Anyone else getting really tired of SJW's forcing changes into video games over unnecessary things?
I wish the game developers stop caving into their pathetic demands.
Anyone else getting really tired of SJW's forcing changes into video games over unnecessary things?
I wish the game developers stop caving into their pathetic demands.
its censorship and its disgusting. Good thing this plague is here to shed light on how retarded all this social posturing is.
>Who the hell are these freaks!?
I didn't play this game but that's the wrong translation of what this character said
>mistranslate a line wrong on purpose to try and rile people up
I don't get it. Localisers completely fuck up a lot of shit, why did you have to invent a translation to try and pretend the right text box isn't a direct translation?
Since when does コイツラ translate to freaks?
translate or shut up faggot
OP is a huge faggot.
It's not a mistranslation. That's what the Japanese version says. They also kidnap Ryuji and it's joked about them raping him. In the western version, they've made it so that they are drag queens who are going to dress up Ryuji in drag.
If you actually knew Japanese, you'd know that's not what the Japanese version says. I don't know about the rest of the shit, I stopped playing P5 pretty early because it was pure garbage and I've only heard of this shit second hand.
Feel free to post a real example of a changed line, buddy.
>That's what the Japanese version says
Nowhere he said that, whoever translated this doesn't know Japanese, or for some reason thought adding "hell" and "freaks" would be the equivalent to writing コイツ in Katakana, which it isn't
Either way, before complaining about localizations learn the minimun of Japanese
I just don't understand why they want to make every character the same. It's like everyone in the world is different and has different dislikes and likes, but the one thing everyone can agree on is that homos are OK. That's not how people work and making it that way destroys unique characters, the absolute opposite of what trannies want to be. It's all so hypocritical.
Is this bait? koitsura doesn't mean "Freaks"
it's a rude way of addressing someone to be sure but "who the hell are these guys" is about equally rude. You wouldn't say it about some nice old ladies standing in front of you.
See who you call "sjws" are just normal people, most people under 60 aren't racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic anymore. You're the outsider.
Watch OP try to repost this bait later when there aren't people to correct him
I am, yeah. I notice cringy localizations right away and it kills it for me. I can't play RF4 or Persona 5 because of it.
shit bait OP, at least post the real version
Oh no! My two-minute homophobic scene is now slightly less homophobic and even kind of transphobic now! End of the world!
Get over yourselves, the trannies at ResetEra are still mad at it because it's just as insulting when translated properly. We won.
>God, religion, society, traditional values = BAD
>enforced marital chastity, homophobia = GOOD
It's Pooh Flu
That's absolutely not what the japanese text says you fucking queer
I only play games that are gameplay-focused so not really. If there is censorship I never realize it.
Nice bait, the japanese actually just says: Uwaa!? Who are these guys...?!
Damn, OP got rekt in this thread.
>being this obsessed with SJWs
honestly, I need her money to invest
>Ignoring them
The greatest lie the devil ever told was that he didn't exist.
I've been ignoring these people for years and they have yet to ruin my enjoyment of anything. Why the fuck should I be up in arms because one line of dialogue that has no impact in the overall story in a 100 hours jrpg got changed?
These doesn't work because she already got it yesterday
I'm learning jap, so that'll at least prolong the inevitable for me by a decade or so.
>The greatest lie the devil ever told was that he didn't exist.
even greater than saying that God doesn't exist?
Jisho's showing nothing, what is it?
I'm getting pretty tired of faggots like you crying and screaming about sjws every five seconds. Also the right image is the correct translation.
Just slang for "guys"
1. he; she; this fellow; this guy; this personUsually written using kana alone, Colloquialism, Derogatory, Familiar language
You're just mad that they're winning
Whoa!? Who are these guys...!?
Fuck you covidchan
those are changes made by americans to suit the predominately nonwhite, LGBT market of theirs. P5R is getting released in French, Italian, German, And Spanish so there's that.
Anti-SJWs harassed someone I loved until she committed suicide and then laughed about it, but I’m sorry this one video game had slightly different dialogue when translated into another language. That sounds really hard.
It's not even a bad change, it's more accurate now. These losers just never stop.
It's the Shanghai Shivers
Because there's been so many actual cases of censorship, people have become hypersensitive about it and get riled up over any change no matter how significant.
fuck you
Don't mind, there are hundreds of games released every year. I just forget about whatever game it was and move on to the next thing. I'm a nihilistic consoomer like that, I place no value in anything. Nothing means anything and everything is shit.
no, but I'm getting tired of the whining about it.
god i hope so
Fuck you
To be fair, they are obsessed with taking creative control away from Japanese developers.
Even when they get their way, they still aren't satisfied.
That's cool and all but you should stay in your site reseterabro
Hate you
Just saving and sharing, "user".
>all those replies
time to post this
If anyone isn't trolling about the censorship in this thread, it's because they joke about Ryuji getting raped twice. It was a shit tier joke in the first place.
They didn't win, we did. The translation is better now, and it's still "homophobic"
my mom will be fine
yeah how dare they use the word r*pe don't those riceniggers know it's 2020?
>Thats not what it says!
>wont correct it