>get to New Vegas
>almost immediately get approached by all three factions wanting me to work for them
Wow, amazing storytelling. That’s not forced at all.
Get to New Vegas
Other urls found in this thread:
its a reddit game
Well, they're literally trying to force you into doing their work and time is running out for them
but I don't think it is worth trying to get blood from a stone
>as soon as the dialogue ends you're free to blow their heads clean off
that's what bethesda will never get right
agreed. i always enjoy playing fallout and elder scrolls but when i shoot a "vital" NPC in the head and they just go kneel down for 10 seconds and get back up and attack me it ruins the immersion completely
>Game features factions
>Said factions approach you to recruit you into their club
Oh wow very shallow plot device oh my
Do you have brain damage?
Never mind
What does that even mean?
>Omertas only work with you because you either blackmail them or you expose their blackmail to the family
>Benny attempts to lock you in the Tops, he never tries to work with you and you only gain access to Yes Man by sneaking into Benny’s room
>The White Gloves only offer you work if you help them return to cannibalism because Mortimer is desperate
Did you even play the game, OP?
>complete task showing yourself to be a highly competent individual, being able to complete a mission despite overwhelming odds
>surprised when factions in a total stalemate looking for anyway to get a slight advantage approach you asking you to work for them
Bait thread but retards should just be banned for playing video games.
this thread is so old it's so fucking funny to see newfags taking the bait still kek
it's a redditor...
Lol what overwhelming odds? Why would they even give a shit? You're just some mailman who chased a guy a few towns away over petty revenge
It means he doesn’t like it
>what overwhelming odds
Clearing Primm of powder gangers, clearing the roads of Vipers and Jackals, saving Novac from an army of nightkin, singlehandedly ending a standoff between NCR and Great Khans, defeating the boss of one of the most powerful factions on the Strip, and being the first person in history to receive a personal invitation to visit Mr. House.
fallou 2 ftw
First person to walk in tops.
People wants to get closer to you.
>it makes no sense at all.
Yas Forums everyone.
>get shot in the head
>amazing tutorial act
>fantastic first act, benny is a mystery, you get introduced to most of the actors that are there and you learn the ropes with skill checks, faction systems, vast world and other mechanics
>you get to the fabled vegas, after freeside of course which debunks NCR are good guys narrative to some extend
>within hours game offers you a clean slate, which is something thats almost always never done in other cRPGS and I hate it, its a game in the end fuckers we should be able to change our minds at some point
>you now know whats at stake, who everyone is and what your options are
its all about the cards ,user, and after the Tops, you are now the dealer, not the player
Yeah I love Dark Souls.
it's very challenging that most players cant handle for its thoughtful combat techniques that really makes the player think
Rather than run headlong into combat like those mindless fantasy games.
you can get to vegas and trigger the faction offers without doing any of those
So what you're saying is that this game rips off harry potter?
>Walk into New Vegas, Singlehandedly the most famous spot in the mojave wasteland, where literally every major faction has atleast a handful of spies keeping track of shit going down.
>Some bumfuck stranger walks in, enters le lucky 38, the HQ of the enigmatic and powerful ruler of New Vegas, not to mention that no one else has entered that tower in hundreds of years.
>urhhruh *drools, cums and shits pants simultaneously* why did factionzz ask me to speek to deir leeders?+ee??+ *bangs massive ogre forehead against wall approximately 46 times*
All three of them are focused on the dam and new vegas. House literally lives in vegas, the NCR has a diplomat there for good reasons, and the legion has good reasons to have spies on the strip. All you've done with this post is expose yourself as a fucking idiot. Why would you intentionally embarrass yourself like this?
We've been talking about new vegas for much longer than you've been on Yas Forums, newfag.
>[Speech 100] Dude if you are here you won't be there!
>You are right! I leave now!
Ah, Obsidian writing....
Give me literally one single in-game example of anything remotely like this.
>OP says something retarded
>retards rush to the thread to shit on new vegas despite OP making all of them look stupid before they even posted
The IQ of this board decreases daily
Literally the final..."boss"
The fact that you're even alive in the beginning of the game after being executed is a mix of luck and determination so insanely high most people who'd hear about it automatically compliment you; then the rest of the game happens.
Which one?
You can even ignore Victor and just go straight to Benny if you feel like it.
>he runs for his life out of The Tops because of you
>you murder him in the The Tops
Both are pretty major things that would gain major players interest of the Courier.
>you need Speech 30 to literally say two letters
It makes sense for House to do so, and ofc the other factions are interested now since House is so secretive and influential so they want you to be their stooge too
Yeah, except it's more complicated than that
Compared to F3 dealing with Eden
The guy who is supposed to be a bloodthirsty warrior who takes shit from nobody
>>urhhruh *drools, cums and shits pants simultaneously* why did factionzz ask me to speek to deir leeders?+ee??+ *bangs massive ogre forehead against wall approximately 46 times*
This basically. OP has 1 INT but for real, and is a faggot.
You can either say "no" like a weak willed onions faggot or say "no" like Michael Corleone.
It's all in the delivery
Why do obsididrones get so pissy when you poke fun at New Vegas?
>It makes sense for House to do so
Inviting a complete stranger who has good reason to be pissed at you into your inner sanctum where you can be trivially killed makes sense to you? Does it really?
>you need a little bit of speech skill to lie convincingly
Wow, horrible writing Obsidian...
because the """"criticism"""" is just contrarians spewing garbage for (you0's or just paid Todd shills
Where is the obsidiot getting pissy? I see OP being retarded but I don't see anyone being pissy.
If you actually talk to people in-game about Lanius, specifically Caesar himself, they will outright tell you that Lanius is already of the belief that the west is a trap rather than a treasure. He's conflicted about taking the west ever since their conquest of Colorado, especially the cursed city of Denver and he only seeks to do so because Caesar commands it. If someone with 100 speech uses sound logic to reinforce his already fully formed beliefs then they could obviously convince him to stand down, for now. Especially considering how you decimated most of his forces on the way to the camp.
because deep down they know it's a meme game they pretend to like and they can't defend from the mildest criticism without throwing a spacker fit or sagebombing a thread
He's surrounded by an army of robots. He's willing to take that risk and Courier has no reason to murder him at that point.
>get from Goodsprings to Vegas in like 2 days after being shot in the head
>wonder why people are impressed by you
>claim Fo3 is bad
>while also admitting you know nothing about it
>Game is bad
>"No, I don't think so"
I fail to see the humour.
Yeah the two robots armed with 9mms are definitely adequate to stop you from going into the fucking room adjacent to the one he's speaking to you in
how I fucking hate obvious faggots abusing this world
it has a specific meaning and is as abused as fucking literally when you niggers mean figuratively, which is the exact fucking opposite of what literally means
fucking mouthbreathing pieces of trash
This, it's not always what is literally said but how it's said; in this case,lying or trying to convince someone, specifically to access a ton of overpowered gear early.
>Google "Decimated meaning"
>"Kill, destroy or remove a large proportion of"
How the fuck is that used wrongly in this context? Brainlets really out here.
case in point
>Get to New Vegas
>Get invited into extremely secure location to speak to an important figure
>Not expecting factions to want to make you their personal hitman to kill House
I haven't played New Vegas, but from an objective bias-free standpoint that doesn't sound forced.
I don't really think Eden was done well either, but he makes far more sense than Lanius.
Bear in mind that he isn't a person, is of dubious sentience and basically is a 'mistake'.
Also, it's been a while but IIRC you can't talk him out of the FEV plan, only into shutting down.
Why is it that the only thing 3 fags have left are shitty bait posts? Is it because they know deep down NV is better and are still coping with it?
It's the nuMeaning that is almost the opposite to what it actually fucking means.
Decimate means killing every tenth dude for a total kill count of 10%. It didn't mean slaughtering fucking everybody until a bunch of literal (literal literal) retards started to abuse the word to shit and back.
yes I'm mad
Cope trany
being shot in the head for one
Why are you getting so pissy?
>acquire mcguffin that can change the fate of the region
>wtf why are these people trying to be buddies and take advantage of me now??
stop projecting, drone
Yeah so basically this game is harry potter then
why are you projecting?
It was a 9mm.
>s-stop projecting!
>acquire mcguffin
You don't have it when you first enter nv
Legion doesn't start sucking your cock until you leave The Tops after confronting Benny.
You dont you fucking cunt, you go in and either meet with Mr House or you dont, you kill benny or you dont. Only after killing Benny or meething House will the NCR and Legion guys trigger.
>>complaining about an old game that people have spent thousands of hours playing and literally enjoyed
>>playing this game now when you're already extremely jaded from posting on Yas Forums for years
alrighty then
I do not see the problem at all here. If by the main three factions you mean The NCR, The Legion, and Mr. House, then you've already had several run ins with all of them prior to entering New Vegas. Not only that, but Mr. House previously employed you even before the game began. The NCR and The Legion know you are connected with House and are interested you. There is literally nothing wrong with this.
Ok so Legion sucks your cock for having the mcguffin. Which realistically they would just take from you by force but instead they come up with some plot to send you into the bunker unaccompanied lol
>Thanks courier, I knew I can count on you
>Any time Caesar, I definitely didn't activate an army of killer fucking robots under your asshole
>Benny leaves you for dead and takes your package
>you track him down either kill him in his home base or force him to flee
>factions know this and think they can get you to help them
what's the problem here