>inide games create unique des-
Inide games create unique des-
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Slugcat got some nice curves going on here
-ires to kill yourself
Hollowknight predates all of them
Baba is so fucking lazy, it's the shit I could pull off while drunk in MS Paint
So you what you're saying is that Baba IS you?
Delete this right now
The design for baba is actually genious
Don't deny her true purpose, she's natural born CUM DUMPSTER
Slugcat's design is very self-justifying. It's as contrasted/integrated as it gets with its environment. Plus I think Rainworld's promo art doesn't do the game justice. It looks so much more interesting and unique than what the promo art suggests, which is pretty average.
hollow night literally looks worse, slugcat is nice but it wouldn't work in the games art style, your turned baba into keke, and ori has a whole glowing blue-white pallet thing going on that you just killed.
Don't buy Indie.
>One of this things is not like the other, one of these niggas does not fit in
looks like vomit
lmao nice
Thanks, doc.
You forgot some
gracias doctor
Man, I gotta get back into Wuppo at some point. I started it but kinda left it there.
thank doc
Wuppo man is literally our guy.
Gee undertale, how come mom lets you get two reps?
oh shit this guy's vomit
doc we need a bigger dose
white is black and white and sometimes a few different colors sprinkled in the basis for all this shit?
is this what happens when devs don't know color theory?
is this what happens when devs try to make the character seem minimalistic and simplistic enough that you could transpose yourself into their skin?
The knight is literally black, I dunno how you confused him with the other jobbers
>my game's protag is white with black eyes too
Hope I make it so my game can be added to this list.
out of those hollow knight predates only baba
technically rainworld came out a month after hollow knight but it began development and had the character ready a few years before hollow knight
You have my gratitude medical professional
Indie niggas
Actually you're still right, I thought this was made much earlier but Ori was also in development during this time
Where is noita?
Thanks doc
These edits are a great reminder that nobody on Yas Forums will ever be an artist
Díky doktore.
mister noita man is purple tho
It's almost like character designs don't need to be complex to be appealing.
add quote
Do what?
Put Baba's bow on her ear. She's a girl you know.
At least they aren't this
ori is so fucking ripped, it's not fair bros...
Sometimes I forget this game doesn't have the same art guys as Spiral Knights
What's this
Imagine forcing your players to play as a black tumblr girl protatonist who gets zero development in a first person game just to virtue signal
That's fine, not good or bad. At least they actually tried to be different compared to
>literally a tumblr nose
Yas Forums would like that design if she had an attractive face
Hollow Knight looks pretty fucking bad compared to everything else in his game, desgin-wise.
All the work went into the excellent puzzle design
white pride
Can someone explain to me why white, blonde and blue/green colors work so well with each other?
>Can someone explain to me why white, blonde and blue/green colors work so well with each other?
I had to draw a fetish porn commission of this character. Tried the best I could not to give her a pig nose but she still looks like a gremlin anyways