Make her Yas Forums

Make her Yas Forums

Attached: 1585411505452.png (941x707, 281.95K)

Make her what.

conceive? Don’t mind if I do.

/vidya/ related

But she already is in a video game you dumb newfag.

Attached: stupid sexy clown.jpg (2158x2000, 2.9M)

I've never touched an image editing program before in my life so I have no idea how I'd do it but at least she's from a videogame to begin with.

Whatever you say jaypee

Attached: Moon may cry.png (941x707, 306.97K)

Damn, Dante got into ger panties?

She is Yas Forums you dingus

Attached: 1565387143802.jpg (225x225, 6.75K)

But how do you make video game character vidya related?

Attached: amidoinitrite.png (680x510, 306.88K)

Attached: Clownpiece Eraser.jpg (600x641, 176.18K)

Your stupid coin gacha aint vidya son.

Attached: 1367866550604.jpg (800x578, 231.03K)


get the fuck outta here

Attached: 1501268028485.webm (608x336, 2.95M)

fucking newfag
>inb4 merely pretending
fuck off

Holy shit GIMP is garbage compared to photoshop.
Touhou isn't gacha last I checked.

Attached: whyamidoingthis.png (300x902, 175.05K)


Attached: cringe.jpg (258x342, 136.61K)


Attached: 2011-11-17-452930.png (1200x1600, 1.32M)

Should i?

Attached: 1.jpg (1280x1793, 352.47K)

Who are you calling a newfag? That filename goes back to 2013.
>inb4 merely pretending

Attached: 1404365008944.gif (400x225, 2.68M)

Attached: unnamed.png (1102x620, 1.09M)

user i'm the newest of fags and i know Touhou is a bullet hell game

Attached: 1568777913433.jpg (1200x1200, 1M)

>Not a newfag

if they made a gacha around touhou, which i have not heard, it is not what the series was originally
it's like calling mario a sports game series because mario tennis exists

user no think of the human future what would akyuu say

Attached: clownpiece.jpg (900x1851, 797.38K)

You'll only impress redditors with that lmao

Actually they made two of these fucking things. But the thing is, they're fan games, in other words not even spin offs.

Kuso thread

Attached: 1585416662555.png (941x707, 242.81K)

You are pretending to be retarded, ergo not only are you a newfag but also cancer, regardless of how long you've been here.

How fucking greedy do you have to be to make a gacha of touhou of all things. You are taking the work of someone else who put their soul into it and turning it into a jewish slot machine.

Thanks doc

if its what I'm thinking its just a single player game with "gacha" mechanics that only uses in game currency to pad the shit out of it

This. It's basically gacha

so why does she wear an american flag?

is clunnypiece the lewdest official zun design?

I'd rather make her a woman.

Its ok it's already sinking, mostly due to how shit it is, even for gacha standards

Is this some kind of elaborate shitpost to get a fairy thread going?

Name another country that has their flag on the moon


I want to FUCK a sexually attractive loli CUNNY

>replying to obvious bait
>>I-I was just pretending to be retarded

That's illegal

Not if she's 3000 years old and/or a dragon and/or 2D

She was tasked with attacking moon people. The moon people do not like the american flag that's planted there. She does it to fuck with them.

Attached: No clowns.png (213x239, 28.97K)

I want a fairy to sit on my face

>coin gacha

Yas Forums is so compromised I can't decide if this is really bait anymore


Attached: clunny.webm (292x330, 2.59M)

Those hip bones

ZUN getting better at drawing when

Sauce my quarantine ass on this please

I like his recent stuff unironically

Jewelz Blue Joker Make-Up Webcam 11-13-2020

>Aaahhh yeeeees donate mooooore aaah yes I am cuuuumiiing if you donate mooooore
Fuck off with this cringe

A newfag poorly defending himself, how original
Go pretend to be retarded back on reddit

Nice reply fag
