Holy fucking shit

Holy fucking shit

This game is fucking sick

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1 and 3 are great games
2 and 4 are bad games
5 is an okay game

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incel simp

There's no need for that kind of talk, now apologize.


simp? Is that another meme Yas Forums is taking from Tumblr or something?

it's ok

I fully agree, it was fucking great.

What's wrong with 4? I played the shit out of that game.

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People who shit on 4 always tackle on the play the same levels twice meme. Yes sure it was disappointing but it still upped the par in terms of combat and 5 just refined that into a great game.


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Yeah it's really good

>babby's first DMC game

Though I'd take 4 over 5 any day.


Fite me.

I mean, the game is pretty long even if they didn't make you run through it twice, and then make you (iirc) refight the bosses. The game was highly replayable so I saw it as a bonus rather than a penalty.

Despite no playable vergil or coop DMC5 is probably the most complete a DMC game has ever been, definitely feels like the peak of the genre

it's the combat system.
everybody knew since 4 that they had just invented the best combat ever put into an action game, and the only reason DMC4 wasn't put on a pedestal as the greatest action game of all time was the unfinished story and boring enemies/bosses.
DMC5 basically takes 99% of that combat system and actually puts it into a good game, so now the world can see this glorious combat system for the first time

They massacred my boys. Virgil and Donte have none of their charm or even coherence. Lucky I never cared for Nero, but even he is retarded here.

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5 and 4 SE are miles better than 1

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what? Dante is literally the same as he was in 3/4 with no development whatsoever. Virgil is the same edgy, pragmatic *unsheathes katana* edgelord who is obsessed with being da best

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I dont want you to ever talk again you stupid monkey

yeah people who don't post content don't get to tell me what to do, nigger.

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The devs cucked out to the West and made everyone look like a tranny. Not even worth a pirate.

1 is pretty dated, but still holds up as the demon's souls of action games.

2 is unfinished and bad.

3 is mostly really great. It's got a few bosses, enemies, and levels that are pretty bad though.

4 is unfinished and good.

5 is almost a masterpiece. Almost every boss is great. Every enemy is great. Every level is good. Every other music track is good. Every weapon is perfect and then some. Bloody palace has never been better. Dante and Nero have never played better.
Only dissapointing things were V and the very minimal co op. And the wait for the inevitable special edition will suck as well.

haha dodge button go brrrrr

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i skipped 5 to wait for the SE, god damn its taking forever to come out

Is Nero vs Vergil, dare I say... the peak of the series?

It's unfinished. A lot of bad bosses. A lot of annoying enemies. Half the game is just mirrored. Lot of annoying puzzles and labyrinthine level design. Bloody palace has a timer, and you can't pick stages like 3's.
But it had our first playable Nero, our first Dante that knew how to style switch. And the special edition had our first playable Lady, the best playable Trish, the best playable Vergil, and legendary dark knight mode.

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Imagine coop Bloody Palace Dante/Vergil

man, why don't tell me they didn't think about this

It's not worth saving a few bucks to play the best action game of all time probably like 3+ years late imo, user.


i couldnt finish it. game is garbage. no idea why Yas Forums likes it. i assume its some viral marketing thing.


you lack style

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BP not having co-op really took a lot of the wind out my sails. It's still great and all, but now that I know co-op is possible, I want it. Cashcom really screwed up there.

wow so engaging dmc games are truly the pinnacle of skillful gamepl- zzzzzzzzzzzz

I only ever beat DMC1. 2-3-4 never really reeled me in too much. But this one is addictive as fuck... although the amount of things you have to master multiplied by 3 characters in order to reach ultimate fun levels is kinda intimidating. Just beat the game in Devil Hunter and got fucked in BP by the lvl 20 boss as Dante.
How do I get good?

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yeah soulsborne general is that way --->
also beat DMD and bloody palace and then tell me this game is easy

Surely you can show one (1) second of you playing


fun things are fun

Attached: get 'em girl.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

But that's a reality already, user... exclusively on the switch version of 3.
That's what you wanted, right, user?

my biggest problem isn't winning, which I can usually do pretty easily if I minmax some sort of cheesy damage combo over and over like bloody palace autists like doing.
My problem is winning while still being stylish. that's the trick with this game. nobody wants to see you win a fight unless you do it in style

Anything else is being a retarded manchildren contrarian

>I have an opinion
>other people have a different opinion, they must be retards or shills
ah yes classic Yas Forums bait

>easiest game in the series with the most cringeworthy dialogue and bland looking areas is loved by the masses
Wow I am so surprised why casuals are suddenly loving DMC, God I can't wait for the sequel which will be even more dumbed down and filled to the brim with "jokes"!

Of course not, I'm too busy playing actual good games

you should really stop pretending like this hasn't been a thing since 3

show me one (1) second of you playing a game

huh. I do have a Shitch, Guess Nintendo is getting my money again

This game just looks so boring to me. Every character looks like they're from a generic emo boy band and the environments all look like the same nondescript spiky and crystal shit, the combat seems to consist of just button mashing some lifeless sandbags while particle effects cover the screen. What a boring ass game.

he probably doesn't even know how to make webms
too busy pretending to be good at souls games and telling others to git gud

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DeS/DaS is so boring to me now that I've played a ton of BB and some Sekino

it's so slow

ah yes, the kino shakespearean writing of old dmc like youtube.com/watch?v=ySY5YMoBp7c
It's amazing actually but don't pretend it isn't silly

Now why would I do that, it would be offtopic to the theme of this thread. Have some more amazing DMC combat with challenging enemies instead.

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Focus on dodging as Dante. That's how everybody learned him in 3 anyway. Everybody mained trickster.
So get really good at dodging first, then branch out to another style and start learning how and when to use everything that that has to offer. Pick like 2 melee and ranged weapons at a time and main those for a while till you've gotten used to them, then try another set.
You can't expect to be doing everything with Dante off the bat. If you want to learn how to Dante, you gotta take him one piece at a time. Eat your mashed potatoes, then your vegetables, AND THEN you start cutting into your steak, but only smaller bites at first. Ya dig?

>got Platinum on all six games
>don't know what to do now

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I see

For me the dealbreaker was Sekiro , sure BB is faster but it was similar enough in the combat that it didnt really kill the others for me, but launching a meme run on DS nowadays after having played Sekiro...

>hur dur it's easy to dodge one captain in void without his knights even though he's a leader-type enemy whose main attacks involve group attacks with is knights
hur dur dur
if you actually play against one of those enemies in the campaign on DMD he's got like a dozen shielded knights with him all staggering their attacks against you along with probably half a dozen ranged enemies hitting you too.

>one enemy
>on void
>one of the weakest
just post the dumb faust vs vergil webm, this clearly isn't working

Honestly I wish that they could just port the levels from DMC4 and let me just run around in there with DMCV's combat. I am so fucking sick of boring gray city and the fucking Qliphoth, it's boring as shit

I love it when dmcfags seethe when faced with the fact that their game has nothing but target dummies in it

is this fun?

retard. you post a webm in the void against 1 enemy and try to argue that the actual game, which involves fighting like 20 of those guys at once, is the same. You're retarded

Keep being btfo and mad lmao

>have literally never played a single dmc game
what am I missing out on? i'm not an action game fan but i don't mind playing a good one. last one i played was prince of persia 2. what order should i start in or should I skip straight to 5?

>couldn't handle a game that doesn't run at movie framerate

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Then fuck off to another thread. Why are you here?

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god I love the motorcycle, those bastards finally made it a weapon

whatever retard

Just play 5 it's way better on every single possible way, people who tell you to start with another just have autism and live such sad lives they think you can be a videogame elitist

you could skip straight to 5, theres a recap video. Or you could start with 1 or even 3. Your choice. 1 has some dated camera issues that take some time getting used to.

that's unfair. never played dmc but this seems like the equivalent of stunlocking mobs with a broken weapon in dark souls and saying it's boring because you can do that. doesn't seem like a good representation of the actual gameplay at all

>game needs you to gimp yourself and avoid certain weapons to be challenging and fun
shit game

You can skip to 5, but 3 is the best starting point. 1 is good but plays different and 4 is ok but feels like a chore to play through

Fuck off, you're making him miss out on great games.
Start with DMC1, then go to 3, 4, and finally 5. DMC2 and DmC are OPTIONAL. DMC2 is a terrible game and DmC is a failed reboot with okay gameplay. All of the DMC games are available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Go nuts, dude.

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everytime these idiots try to downplay dmc using these "sandbag" webms they just out themselves for being shit at the game or just not understanding basic game design. The only webm I agree with is the vergil vs faust hat one.

Ignore the shitposters, post your favorite combo video

They definitely made Dr. Faust too strong. Unfortunately, it's the only thing that makes HaH bearable.

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