Ohhh no no no no noo no

Ohhh no no no no noo no

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I don't get it, what are you trying to say?

Tifa's tits are already at absolutely correct size and autists will have literally zero excuses when PC version with inevitable mods gonna come out.

I think people have all the right to model tifa the way they want with mods, nobody should deny that right. As long as those autists accept that those mods arent real tifa. Same as fanart.

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They are nerfed!

where, you fucking blind ass nigga

My only complaint is that stupid fucking black bra. Stockings - even bether cause that's my jam. Bigger skirt - meh, but desu indifferent. Black bra - WHY?! No matter how many times I look at it I just can't get used to it. Good thing is that mods removing it will be with us at day 0 on PC release.

It's a sports bra so her tits don't flap about and fly out of her shirt while she's doing somersaults.

I think the real reason is that they decided early on that she can't jiggle all over the place in-game and the bra is an in-game reason why they're held in place in combat.

funny how the ps1 model has the tiniest tatas

They got buffed hard from last year's E3. The comparison is insane.

I hope we get a realistic Tifa mod

She's only good for caring and fucking

Oh and fighting

Yeah i wasnt sure at first but now i see, that purple dress tifa is edited.
You dont have to edit her to prove your point. Shes still stacked.

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What? That bra is just a texture in a videogame. If you don't wanna excessive jiggle... Just program breast physics to not have excessive jiggle without altering original look lmao. It's like giving Cloud small fucking machete or a fork instead of his sword because he couldn't lift it with his strength therefore had to be changed.

they're not even that much bigger, you retards just kept falling for shitty screenshot meme being posted here constantly

>If you don't wanna excessive jiggle... Just program breast physics to not have excessive jiggle without altering original look lmao
If there wasnt a sports bra her tits not moving at all would look dumb as fuck with 0 sense.

It would look weird if she was just wearing her original shirt and they didn't move. The black bra serves to keep it in place like it would IRL so thats why they added it.


Attached: Tifa.png (1832x492, 716.02K)

>It's not that much!
It's substantial in terms of volume. Most people try to judge boobs by strict 2D measurements, but the reason she looked off before was because the volume of her chest was lacking.

new tifa unremarkle, ugly even! Looks like a typical gook bitch./

>Again with this
nigga give it a break.

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he's trying to lure out disingenuous faggots that pretend to be retarded, like you, into the thread

Attached: tifa.jpg (550x413, 31.09K)

First - I said "excessive" not "not at all". Second - during combat it would be completely unnoticeable anyway because how much shit is happening on the screen in that game.

>ignores the shadow giving the illusion of bigger
not too bright this one

Seriously, what is the deal with the black sports bra? Just pretend she has a smaller white one under her shirt

What is wrong with you people? Her tits are fucking huge

Same weird mentality behind a lot of the changes. The people working on the project focus on what's immediately appealing to them instead of what works in regards to the product as a whole.

Sometimes it works fine, sometimes it's superior, sometimes it creates minor niggles, sometimes it's like "why would you even do that." Weird design decisions all around.

>no shadow
>even bigger

Attached: 1583167374354.png (808x605, 409K)

>its an illusion
>your eyes are wrong trust my words instead

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God she looked so fucking disgusting before, I'm glad they changed her design to make her look like an actual human this time

I fucking hate how she wears that dumb bra underneath that dress. That's not the kind of dress for that. For fucks sake.
It looks ridiculous.

This, the dimensions didn't change, there's just more fat there than before.

Just give us second classic costume to choose and boom - problem solved.

This, even capcom is doing that. I guarantee pre-orders would sky rocket even further then they already did if classic tifa was a pre order bonus

Like fucking clockwork.

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I like new Tifa but this shit is retarded.

>muh tit size argument
How to pinpoint fake outrage twitter refugees who don't actually give a shit about the actual game and just want to listen to themselves bitch

Fuck I wanna play this game already reeeeeeeeeeee.

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everything about this game is fucked you retards, Tifa's fried eggs are just another reason not to buy.

Less than two weeks friend. Although I have to say, having my life grind to a fucking halt between classes and job being canceled has made days fucking drag on, I don't know how people do it. I just want to go into a coma for about a week and a half.

>Joos don't want us watching big boob porn, it's part of a conspiracy to make males sexually frustrated and angry at modern society.

muh joos

meanwhile Tifa is teleporting around mid-air attacking enemies with nothing to kick/jump off of

The fact that they exist doesnt mean tifa should have them.
Tifa has big tits, and remake tifa have big tits. thats all it matters.
There are thousands of girls with retardedly big tits that are bigger than OG FMV tifa, yet i dont see you calling her flat.

One on the left looks retardedly big anyway, doesn't matter what the faggot department advised them to do.

Its because Canonically Tifa has always been known to have absurdly huge boobs.
That said I do think the remakes are accurate. And I think when square said they had to "restrict" them, I think they were specifically referring to jiggle, hence the sports bra design. I don't agree with that personally, and really hope they give a "classic" design costume for her.

Attached: Tifa Coffee.png (888x1200, 1.41M)

All females in video games should be this size.

Attached: boob.jpg (1500x2232, 213.65K)

>Its because Canonically Tifa has always been known to have absurdly huge boobs.
Yeah, shes also known for having a big head and retarded long legs compared to her tiny torso. Wheres that too?

I love Narmaya. Fucking adorable.
She also pushes the proportion limit to its max for me where I still like it without it being to absurd. Shes fantastic.

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The coomercore audience just can't let this one go.

Does Tifa canonically have dark brown hair or raven black hair?

>Agrees that remake size is good
>Tries to argue anyway
Please take your bait elsewhere. I realize this entire thread is bait, but at come on.

user thats...too big

Very dark brown, can look black with certain lighting.
Its like this in both the original and the remake.

I dont care about the tits, it would have been nice if they were bigger but I can live with it. However, I'm yet to see a good defense for the tights and sports bra. Also I'm mad they got rid of the little bit of floof in her fringe

Huge boobs turns me the fuck on. Fuck 'em. I'm gonna pirate the whole thing and everything else they make


>duur duurrr DURRR i'm an ugly tranny

I didn't do that. I just copied a screenshot, user. How the fuck am I supposed to know. Looks the same to me.

I'm not understanding how can suddenly have added brownness in certain lighting

Just looks like aesthetic choices to me. They were clearly going for even more of a white/black contrast compared to her original costume. And I love thigh highs on a woman so I'm not going to complain.

If only we could have a sports bra that's actually smaller than a fucking top that you're wearing. What a wild concept that is. One day, maybe.

Attached: sportsbra.png (1890x837, 2.6M)

She's still cute desu senpai

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Cloud loves Aeris

Obviously its an artistic stylistic choice to contrast her white shirt, its nothing that grand

Do you think Tifa sat alone in her room masturbating and crying to the thought of Cloud and Aerith fucking when he decided to take her instead of Tifa on the Golden Saucer date?

Attached: aerith cum.jpg (1134x1134, 110.99K)

whats that supposed to mean

Yeah it's this one

Attached: tifa remake edit.jpg (1920x1080, 380.54K)

You cant even talk about this on the ff7r subreddit, they insta delete it.

no that was barret

But he fucked Tifa under the Highwind

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