What's your all time favorite FPS campaign?

What's your all time favorite FPS campaign?

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Blood and Quake 1

Unreal 99

CoD4, it has good pacing, plausible story, nice art direction, atmosphere, memorable levels and characters. It also has a good grounded-arcadey ratio.

I really gotta hand it to Republic Commando

Probably Serious Sam The first encounter. Yeah I know it's one of the most repetitive shits ever, but Serious Sam and Half Life was what brought me gaming, and First Encounter will always hold a special place in my heart.

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There is nothing memorable or remarkable about Quake 1, blood or unreal campaigns

Knee Deep in the Dead is outstanding, but the rest of Doom lets it down. Half-Life 1 is great. Amid Evil and Project Warlock are both recent favorites.

I played through the first episode and a half or so of Quake 1 and thought the level design was kind of boring. Maybe I should give it another shot.

Quake has great atmosphere, simple yet perfect controls, generally good level design and gameplay loop.

Quake II

>there's nothing memorable or remarkable about the game that laid the foundations for 3d gaming and had Trent Reznor composing the ost

Kind of true, they all suffer from lack of enemy variety and Quake is just bland overall (in my opinion). Blood is at least fun to play though, Unreal is a fucking slog

007 Nightfire tbqh

Just cause you laid the foundation for gaming doesnt make it memorable or pitfall on atari would be considered best platformer campaign

this, serious sam doesn't get enough love

Titanfall 2 solely for the Gauntlet and the Effect and Cause mission, may be the single greatest FPS level ever designed

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Return to Castle Wolfenstein
1985 Cold War Crisis
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down

try it with ltspeirs realism mod. Realistic RoF, realistc mag capacity for MGs, higher enemy count, more M249s in Marine campaign

Serious Sam has best kind of shooting, where timing and spatial awareness are even more important than reflex

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deus ex probably for single player, but quake started my love for online FPS games

amid evil or deus ex if that counts

007 Nightfire, Black, Doom eternal.

I don't have a single favorite. Can I count Arcane Dimensions? Quake, HL2, Doom, Amid Evil, HL: Alyx

>lacking in enemy variety
nigger you what? Literally every mob in Quake requires a different way of killing them.

Singularity was pretty good.
Titanfall 2 might be the best FPS campaign since SiN
SiN, obviously.
The New Blood retro-style shooters are excellent.
ProDeus is shaping up nicely, but remains to be played.
Bioshock and Bioshock 2 were fun, but got kinda dull after repeat playthroughs. Still a magnificent first experience as you piece together the fate of Rapture.

Not enough variety in Quake. All 4 episodes are the same
>military base starter
>2-3 gothic castles
>2-3 metal gothic castles with more lava and shamblers/vores

Titanfall 2

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I think it's time to slice some heads off again.

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>farts in OP's general direction

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>clearly a third person game
yous a dum nigga

The one with the best multiplayer ever as well
Hail Zampella

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You can play outcast in 1st person but it doesn't matter, Dark Forces is better

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>No muzzle flash

Is this douk

No, its better than Duke

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>Better Soundtrack
>Better Arsenal
>Better Enemies
how can Quake I fags even compete

what Quake should I play

I love arcane dimensions but there’s one map that was god awful that I have no idea why it never got updated or removed


No One Lives Forever
Shame that a modern rerelease is never ever going to happen

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The inevitable NuiD remake coming 2024.
In the meantime, Wrath is pretty good.
If you just want Quake, I is the purest form of it.

Dark Forces and Outlaws are fenomenal, a shame lucasarts didn't make more shooters.

there are 3 with SP content
Quake 1 - plenty of melee enemies, some also have ranged attacks, most easily avoidable once you get hang of it. Except Spawns, because fuck Spawns and everything they stand for.
Quake 2 - most enemies have hitscan weapons, but also broadcast their attacks, giving you plenty of time to get out of sight. Slower, more tactical. Rushing is bad idea if you don't know what you're up against.
Quake 4 - it's like Doom 3, except it has colors, good weapons, and enemy variety. In beginning missions you're accompanied by NPCs who are surprisingly not useless, then you get "upgraded" which makes you faster and tougher.

why mess with the perfect formula

Old: Heretic
New: Nu-Shadow Warrior but Doom Eternal is a close contender (haven't finished it yet and it's been a while since I played SW).
Honorable mention: Hedon for trying to shove so much wacky shit into Doom gameplay: cosplying Arx Fatalis, having retarded forced stealth section that escalates int exposition dump cutscene like it's some modern AAA shit, blasting through the last level with squad of poorly drawn thicc orc bitches as everything around is exploding.
That mission where you attack some kebab village during night and need to check 4 houses or something and also can order an airstrike was kino. But the rest is shit, kys zoomer.

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Go back to school

deus ex is an rpg

Far from being a good game. Solid concept but I'd wait until they complete it

I think Arcane Dimensions is a strong contender.

I hope you mean Per Aspera Ad Iferi (ad_lavatomb) by Ionous. His level design has become much better since making it but this level is a fucking shot-perfect slog.

>ctrl + f
>no perfect dark
c'mon, the story is pretty ok

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>Far from being a good game.
The first episode they released is pretty damn good. I'm kind of tired of the whole dark/horror-ish imagery in FPS games, though. Give me aliens or more weird shit like Amid Evil. That said, even if I'm not in love with aesthetic the game still looks good.

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>The inevitable NuiD remake coming 2024
never ever

I like cod campaigns for the dumb fun and instant gratification, but the endless enemy spawns in 1, 2, 3 and 4 really piss me off. 1 especially, since it has a static health system.

dude spoilers

FEAR for tacticool John Woo
Half Life OpFor because of the fantastic weapon roster
Doom. Any of them, really.

>1985 Cold War Crisis
Is there anything else like it? How are the campaigns in Arma?

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>any of them, really
I hope you’re not one of those retarded tranny faggot zoomer niggers who includes 2016 and *shudders* Eternal in that list. If you are, kindly do the world a favor and find your way to the nearest Zoomer Execution Booth.

>fanning the revolver in outlaws
theres just somethin about it

you left off that 4 is a sequel to II, other than that you covered it pretty well. All 3 are good

Halo CE.


>Doom. Any of them, really.
You forgot to stick "except for II" there


I think they're fine, but don't really need to be called Doom since they're nothing like the old Doom. Looking at nudoom and eternal on their own merits, I consider them fairly competent games.

Played it for the first time a couple weeks ago. Great first half but the Flood are objectively un-fun and make most of the second half a drag.

>modern rerelease is never ever going to happen

>Is there anything else like it?
metric fuckton of fanmade campaigns, obviously.
>How are the campaigns in Arma?
Great: 1985, Resistance, East Wind, DLC mini-campaigns, Crimson Lance
Good: Harvest Red
Meh: Arrowhead, Rahmadi Conflict, Red Hammer, Black Gauntlet
Shit: Combined Arms, Silver Lion

pic related, Return to Castle Wolfenstein and SiN+Wages of Sin are all equal to me.
I love a ton of other games (including OPs) that have and will be posted ITT and Blood 1 for example is my absolute favourite fps, but I enjoyed the single-player campaigns of the above mentioned games the most.

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Corporate hell regarding the trademark or copyright.

Here's your (you)

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these ones and also Metroid Prime if that counts

The ip rights are split between Warner Bros., Activision and 20th Century Fox but nobody is really sure about that since the contracts were written up before digital storage so they don't give their yes to a remake out of fear for breaking some contract with one of the other parties.
Night Dive tries to make a remake happen and got basically this as response.

I really liked the shadow warrior reboot. Best new shooter in the last decade I think

>Serious Sam has best kind of shooting, where timing and spatial awareness are even more important than reflex
There's far too many. I love Quake, Half-Life, Unreal, Serious Sam; all the classics I mean. Half-Life 2 + SMOD cracks my top 5.

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