People are already trying to get lawsuits for refunds after donating $15,000. Why is Kickstarter allowing this?
What will they do if Star Citizen gets cancelled?
$8 million dollar Kickstarter game is cancelled with nothing to show for it
Other urls found in this thread:
>donating to kickstarter games
they deserve to get their money stolen
>Donating money to kickstarter
>A fucking MMO
They deserve to lose every penny
>giving money to scamstarter
they deserve it. I'm laughing at those retards.
zoomers don't know who pic related is but today I will remind them anyway.
>What will they do if Star Citizen gets cancelled?
Pantheon is going to get the same treatment, isn't it?
>donating to a kikestarter
>donating to a fucking kikestarter MMO
Imagine donating to a kickstarter. How many times must you be taught this lesson?
>pre-alpha testing started on the 20th
>5 days later the game shuts down
Man the test must have been awful.
making games is hard. They don't always work out. Kind of feel like you accept responsibility for that potential outcome if you donate to a game. Your fault for not researching what you're donating to.
It might be some kind of record. At least for a public alpha.
what is Chris Roberts' expression trying to convey?
>Kind of feel like you accept responsibility for that potential outcome if you donate to a game.
Well, you're literally investing into a product of unknown worth.
Are there any videos of the alpha?
They probably thought pre-alpha would bring in a lot of new customers to keep them going but that never happened
Technically you're not investigating in shit. You see no ROI for Kickstarter. You're literally donating and hoping for the best.
I am going to sell my 30k dollar space ship with a huge profit when Star Citizen comes out and that will show you all!
Posting this before the REEEEEE SCAMSTARTER fearmongering takes over the thread.
>Divinity Original Sin 1 & 2
>Kingdom Come: Deliverance
>Shovel Knight
>Hollow Knight
>Shantae Half-Genie Hero
>Wasteland 2
>Pillars of Eternity
>Grim Dawn
>A Hat in Time
>Shadowrun Returns & Hong Kong
>The Banner Saga
>La Mulana 2
>Darkest Dungeon
>Pathologic 2
>Super Hot
Kickstarter gave us great games and if you say every single one of these games is bad you have shit taste,
>Kickstarter gave us great games and if you say every single one of these games is bad you have shit taste,
>19 decent titles
Even if all of these can be considered great, what kind of percentage is that? 0.1% 0.01%?
How did this game manage to get 8 million anyway? The only thing that seems to set it apart from every other cut-rate MMO out of korea seems to be the aging gimmick.
Did backers actually think that having your character age and die would be fun and not a lame gimmick that got old after the first couple of times? Mystifying stuff.
The things I've kickstarted are things I know I'm going to get an actual product for. I kickstarted Shadowrun Hong Kong because Hairbrained proved themselves with Dragonfall. I've kickstarted a table top RPG from Onyx Path, a company that has been delivering kickstarted game books for years and has only gotten better after firing one of their incompetant tranny devs. Kickstarting an unknown company for something as ambitious as an MMO is absolutely retarded and everyone who bought in deserves to lose their money.
Dude's right though, if you don't like at least some of the games on that list you drink too much bleach
>Kickstarter gave us great games
so... are you actually going to name some examples?
Why internet? Why do dis?!
If they were crowd funded they should at least release the assets to the public.
>paying someone before the point of purchase
So while I appreciate Yong's videos to a point he has an insanely awful habit of padding time in his video. He gets the story said in the video then proceeds to repeat everything he just said a second time or even a third effectively doubling his time.
Just did, if the body pillow brigate can now tell me why all the games I listed is bad with more than an one sentence hyperbole that would be neat.
As long as Kickstarter gets their money, they don't give a fuck. God bless capitalism and the USA :')
I'm kind of interested in Pantheon purely because the idea of a merfolk race in an mmo interests me but they seem to be overpromising whihh means it will probably turn out shit, was it crowdfunded?
>Pillars of Eternity
>Great game
It was a fucking mess
But yes, Kickstarter CAN give at least decent games, but most kickstarters are scams
>donate money
>get mad when you don't get something in return
Do these people not know what a donation is?
They'll releases an unfished product, years later after the money runs out, when nobody is cares anymore.
Kickstarter isn't the problem, mmos that over hype themselves promising an impossibly dynamic world are what keep failing.
Has there EVER been a kickstarter MMO that actually made it to final release and not endless alphas or betas?
I never imagined seeing idiots lose their money would make me feels this great.
Stil waiting for something
>That feels I gave this game a chance because of Uematsu and list of competent people working on the project
I knew it wouldn't never happened when they say they did not have a programmer a few years ago.
>I fucking love retards with too much expendable income
La Mulana and Pathloic 2 are great games you fucking cum guzzler kill yourself
>Darkest Dungeon
This game sucks
>pillars of eternity but not pathfinder
It could be worse. Look at Star Citizen.
Fucking hell, no picture
Nice text comprehension ESL-kun.
Are you expecting anything but ridicule and schadenfreude towards the people donating to kickstarter? They deserved this, just as they always do every time it happens.
I think the devs are legit in trying to make a revolutionary MMO.
Problem is that many don’t know just how expensive MMOs can get and everything eventually falls apart.
Darkest Dungeon is based, but yeah, I will update the list with Pathfinder and The Wonderful 101 Remaster.
I'm impressed people have already forgotten about this joke.
The kickstarter for the Skullgirls DLC went really well too
>Demanding refund for a donation
Reminder that Hollow Knight only got 57.138 AU$ via Kickstarter
notice how there's not a single MMO on that list. any MMO kickstarter should be automatically labeled as a scam.
Darkest dungeon is almost pure RNG
And yes that's only a single sentence but it's not hyperbole, hyperbole would be saying super hot was ruined by it's shitty 2 deep 4 you story. Although I have to question why such a simple game even needed crowdfunding, we're they hiring professional level designers or something.
>People are already trying to get lawsuits for refunds after donating $15,000.
They should get a refund of $60 or whatever a new copy of the game would cost. The other $14,940 was charity and they shouldn't expect anything in return.
It won't you retard
>Why is Kickstarter allowing this?
Hello child. Do you know what an investment is? You put money toward an uncertain outcome. In good faith that you will witness a positive outcome. However, because the outcome is uncertain, it can also be negative. In which case, you simply lose your investment.
In short: It is a form of gambling.
What they Chronicles of Elyria did, is not necessarily against the law. The only way the lawsuit will ever work, is if the prosecution can prove that they devs acted in poor faith. Which is actually pretty hard to do. Because the devs can just show the material they created, and the timeline of its creation, and then the prosecution has nothing.
The only thing they will accomplish by turning this into a lawsuit, is inconveniencing the devs by forcing them into paying legal fees. Then the devs will win the case, and the retarded donors will have to pay even more money to cover the legal fees of the devs. It's a lose-lose scenario, all because some morons don't understand the concept of investing.
Where do they expect the money to come from? Aside from hardware there are probably no company assets that are worth anything.
That was on IndieGoGo so I didn't include it, but I might expand that list to include every crowdfunding platform in the future.
It's not even an investment, they aren't going to profit from the success of the kickstarter. It is literally a donation, a gift. They have no right to anything.
You said decent dumbass. They are both 10/10's and you tried to downplay it. So shut the fuck up
>Should have charged him $50k
Do what I do, every kickstarter I back ends up failing to reach its funding target so I can never be disappointed.
Well I am still upset about the "that pool" diorama not getting funded.