soon as he started putting voices on objects and screaming like a faggot I dropped it thinking the channel would die.
i watched him prior to him having 40k subs
never subbed tho
Didn’t /lit/ persuaded him into reading Yas Forums stuff a year ago?
Pewdiepie isn't Yas Forums and never will be. He sucks, his routine is unoriginal, and he profits off of edgy culture he never had a part in. The fattest of Sages
I don't mind PDP but you can kys ;)
why the hostility
If you don't know who this guy is you didn't have a childhood.
i agree discussing him here is retarded but he is more part of this website than most users.he browses here since at least 2009
>Yas Forums is unironically nostalgic for fucking pewdiepie
You have no right to judge anyone faggot
>there are people nostalgic for pewdiepie
Ding ding ding. Right answer.
Anime is less cancerous than fuckin pewdiepie
Honestly there was a short time when he was actually kind of funny, after he stopped screaming at horror games but before he became obnoxiously self-aware
>goes on Yas Forums
>complains about anime
>nostalgic for fucking pewdiepie
You have to go back
I’m too old for this website now I think
Absolutely based. Trannies blown the fuck out
I was already a too old for pewdiepie when it came out so i only saw 1 video of him screaming at the top of his lungs and something about barrels and chairs? How come his shrill screams didn't turn off the babies watching it?
It's only going to get worse from here
What did he think right after he dropped the n-word?
I started watching him when he became a viking chad. I thinkt that was when he said nigger on livestream and told people how he hated his past self acting like he enjoyed playing like a retard for the views
Pewdiepie when his content was only horror shit is soul compared to current day Felix.
nothing really, he said sorry cuz he didn't want to lose his monetization, but everyone who knows him, even if a little bit, knows what he really thinks.
who remembers 3pac?
I never watch this faggot because I wasn't a pre-teen in the 2010s
You have no right to judge anyone faggot
Why the hell was this 500 years ago? It feels like yesterday at times.
literally who
quick, someone sauce this before the thread is nuked
Newfags always want some mascot for some reason.
Team Psykskallar added him as an easter egg to Cry of Fear lol
I remember when v hated Barrel Pewdiepie.
This is an anime website. Reddit is that way.
eceleb cancer is not video games, fuck off
you're not welcome here get the fuck out no one likes you
And the dial8ion st8ion is that way
I remember way back when you could tell that he was being genuine in some of his let's plays but ended up forcing himself to act like a retard because he thought it would get him more views. It was a shame
>when pewdiepie wasnt some dumb fucker
go back Yas Forumsredditor tourist
Nah, my dick is alright, otherwise how would I fuck your mom's fat fucking ass lmao
This site sure doesn't belong to us anymore, isn't it? I wish there was a place for the normal people too, all the Reddit retards can have 4chins now, I don't even care at this point
Pewdiepie has always been awful.
>pewdiepie is now acceptable topic of discussion on Yas Forums
>pewdiepie nostalgia
I'm officially too old, good bye
>Implying Yas Forums is not reddit 2
For me, it was Mr. Chair
Maybe I was an adult, fucking zoomer
Well, yeah?
Yas Forumss average age is clearly like 20, 21 which means they were in their early teens in ~2012, the people watching pewdiepie
>thinking a zoomer wuold know about this
Zoomers most likely weren't even born yet you absolute retard.
I only watched a few of his videos, I dont like him but I respect him for talking about fake forced happiness on youtube.
Based. Why the fuck did he have to die? He was of the greatest comedians of our time, RIP.
etika had a sticky allowed last year. E-celebs are allowed on Yas Forums