let's settle this once and for all, which design do you prefer?
i'm gonna send this poll to CDPR and try to convince them to bring old female V as a default back if she wins
let's settle this once and for all, which design do you prefer?
i'm gonna send this poll to CDPR and try to convince them to bring old female V as a default back if she wins
left obviously
its not even just the design and the fact that she looks more niggerish and just uglier, also looks like a crackhead with those eyes and piercing..
he quality is also down, check the hair, new one its just a fucking texture.
but hey! consoles first class citizen amirite!
Left, but I'm going to use the character customization feature anyway because I never liked the initial design for either the male or female v
>that one tranny/cdpr shill who voted right
Is this;
Left Female V
Right Male V
Is Cyberpunk gonna be worse than Witcher 3?
I don't care since I'm not a homo who plays as a girl
Left for coom
Right for gameplay
>getting mad how a character looks when there's character creation
If you want proof of how retarded the average Yas Forumstard is, look no further than the mongoloids getting triggered and discussing this shit.
Why does the hair on the right look like it’s made of play dough? Like someone else said, the quality looks like absolute shit. They should’ve waited to put this game on next gen consoles like Bethesda is doing with Starfield
The female on the left obviously
Worse than Witcher, better than Assassins Creed: Odyssey
you know the game has more characters besides the one you play right?
like NPCs for example. want them to look hideous too?
Another company bites the dust.
it's synthetic hair made of fake meat created in laboratory
That's pretty high tech and low life.
old design
but theoretically there should be enough faces to choose so you will like how V will look like
It's zBrush sculpting of hair, looks like garbage but they can easily make a low-poly version of what they sculpted and click 1 button to bake all the textures/maps from the "high poly sculpt" to mimic it's appearance.
It's devoid of technical ability, creativity and innovative solutions to a problem and thus looks wholly uninspiring and dated (which it is at this point).
Both are fine desu
The new one because she has a hotter body and piercings, plus she triggers election fags which is always a good thing.
If you didn't like witcher 3, why would you ever have any hope for cyberpunk?
it doesn't really matter anyway because they cut all third person cutscenes. wow you're going to see her in the menu, might aswell just take a screenshot of your V and print it out, that's just as good.
seriously cutting third person mode was a retarded idea by cdpr, cutting every third person cutscene makes this a day 1 pirate
right version is a toy figurine that cd projekt red is selling along with male v
left version is the in-game model from 2018
That would mean OP is being disingenuous!
FPBP. The new one looks hideous.
>getting mad how a character looks when there's character creation
We've seen that the character creation is even more dumbed down than Skyrim's, it's all a bunch of preset eyes, noses, lips etc.
People have been asking CDPR non-stop if they can recreate old V and they haven't responded. This goes counter to them being quite diligent in answering fan questions.
We're going to see just how dedicated CDPR is to their "Fuck DRM" stance after this releases and people pirate the fuck out of the GOG version to see just how pozzed it is before risking a dime on it.
>before Yas Forums
>after Yas Forums
their pro consumer talk is just marketing bullshit. seems to work out for them so far, they have a crazy amount of fanboys just because they once cut 16 small dlc crap from the witcher 3 and gave it to people later for "free"
It's also in game
What does it even matter since you can't even see the character anyway because of cheap, lazy devs?
left is sooo much better why'd they go outta their way too ruin her?
I'll be surprised if the character creator is better than Andromeda, I suspect it'll be just as anti-white.
Right looks more detailed and realistic. Left looks plastic and like a generic NPC
Usually when you show and mention new things about a game it's supposed to increase hype but every new thing shown about Cyberpunk kills it even more. I won't even pirate it now. Cutting third person cutscenes was the last straw.
right is obviously higher quality and more fitting for the setting
what's wrong with you perma Yas Forumsirgins?
Except there's a 3D boxart render of the female V on the right akin to the male V. There's also two official artwork pieces.
Clogged, shitty pores you can see from several feet away means high quality to you?
What's your point? We already know the NCPs will look like shit but that's unimportant. Why even bother with a character creator when you can only see your character on a menu or in mirrors? They put it in and then did everything in their power to make it pointless.
If by realistic you mean xhe looks like a Thailand ladyboy after a 3 day meth bender, sure.
>NCPs will look like shit but that's unimportant
thats where we disagree, but hey you're free to spend your money on whatever you want
By realistic I mean more detailed
Was the image on the right from a trailer?
The fact that you can’t say anything good about the right one without getting tons of replies from “record correctors” just goes to show you the state of this board
If you don't make the bitch ugly feminists and faggots will bitch.
record correctors? What? The left is hotter. It's literally that simple.
It’s also less detailed
Sometimes less is more. I really don't need to see nuV's pozzed skin and herpes sores.
maybe we should bitch loud too then since the feminists doing it seems to work out every single time meanwhile we do nothing and they continue to get their way
we just have to be louder than them
Speaking of less the one on the right has less makeup. Talk about fumbling with your own words.
the one on the right is less detailed yes
its literally a lower resolution picture too
This isn't even just a different design. The new one is clearly modeled by someone else, who's obviously much worse at their job.
Talk about being a cumguzzling CDPR shill, you mean.
That’s not the way topic consistency works but you do you
It's a toy, genius
>more shit on your face = more detail
Just look at right's hair... you call that detailed?
>if you don’t agree you’re a shill
Great showcase of your maturity there. I’m sure your opinions are very valuable.
it's also less agenda driven than right. the poll makes it pretty clear what the average player likes more, the new one definitely is made to pander to polygon/kotaku and other journos
>It’s also less detailed
A beautiful woman's face is going to have less detail on account of being baby smooth and not having clogged pores.
More details? All I see are piercings, less makeup, and a different shaped face, eyes, and lips.
lol you’re a sucker for makeup
>Lighter eyebrows
>Lighter makeup
>More piercings
Just why.
both are thots
It's unimportant to my overall point you retard which is that there's no reason for a character creator when you can't even see your character in-game anyway.
Laughing at anons saying with a straight face that the low resolution pic of an action figure is more detailed that a render from what was old in-game V
>it's disingenuous
It's the only comparison we can make, CDPR haven't shown new V's in-game model yet, just artwork and figurines.
What Yas Forums also fails to see is that people's main problem is not new V existing, is the high chance of old V not being there anymore. New V will be used in some marketing and the reverse cover you will never ever see unless you yourself turn it around. Who cares about that. It's the fact that the face shown for two years, the face used in the official cosplay guide as the final look of V, might very well not be in the game anymore given the way CDPR are staying silent just like they did in the past when it came to content they had cut.
No, it's literally called a facial scrub. You can have a relatively flawless face with a decent routine and no makeup. You should be doing this regardless of what's between your legs.
Wait, all the crying is over a fucking figure?
>Comparing a 3d model to a low res photo of a toy
it's not just a figure, it's a new design for the female V in game as well.
posting in this thread feels kind of stupid now, doesn't it?
I'm gonna send them screenshots of comments like this one to counter your attempt
Are you a fucking retard or just never learned how to fucking read? Is this your first Cyberpunk thread?
When did Yas Forums get invaded by SJWs?
Right actually looks straight up like the sort of people that used to be referred to as Eurotrash.
Right has sexier lips
the lip piercing is seriously the most disgusting thing about her. reminds me of tinder thots i fucked that made me paranoid i catched some std after or zoe quinn type sluts