Animal Crossing dev admits gender was removed due to LGBTQ pressure

>A developer for Animal Crossing: New Horizons revealed that original ‘male and female’ gender options were changed to ‘styles’ due to threats from LGBTQ activists.

>Developers were harassed and called ‘transphobic’ when it was revealed that Animal Crossing: New Horizons would let you choose between a male or female villager. Decisions were made to change ‘genders’ to ‘style’ to better suit the western market.

>The popular Nintendo social simulator featuring some of the most adorable townies originally allowed players to choose if they wanted to play as a boy or a girl, but due to back lash by LGBTQ activists Nintendo had to change ‘gender’ to ‘style’.

>Last month we published an article highlighting the outrage over the ‘gender roles’ in Animal Crossing: New Horizons by certain communities on social media which has now been read by 1 million people in Japan. The outrage made Japanese headlines and was described to be ‘ridiculous’ by the press.

>A source that claims to work for Nintendo told us that, despite the solution being an easy fix, they just couldn’t fathom why people would get so upset over such a trivial thing.

>“In some games you don’t even get the option to play as a male or female protagonist, you must play the character that is specifically written for the game’s story. Sometimes you play as other-wordly beings whose biological sex attributes may be completely different to humans… and people in the west are upset because you can play as a boy or a girl?” The insider vented in his email.

>“A lot of people here in Japan are very confused with anger about gender in games,” he told us. “When we read your article about the outrage that you can now also play as a girl villager we were very surprised.”

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Other urls found in this thread:

>The insider later revealed that the changes to the ‘gender roles’ was only done to the English version of the game and all they had to do was remove the words ‘boy’ and ‘girl’ from the game and change ‘choose sex’ to ‘choose style’. He also claimed that a lot of the developers laughed at the idea.

>The pressure to change ‘sex’ to ‘style’ came from both people working for Nintendo America and LGBTQ activists on Twitter. Threats were allegedly made to the Japanese division if they did not adhere to the demands of the activists. “People were called bigots and ‘transphobic’ and other such nonsense, but the biggest concern was when we received threats of revealing our personal information. We have families and we didn’t want them to be harassed over this,” the insider said.

>However, the games director, Aya Kyogoku, went on record with far-left leaning WaPo (who have now changed their tagline to ‘democracy dies in darkness’), went against the evidence and contradicted the insiders statement.

>“New Horizons’s flexible nature extends to character customization too. Clothing items and hairstyles aren’t restricted by gender, giving players more options on how to represent themselves in the game. This level of fine-tuning your character is ‘not just about gender,’ Kyogoku said, but relates to the team’s overall feeling that “society is shifting to valuing a lot of people’s different identities.”

>“We basically wanted to create a game where users didn’t really have to think about gender or if they wanted to think about gender, they’re also able to,” she said.”

>As is now abundantly evident in Animal Crossing: New Horizons any mentions of gender and/or sex was only censored from the English localisation of the game, proving that when Kyogoku spoke of creating a game without gender she was merely virtue signalling to those who protested the games inclusion of ‘genders’.

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>another journalism thread
delete the thread and kill yourself

nobody cares goes in all fields


Fuck off, OP


I don't give a shit about these politics, but what does choosing "male" or "female" in New Horizons even do? I noticed that's something you can choose when changing your face design in front of a mirror

Golly user that sure is a sick source you've got there.

You can't post things like this for Nintendo games, stop right now

I love how literally every time this happens now there's a doxxing threat involved. People will tell you the devs are being 'progressive' when they're normal people sitting there confused as fuck wondering why some screeching lunatics are threatening to end their career if they don't change a word.

>came from both people working for Nintendo America
I hope they got fired

>far-left leaning WaPo

Yeah I'm sure a newspaper owned by the richest billionaire in the world is totally "far left"

Anti-SJWs harassed somebody I loved until she committed suicide and then laughed about it, but I’m sorry this one video game had its menu text altered slightly. That sounds really hard.

Slightly different face and that's it. As is standard in AC you can get all the same hairstyles and clothes and everything else regardless.


This is peak retardation
>i'l take 'Things that never happened' for 500

I wish society would allow us to just beat the ever living shit out of LGBT pieces of shit on sight. Like in Russia

Honestly, if the devs just ignored these cunts they would move on and go bitch about something else

never happened

>far-left leaning WaPo
americans are so stupid. delete your life, OP

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>He also claimed that a lot of the developers laughed at the idea.

And if anyone involved with making this article actually read Japanese, they'd know it doesn't use the words "sex" or "gender" in that screenshot.

Fuck off back to Yas Forums

The joke is that LGBTQs don't even buy games, they just look at others people playing them

Dilate shit head

But then you have HIV shit all over your hands

So basically just stop being fucking EOP

Not even honored samurais are safe from the deathly grips of the Jew cabal

It's just amusing user. Hordes of mentally ill people lost their minds over one word in one menu, the change was so minor I don't think anybody else noticed.

Lets be real here

SJW bullying to get what they want is working. You can't stop them. Most of you right-wing cucks are too pussy to do anything other than watch TheQuartering and rolling your eyes with your Discord faggot friends complaining about SJW's. You fags do nothing.

Washington Post is a CIA-run operation. And the CIA is full of satanists and child traffickers.

>Far left leaning
The sheer retardation of Yas Forumsfags never ceases to amaze me

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no one cares

Holy shit I can't believe anyone would admit to not being hateful. This is one heck of a scoop and surely the win we gamers need to turn this culture war around!

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>My friend's uncle who works for Nintendo told us that, despite the solution being an easy fix, they just couldn’t fathom why people would get so upset over such a trivial thing.

He's been spamming this for a few days now. Mods seem to be fed up too given they're deleting these threads on sight

just wear boxing gloves

Modern lefties are a confusing enemy. They are completely void of individual thought. Every single faggot lefty from reddit that visits Yas Forums is the type of person who calls police supporters bootlickers, while desperately using the police to enforce their gay bullshit.

God I wait for the day we can kill LGBTQs. They are a cancer on our society.

lgbtqyadayada is the new antifa


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>literally only in the American version
Drop your black pills and follow your masters.

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>Wapo spends literally every single hour of every single day pumping out cry baby op-eds against Trump while woshipping, AOC, Bernie, Hillary, anyone one the left, etc.
>totally fair and balanced

Atleast they aren't killing themselves over internet insults you massive fucking pussy

>/acg/ continues to claim anons are talking out their ass that gender was removed from English version for this reason
>still in Japanese, Korean, Russian, etc
>dev admits it
Eat shit, /acg/!!

>See those termites chewing through the shit in your house?
>They're DOING something
>Look at you just sitting there not being a pestilence

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Reminder that trannies are just cultists. If people were allowed to live as their true selves, as either tomboys or femboys, they would be healthy and happy. Unfortunately, sometimes they get groomed into thinking they have problems that don't exist and that it can only be "treated" with drugs and bodily mutilation. But in reality, no one is ever happy when they "transition". It's just a meme that ruins lives. The tranny fad needs to die and people need to start accepting and loving themselves for who they really are. Natural traps and tomboys who don't get tricked into taking damaging hormones or getting heinous surgeries are always a million times happier and more attractive than these tranny abominations. If you support or enable trannies in any way, you are not a good person. You are part of the problem. Trannies are an active death cult that recruits through bullying, gaslighting and harassment. They go out of their way to make people feel uncomfortable with their true selves so that they feel more dependent upon the tranny cult and its backhanded encouragement. If you have any love for tomboys or androgynous men, or if you just don't like seeing people get hurt, it's your job to speak out against trannyism and point out the damage it causes. It's not a real sexuality. It's not a real identity. It's not even a real mental illness. It's simply a dangerous fad started by fetishists and enabled by politically obsessed sycophants, and it needs to be stopped before more people ruin their bodies and their lives.

go back

>Source: One Angry Gamer

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>source: One Angry Gamer
How fucking far are you when you’re citing OAG as your source?

Washington Post has been run by Jews for decades, smoothbrain. Of course they're "left"

not video games, fuck OP

t. redditor who has been here for 1 year

>"came from both people working for Nintendo America"

I wonder who. Surely they' ll get fire for pressuring this personal censorship.

Oy vey! We' ve been found out.

Daily reminder that trannies >>>>>>>> females. They are far less cancerous.

Holy shit this image reeks of someone who joined after Gamergate. Modern Yas Forums is a containment board for all the identity politics obsessed asswipes that joined as a result of Gamergate and the 2016 elections. You insufferable cunts are the modern day post-Chanology newfags. Please go back to your containment board, please.

Furthermore it's retarded to think only "Yas Forums" gets upset by this nonsense. Any sensible person knows that the whole LGBTQIABBQ+ movement is insanity.


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No surprise, animal crossing community is full of trannies

wrong. trannies are the most cancerous garbage in existence.

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>far-left leaning WaPo

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>the developers laughed at the idea

>the plebbitor literally proves what's in the post, that his opinions cannot withstand open scrutiny

Fucking based, hope they build a statue of that guy. All trannies must die.

What an asshurt post


I can’t wait for all the conservatives to get coronavirus and die so Yas Forums will just discuss video games for a change.

lgbtq mafia needs to be purged, they are a death cult forcing everyone to join them or else

>da jooos!
Can you explain then why most Zionists are right wing?

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>Decisions were made to change ‘genders’ to ‘style’ to better suit the western market.
More like to suit America's retardation.

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We live in the country owning land and houses, faggot. You liberal city fucks will be the once eaten by the virus.

Dial 8

>Ok we posted about vidya related image in OP now we can go on a rant!

Don't kid yourselves. You damn well know that the reason you hate these threads is because it exposes the obvious political influence that these rats are having towards video games.

>any western game bends to LGBT groups

>Nintendo does it
>lol nobody cares xP

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>harassed somebody I loved until she committed suicide
Are you one of those Yas Forums simps for damaged-goods e-girls like Rose or whatever the latest "smol cute autistic tradwife" thot is.

Shit will only get worse

Faggots and communists patrol the internet over their feefees and even when it finnaly gets revealed they are pressuring developers they do spamming raids like in this thread.

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Why are americans like this?

Haha oh lawd.
That's like citing "Jim from Facebook" as your source.

That is embarassing, senpai.

Nobody's wanting your opinion to be silenced, we want you to fuck off. No sane rational person with a healthy view of himself wants to buy what you're selling. Quit bitching about trannies and jews on Yas Forums, this isn't video games.