I'm playtesting the new Portal game, so I guess leak time

The new Portal game is basically Lemmings but with portals and some other fuckery.

You control a pocket universe with tiny test
subjects and your goal is to get them to solve test chambers.

As for the presentation the game is played in VR where you're in this room with many other rooms that you can pick up, move around, scale, each of them is a test chamber, they can connect with each other and interact with each other, there's a lot of stuff going on, it's very hard to describe.

Imagine the puzzles from Alyx turned up to 20 with non-euclidean fuckery on top of them that are played on few levels of complexity at the same time.

The game is very hard and confusing as it is right now. Not unplayable, but personally during my playthroughs I literally solved like 80% levels by accident with only 20% solved by actually thinking.

There's a story but a very simple one. The tiny stick figures that you are playing with are real actual humans. You're a CPU made of "the best brains folded into neutrinos".

The goal of the game is to "make enough mistakes to reverse the biggest mistake" that GlaDOS made, which is hinted to be her releasing Chell into the wild but there's no resolve as you complete the last level, which leads to the next point.

The game is supposed to be a social experience where all the players are "training" themselves (as cpus) and are ranked, not sure exactly how it's going to work as it's not yet implemented.

The cumulative goal of all the players is to "make enough mistakes" for GlaDOS to achieve her goal of reversing time and bringing Chell back.

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I was here

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I've been waiting for a new Lemmings game back when rockstar still had a soul

Really? Is this legit?

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>valve play tester
Serious question, are you legally retarded?


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im just gonna screen cap this so i can come back in 5 years and be disappointed

Tyler is a fat autist.
Put me in the screencap.

Valve is afraid of the number 3. I'm gonna need you to post feet to verify your identity.

no one cares

This is fake. The only other games Valve is working on at the moment is project Citadel and some L4D game.
Dumping some stuff from a dev build of Source 2:

Have fun


I don't consider myself to be an absolute idiot but the game is entirely too hard as it is for now.

For example, to solve one test chamber (they appear in your room as your progress, you have to re-use resources from older test chambers very often) which you have to fill with green goo that subjects can swim in. To do this, you have to get the goo from one of the first test chambers, pour it through like 10 different test chambers (you can kill subjects from older test chambers so it doesn't matter if you drown them) and the problem is that you have to scale each one of them so that the liquid will pour correctly and in a correct amount before it reaches the test chamber that you're currently solving.

There are "measuring tools" and vials and stuff in your room, but you can't really use them without breaking stuff, so a puzzle like this is basically all luck and 0 thinking.

This is clearly a HL Alyx situation. It'd be more like Portal: GLaDOS.

>"totally legit leak you guise, TRUST ME!"
>unironic reddit spacing on top of nonsense
Yeah, nah

Never got past the old levels in 2, does it ever get good with more room to experiment like in 1

Valve only hires retards to play test, so you must be a retard. I’m sorry you had to find out this way

It's the first game I'm doing for them and honestly I'm just happy that I have a job.

nobody else plays video games

Do you see this game comming out in 2020?

No. Portal 2 is all about the dialogue/story and a few clever in game set pieces. The puzzles stay stupid because valves play testers couldn’t figure them out without valve making every wall but the solution in-portalable. Really a disappointment but it was a huge success(LOL) so I’d expect more “PUT A PORTAL HERE IDIOT” walls in a sequel

you literally stopped when the game starts to get really really good

I don't know. For the moment the game is too hard and this is a common complain. They're constantly reworking it.

The biggest issue with Portal 2 is that the puzzles are much more straightforward. It does have really good moments though. It's worth at least one full playthrough.

>I'm just happy that I have a job.
And you think leaking information from a company who's notorious for scraping everything due to leaks is a good idea for job security?

>Yas Forums calling a portal play tester stupid
>when that a or b portal momentum meme pic always reaches bump limit arguing which is right

Fuck off.

Do you forsee a release date? Or does the game need much more work before they can start planning a release?

Also when it comes to reusing resources from older test chambers, there's a system where the test subjects in older test chambers start building civilization if it makes sense, they make fires, build huts, wear loinclothes and grow beards for whatever reason and honestly the best part of the game is when you have to build a bridge from the oldest test chamber where you have a small civilization to the recent test chamber so they can kill a literal mammoth living in the test chamber, which happens 3/4 in the game as it is now.

We'll find out.

If this is a larp, it's a good one.

How Valve playtesting works? Is this a full time job at valve or do they get people through some other company?
Do they watch you play, record your gameplay, talk to you after your play session? Or are you just required to make an report?

I know this shit is probably fake but again, there were HL:A leaks before that turned out to be true

Big if real.

There's a whole floor only for testing, there's about 15 people testing their games. I know that some people are testing the same game and some people are testing other games but we're not allowed to talk outside of meetings about a particular game. I don't think they record anything, sometimes someone comes up to watch but in general we mostly talk.

Who is the director of the game?

What's the first name of the person who hired you?

Answer quickly, don't google, or this is fake.

Valve guys said that they record everything including heartbeat, where people look, everything. That's why their games are so polished. Bullshit confirmed. Do more research next time.

I got hired by a friend who works there and I won't tell his name for obvious reasons.

Got it. Nice fanfic.

does anybody know what its called when weird coincidences keep popping up in your life? I literally just finished playing Portal 1 & 2 yesterday on my own volition and haven't heard anybody talk about portal in forever only to see a portal thread on the front page today
life is a simulation man this shit keeps happening to me.

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Attention bias or something like that. People were discussing portal, it's just that it normally wouldn't stand out to you, but this time it did.


I've read somewhere that the L4D stuff was just assets or an experiment of sorts and they're not actually planning to make a new entry in the series.

Sorry, you're actually right. I've just checked server.dll's project list and there are only "citadel" and "hlvr" strings in that array. I think that's in the retail build too.

so bridge constructor: portal with a vr headset?

Confirmation bias.

it happens from time to time just lean back into the simulation you'll be fine

I'm 99.9% certain they said it as a joke, user.

>Yas Forums calling a portal play tester stupid
>when that a or b portal momentum meme pic always reaches bump limit arguing which is right
Well you can only say that if you yourself realise what the answer is and aren't one of the idiots who thinks its A.

i want to be in the screencap, thanks

Different things user but I see what you're getting at

Any sources or info you could prove that you ain't lying? Maybe a screenshots?

So another spin-off game like pick related?

Attached: portal-bridge-constructor-android-iphone.jpg (800x458, 50.78K)

Can you see Chel's feet again?

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I have no doubt Valve really want to make a Portal VR due to the general coolness about being able to interact with portals in VR. But the clearly have an issue of portal flinging not being remotely VR friendly.

Valve is notorious for changing levels and removing gameplay features because of retarded playtesters.

>anons actually think this is real

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Sounds like another mobile-tier game instead of an actual sequel.

Valve clearly said NOTHING is in the works right now. Especially now with the China virus closing everything down, only thing the autist is testing is his own joystick at home.

kinda disappointing if its true
also witnessed and etc etc

Why not? Like with the Sega leaker, we can always entertain the possibility.

>he doesn't know what reddit spacing actually means
please go back kind stranger

What was Project Citadel again, wasn't it an RTS or some shit?

Even if this is fake it sounds interesting, good job user

>I'm playtesting the new Portal game
>The game is very hard and confusing
>only 20% solved by actually thinking
Oh fuck it's real