

Attached: mortalkombatredditdownl546dth.jpg (640x458, 101.91K)

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Mortal Kombat hasn't been relevant in years, why do boomers still use it as a boogeyman

didn't the last game sale like 10m


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Are there smgs in mortal kombat?

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In this situation every clerk in the entire world would simply re-ask. Something like "haha, so what will it be?".

So, what else are you supposed to do during a quarantine?

MK11 is one of the top 5 highest selling fighting games of all time and only just came out last year lol

Why are political cartoons so terrible?

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how did they get away with it

Stonetoss is the only effective political cartoonist

You know, this comic isn't that funny


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I never noticed this but it's like they changed art styles a bit every pane

>It's a dick and then tation. Like dictation.

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>Mortal Kombat

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Clearly you aren't Jewish enough.

Cus they are fucking bluepilled and they just blame shit that should not be blamed.

>got one
Yuo won't be the last one tho

But, did she lick his booty hole? Did she get her booty hole licked? I need a conclusion


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doesn't he have cancer now?


cute feet

Giddy up!


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What's the original?

Not without doing that expression first

Post the BEST comics

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>Mortal Kombat hasn't been relevant in years
where the hell have you been

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The only difference is the black guy was a puerto rican in the original

you monster

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Because they're designed for old retards.


Oh lawd.

How dare you

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>everything I subjectively dislike is what's wrong with the country

Remember how the “milkshakes” were actually concrete? Basically they were throwing bricks?

Good times

If I told tons of women they wouldn't need to work at all they'd be happy as fuck.

>No piccolodick

>Remember how the “milkshakes” were actually concrete? Basically they were throwing bricks?
no, because that's a rightwing victim fantasy.

Leave it to boomers to make you feel guilty for not spreading the virus

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The only political cartoon that matters.

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>Remember how the “milkshakes” were actually concrete? Basically they were throwing bricks?
Pretty sure that was mostly fake, although there were probably a couple milkshakes thrown with concrete powder mixed in

>Tomboy embraces her femininity

What's the problem?

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Why do boomers hate their wives and children?

That was fake.


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>Hello, can I take your order?
>I dunno, can you?
You tried, user.

>y-you too

Because of their generation's pressure to marry and have children very early. The wife and kids stopped a Boomer's life at like age 23, and after two decades of dealing with it they have grown resentful.


She is at least A when reading ironically
also vroom vroom


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bait or newfag

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Missing the (clumsy) point, user.

Is this really how the cartoonist looks like in real life?

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I don't get his problem with the first woman

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>Literally seething over natives having traditions
Why the fuck does this chink chonk thinks he's entitled to anything? Wtf man

the only one I agree with is the groundhog one, who fucking eats those things

Aside from loss best comic strip i've ever read.

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>shows a source from someone they disagree with
>this is enough to make Libertarian man reconsider his entire ideology

This is how he actually looks IRL. Keep it in mind for the next comic.

>you might become a fascist one day so we'll treat you like one now

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>beautiful sounds of the city
cars and construction work?

I genuinely don't get what the point is. What is it trying to convey?

>that first panel
Yeah, such hostility of some old lady sharing her favorite locations with you when you told her you're new in town.

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I want to fuck that horse

Should be the villager looking at the photo and then the next panel shows the suicide

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>noooo our live animal markets havent caused 90% of pandemics in the last two decades, that's racist to say!!!

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Forgot pic

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I can't hate the boomers because "Stop Making Sense" is one of the best recordings I've seen of anything ever, and David Byrne is a boomer.

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I dont get it
He's still not a fascist anyway

This screams "never been to the south before"

This is his most recent comic. He's gotten lazy as fuck, and this is all he does, and still bitches that he isn't published. It's pretty fucking hilarious when he calls out what he sees as anti-Asian racism considering he absolutely hates the Chinese and Japanese, and cares more about being confused for one than actual racism they might suffer.

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That Asian is racist as fuck. Judging people on their looks, their social status and that they take pride in a little bit of local history.
What a dumb fucking bigot.

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That T-51 power armor actually looks cool.


He claims he lived in the South (NoVA, but still) most of his life, and he went to art school in the South apparently.
Again, he even hates other Asians.

Redpanels was better than Stonetoss

I'm glad they admit they think mean words are the same as violence

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Should've been using guns. This is MURRICA not some shitty europoor state where they can only afford rocks.

>mortal kombat fps
unironically a good idea


>mad that people accuse chinks of eating weird animals
>very next panel is "haha southerners eat weird animals"

Why does this pencil necked dweeb draw himself as a broad shouldered asian chad? That’s not even how he looks

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Wish there were some chad racist bikers in my hometown.

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Switch Stonetoss and the unicorn and you’ve got a good list.

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>Nuh-uh, this guy said I'm right
Classic pebbleprojector

Political cartoons is the lowest IQ form of political commentary.

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That THIS is what he considers productive.

Also redditor reposters can eat a bag of dicks.

Seethe chapotard

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is he hapa?

>1st panel
Old lady is sharing places to eat. Asian food is really popular in the south now, especially sushi and hibachi food. As such, oriental markets have been popping up too.
>2nd panel
>giving a shit about the name of a burger
>3rd panel
>im-fucking-plying a slave auction block would still be remaining without a million people bitching about it
>4th panel
Yes there are confederate flags. It's the south. Also bikers are not exclusive to the south.
>5th panel
>getting assblasted over a joke about a current situation
>6th panel
>implying someone would randomly say "hey I eat groundhogs lol"
this guy is retarded

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>How will this sell us more comic books?
>Comic books?

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That was a roller coaster of emotion.

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why do people say rockthrow sucks again?

i've always hated this meme

sure it'd take maybe a decade or two but i guarantee you we'd be back to status quo pretty quickly

>why are you calling it the "chinese virus?"
>because it comes from CHINA
I mean you could say what you want, but what a burn
I really do wish that China will be held accountable for this
Not because it's fun to be racist, but because whether by accident, by "accident," or their wet markets being a breeding ground for disease, they managed to kill several thousand people and the economy in a manner of weeks

that is what the original strip was showing, but anons re-cut it to look like Villager is a tranny

but NoVA's just Maryland with cheaper cigarettes

The author wrote this

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Wrong, it was verifiable fact that there was quick-crete in some of the milkshakes. Not all, but a good portion of them, and it caused physical harm.

Leftoids keep attacking people in the streets and cry like sissies when rightards fight back

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She assumes he’s looking for asian food because he’s asian, despite him being Americanized.

Straight from the based hotline

>Slave history in the south
If they hid it he'd probably complain about that too. Also the biker looks like Steve Austin.

>children eventually turn to adults so I might aswell fuck them now

Who would win in a fight?
This guy vs stonetoss

>prease don't repolst

This is way too obviously a parody for me to laugh at it. Even those need SOME subtlety

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>Ends up at an Asian place in a later panel
Old lady did nothing wrong

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>white people can't enjoy and recommend asian food to asians


Shit that one got me

>haha what if we all regressed to a shittier time you people trying to make the world a better place sure would be screwed then
Ultimate retardation.