Anyone wanna #quarantineandchill with me?

Anyone wanna #quarantineandchill with me?

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I'll give that glass candle a light tap is what I'll do.

wtf you can't just have some donuts every now and then fucking fatass
fucking starve yourself you should only eat celery and drink water

>buying donuts during a quarantine
enjoy your corona

You're going to eat those donuts all by yourself, aren't you?

>Duck Donuts
Damn wish I had those where I lived. Maybe it's for the best though, shit's kryptonite

>not only eating a dozen donuts but also going to play his switch with messy donut hands
do Americans really?

donuts more like coronuts amirite bro xd

Sugar depresses your immune system

I won't delete this thread. OP is based.

i miss my pass :(

Wanna know how I know that you're fat?

>t. OP

That's bacon on those doughnuts, isn't it? Do Americans fucking REALLY?

You better wash your damn hands after eating those donuts

>All those carbs and fats

Can't fuel your gains with those, my friend.

Do Americans really?

Are those fucking bacon donuts?

You've never had bacon with pancakes/syrup? How is it any different?

these pictures always make me think of the person staging it up and taking the picture and I want to beat the shit out of them.

>unironically eating doughnuts
>playing onions hearts

>all that fucking sugar
does no one know how to fucking cook?

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>no bear claws
>no long johns
>no jellies

>bacon doughnuts
americans are so disgusting holy shit

Do Americans really?

WHat a faggot. All his little precious little things arranged for a photo that he(?) just HAD TO share. Useless faggot die

That's my typical cheat day breakfast

>being fucking wrong
>another namefag that doesn't know how shit works
source; literally any credible source on strength training and conditioning

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Donuts are just too disgustingly sweet for me. I can barely handle plain glaze. All this creme filled iced covered in cookie pieces shit is just suicidal.

>twiddles fingers over plate
Mmm, don't mind if I do!

I think its reasonable to expect no one to eat 12 fucking donuts in one sitting, ever.

Hell yeah!
Duck Donuts. Ive got one like a mile from me

My stomach hurts like hell if I eat more than 4 donuts. Still like them but I only eat a few.

>ketchup on your donuts
Do Americans really?

1 from time to time is nice but i could never eat the whole box like in op's pic

On what planet can you make gains eating nothing but carbs or fats? You need the proper ratio of Protein, Carbs and Fats combined with strength/hypertrophy training and sleep to do it. Plus calories in vs calories out.

OP's feast is nonsense. Fuck out of here, retard. Go ahead and eat 20 donuts a day and see where it gets you, tubs.

Only the SoCal types, the rest of us grabbed a donut or a few.

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So theoretically if I don't want to turn into a big pile of lard, what should I do after eating all this? Fast for the rest of the day? Two days? More?

>No savory food
Nah thanks

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Just get some exercise like a normal person.

I want to know how you know he's fat

>make gains eating nothing but carbs or fats
this assumption was not made from the picture alone, your statement was to say that carbs and fat play NO ROLE in fitness progression, which is absolutely wrong. To presume that their diet is 100% donuts from a post on Yas Forums is so erroneous it has me think you must be pretending to be so unimaginably stupid. Fantastic work, you fooled me into thinking you're a retard.

>some donuts
I can hear this post breathing heavily.

>you don't regularly eat an entire box of 12 doughnuts? you must be starving yourself!
Americans everyone.

I really could go for some donuts right now, guys...

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How can a virus be killing MORE people per-day in a 2-week lockdown where everyone is hyper paranoid about clealiness, than before it when people were didn't care?

woah, nice! I love homemade doughnuts!

>he doesn't consume 12 do-nuts, watch some shit, then work it all off in the gym
Never gonna make it. Get a better metabolism, genetic loser.

Dude exercise is a meme. You barely burn any calories with it.

>what is incubation period

Two week incubation period. People got sick prior to the lockdown and now are showing symptoms and are being treated for it.

Because it spread exponentially you absolute retard.

Says someone who breaks a sweat waddling the twenty feet from his computer to the fridge.

Because you don't immediately get it and die retard, it takes two weeks to even show symptoms

this guy gets it. It's all about altering your body composition with strength training and diet.

>your statement was to say that carbs and fat play NO ROLE in fitness progression
I didn't say that. You're just looking for a reason to start something. I said "all those carbs and fats". Which emphasizes the fact that OP (probably) is eating 12 donuts on his own. You know exactly what I meant in that original post, don't be stupid. Nobody in the Yas Forums world sits there and eats 12 donuts and says "Yep! Can't wait to see the gains off this!" unless you're some body builder who's daily calorie intake is like 12k, and even then it would be more protein rich.

>t. My 600 Lbs Life candidate
You're inefficient as fuck and lack knowledge of converting calories into gains.

Ate a dozen donut, after 10 years. Yes, it's good to indulge sometimes.

>he doesn't really bacon on his donuts
You euroriches/europoors/drug cartellers/bogans really need to learn to live a little.

There is this game called "doughnut", where two or more guys masturbate and cum on doughnut and the last one to finish has to eat it.

>Why is an incurable viral outbreak killing more people over time and not less
Nothing's going to bring the numbers down outside of total "Nobody steps outside ever" lockdown for two weeks, all the quarantine is meant to do is to slow down the spread and try to keep the number of people in ICUs manageable

I seriously don't know how you guys eat that shit. All I can think of is the horrible taste of sugar, it's fucking disgusting.

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>I didn't say that
you said 'ew carbs haha goodbye gains' (paraphrased)
you have no idea what the rest of this person's diet is like, how many people are eating these donuts, or what this person's physical activity is like. Fucker could be a power lifter, you have no idea but you barged in here pretending to be an authority on things you don't understand. Pathetic.

sugar tastes so fucking disgusting to me now. Used to love sugar. Then I went on a diet and sugar makes me want to vomit

We have these in Poland tho. Shits old as fuck.

every post you make is so dumb I wouldn't be surprised if you were on keto

Dude at one point I was fit as fuck. I just ate healthy shit and not a whole fucking box of donuts for my "gains".
I'm just curious about the calories amount in that shit.

Ratio? There is no ratio. It literally varies from person to person, and from day to day for the same person. People bulk/cut and hit PRs then plateau/deload all the time based on what they need. Personally I don't fuck around with donuts. My coworker dirty bulks all the time and suffers no ill effects from it.

Stop touching your face, greasehands.

It's called ookie (or however the slang is spelled, it means gross) cookie, retard. It involves jerking off on a cookie.

Is that fucking bacon? On a donut? What the fuck. Kill yourself you fat shit.

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Are you okay?
Who cares what his diet is like? Why aren't you attacking the very first post in this thread? He has no clue what OP's life style is either. Calm down, bro.

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I used to love sugar when I was a little kid, but my parents forced me to drink water while I threw tantrums. I'm thankful for what they did.