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Other urls found in this thread:


For once I agree with Kotaku. Shills on suicide watch.

fucking clickbait hacks

Based FUCKING B A S E D, even kotaku is seeing the truth, fuck valvo santo and fuck gaben

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No. Not click bait. HLA is garbage.

I'm trying to read through this review, but it reeks of soi.

>yfw kotaku is right for once

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>poorfags grasping at straws: the thread

so it's actually amazing?

It can be both, user.

Very true, it can be. But in this case they're totally justified.


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Could you at least provide the highlights or a screenshot? Im not going to give the site a click

She has a point.

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>Could you at least provide the highlights or a screenshot? Im not going to give the site a click

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>>Could you at least provide the highlights or a screenshot? Im not going to give the site a click

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Artifact 2 can’t come soon enough. News confirmed in the next few weeks.

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>noooo we need to cancel the author please bros
not your personal army faggot, back to tumblr

hey OP can you link me the article? :^)

I mean there's an audience that wants to hear how bad HLA sucks as a coping mechanism so good on them for playing it up for the VRlets

Wouldn't want them to commit suicide or anything :^)

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Lmao it seems like all the reviewers on Kotaku can't play a game without getting a headache or dizziness.


Here you go.

Why would I be coping? If I had a thousand dollars to afford an Index, my life is pretty good user

No one cares about Half-Life anymore outide of PCfag boomers who cling to nostalgia.


oh wow

Here's your VR mod bruh

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>That article doesn't exist

>like it’s the third (and worst) Stooge?
wow I want this person to die

>if i agree with them it's ok
>if i disgree with them they're shills
never change Yas Forums

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You okay user? You seem to be having a melt down

Because Kotaku isn't cucking out for once in their existence.
>if I agree with them it's ok
...no fucking shit, retard. What the fuck are you even trying to say?

It's the quarantinefags, they thought they could handle Yas Forums ,,, and they just... can't

link the article

back to Discord, tranny

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SeeKeep up now.

It's called buyer's remorse. You flushed $1000 down the toilet and now you're desperate to convince yourself it was all worth it. Especially since mods will soon make the game available to everyone.

that article praises the game

Your argument is shit, anyone who bought an Index can easily resell it for $1000 or more.

c o p e
r e m o r s e

>anyone who bought an Index can easily resell it for $1000 or more.
looool coooope


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wtf is this shit? I went looking for their review to find it praising the game and thinking it is great- nice photoshopped headline OP.

I'm laughing at all the fags in this thread pretending they read it for virtual brownie points.

It goes up to $1800 and higher on ebay now with the stock shortages.

>2 sold

Friendly reminder to ignore namefags and tripfags.
Have a good day

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Gives people headaches occulus is better

Nowhere is that headline present in the article and it praises the game for almost the entire length of it. The worst criticism is that it somewhat overstayed its welcome by the end.

Are you really this fucking desperate for your TORTANIC fill?

they're just bored stuck at home and Resident Evil 3 isn't out yet

>proved wrong so now he goes to retardation
Try harder
I had both, the Index is way better imo

>All these cunts baited by some chump using inspect element

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>easy to sell
>2 sold

This. The review almost entirely praises the game.

because it's VR

black mesa > alyx

>can't even afford to spend $1000 and make it back a week later

>tfw never thought I'd ever agree with shitaku

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>Slayer of HLA Shills
Just when you thought poors couldn't get more cringy.

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That's clearly a man dressed as a woman

You should see more of the crazy shit he's posted/said, it's unreal how insane a person like him can be


You mean the random forum posts he collects from nearly 10 years ago?

Like what?

That would be my guess. The one reviewer I trust said it's pretty great.

>the future is massive flops from a now indie game company that has fallen from grace

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No, that's a different guy, believe it or not.
Check out these posts:
I have never seen a more delusional man on this board than "Slayer". He is probably mentally insane, narcissistic as fuck (and proud of it), moronic, and accuses others of being retards and calls himself a genius when he's the most moronic one on this board
And that's not all of the posts he's done, of course. Not even in that thread. He's still going as I speak.