All jokes aside, are there really people who have a problem with paying $20 a year?

All jokes aside, are there really people who have a problem with paying $20 a year?

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Yes, because you get nothing in return. SNES and NES games are stupid. Essentially you're paying them for an allowance to use their extremely bad online play. Even $5 a year would be too much.

The problem is how shit the servers are. Some being p2p no less. I don't care about all the other garbage they force, I just wanted to play a game or two online.

Good thing switch has near no games to play, so I only had to use that free twitch membership.

I don't think people have problem paying it. It's just why the hell would you?

I'd care if we didn't have the family plan. Paying $4 a year for internet because I have friends is fully acceptable if it means the servers keep running.

When did Yas Forums become cuck central?

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i have a problem paying $20 a year for the insanely shit-tier online smash has. I legit don't know what I'm paying for if that's how fucking garbage it is.
And of course, mh:gu, which was once free to play online, now locked behind a paywall with no additional features.

i pirate every tendie game

Can anyone give me $20? What's wrong, you can't afford it? :(

Sure, it's not as bad as the competition's prices, but we shouldn't have to pay for it at all, especially considering Nintendo's online multiplayer is shit and not worth a dime.

And PS Plus is any better?


because its fucking bullcrap and the only reason Ninty are doing it is because everybody else has normalized it

>muh Xbox live PSN

nigga that shit is still peer-to-peer, paying for online is a fucking sham and I despise Microsoft for making normies think its ok

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nintendos PRICES are fine but there online hasnt gotten any better since its inception and isnt worth paying for

when will pc have paid online?

when you'll figure out when Yas Forums became a place filled with paid chills

since 90s i think. got more popular with wow where you pay for every month for one game

I can pay it but it's not fucking worth paying for.

No, it isn't. No system should have online multiplayer locked behind a arbitrary paywall.

Fuck Nintendo, Fuck Sony, and especially Fuck Microsoft for making this horseshit acceptable.

yes. It should be free since they pay for no servers and bring no value whatsoever. the snes games? held ransom to make the service look good rather than allowing us to buy them.

I don't mind the price but it currently offers nothing I want, I don't play online on Nintendo consoles and the NES-SNES aren't robust enough to be tempting, if they included some N64 games or had a really good offer like a subscription exclusive demo for BotW or something I would get it.

i would say after 2014 Gamergate and 2016 Election, Yas Forums as a whole become popular and a lot of normies came in and with them, a lot of fucking shills.

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paying a penny for peer to peer multiplayer is a crime


Dude people literally ask for DLCs now, this place is past dead.

I do when the service doesn't work half the time.

What kind of an idiot would pay $20 a year to do something other people do for free?

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Yas Forums spends 15 dollars per month to play a single game

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I don't own any current gen console because paying extra for online multiplayer isn't worth any amount, especially with how it's handled nowadays.

You can smurf PSN accounts to play online, I've been doing it for months.

What servers?

My choice is not to support it by buying the console in the first place.

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worth it for AC online alone

Sell it to me, go on.

Is shit and so is XBL. Anyone defending paid online on any system is a retard honestly

grab some friends and get in on a family pack like me and my boys.

When based Tim kills Steam

The honest truth about NSO is that the price is low enough that I don't really care. Despite Nintendo's online services being trash, the actual online gameplay is fun. Animal Crossing is going to singlehandedly get me to keep my sub active for a while. Stuff like Tetris 99 and the NES/SNES games are just a bonus.

not really too much to sell. I'm just really really enjoying playing animal crossing with /vg/

Now that I have a job this shit is literally nothing.

It should unironically be free.

Yes, I vehemently boycott console online fees. I've never once paid for scams like Xbox Live Gold/PS+ or this new Nintendo one.
Online paywalls are the biggest consumer cuck in gaming history. Once high speed internet became a house hold norm they should have all but vanished but companies are jew as fuck
If PC gamers had to pay $10 a month to use steam or some other client they would riot in the fuck streets.
MMOs are massive so it makes sense to me that the biggest games would need funding for server upkeep but with typical matchmaking services in the modern era there's absolutely ZERO reason for the console manufacturers themselves to be the ones taking the cut for the online fees.
If anything it should go to the developers of the games being used online but that would be an extreme example if you aren't an MMO dev team
Online paywalls are a fucking consumer scam and unless you're desperate enough to play with your friends and have no other choice you're absolute cancer if you buy these monthly or yearly.
It's not about the money, it's about it being a shitty business practice that consumers have been sheeped into over the years


Five cents a day is worth it just to play Tetris 99 on the toilet.

Only reason I have the nintendo one is because I got that hard copy version of T99 since that also gives you all the other modes instead of just buying it digital and it also comes with a year free of the online
Otherwise I agree with this user

fuck having standards, what are you poor

i got it just for smash which i dropped before banjo even came out. it renewed automatically so i got cucked out of $20+tip. im not a poorshit scumbag so im not mad about it

In no reality is it worth paying for. You'll pay for it because you HAVE to.

The price isn't bad and the extra shit is kind of decent (Tetris, Arms, retard-proof retro netplay if you have normalfag friends), but the base service is so fucking trash it more or less cancels out all the benefits.

>not really too much to sell.
Thanks, that tells me all I need, nought to do.

ok poorfag.

Aw, I upset you :(

Go play hide and seek with your /vg/ friends

back to mcdonalds wagie

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I got my wife's boyfriend a Switch the other day and the eshop is by far the shittest fucking storefront I have EVER seen. How does Nintendo have a shop WORSE that EGS??????????????

how can you charge money for an online video games platform that doesn't support voice chat lmfao

It's shitty but it's the norm.

the cost of running a server is greatly overrated especially today when most game are 5 vs 5 and when you consider that Nintendo work very hard to keep their game near msrp forever they can easily afford to not charge for online play.

There aren't any servers dumbfuck

Nope, it just meant that I only buy online multiplayer games on PC now. No skin off my back.

It's not about whether or not 20$ is too much or very little, it's about if the service is worth what they ask. Shit I paid a fucking dollar for gamepads on PC and I still regret it because there wasn't anything I actually wanted to play there, a friend had talked me into it because it was just soooooo cheap how could I possibly pass it up?

isn't the new ori game on that gamepass?

I don't play MP on consoles so I never pay the arbitrary fee to use my own internet connection.

>Have five friends and to cousins with a Switch
>Bought the family plan
>We only paid $2.5 each
Don't get me wrong the service is not perfect but you can easly overcome paying full price for it

it's a trivial cost no matter how you slice it, it's the fact that it's behind a paywall at all that's egregious