Is he the most based vidya youtuber? I think his opinions are consistent and he's always funny

Is he the most based vidya youtuber? I think his opinions are consistent and he's always funny

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Jannies might as well close this now

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The actual best youtuber is mechagamezilla

Now do the meme everyone

K___ s____ i_

DESTROYS Death Stranding
SLAUGHTERS Xenoblade 2
EXPOSES Octopath Traveler
BITCH SLAPS Yooka Laylee
OWNS Hackurai
RAPES Ubishit
How can one man be so BASED?

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why do people keep saying this?

how can one man keep saying it?

He is, weeb fags will deny it but it’s true.

Dunkey makes consistent, inspired, entertaining content. I think his critique videos typically end up serving as jumping off points for others because he usually obscures his conclusions with non sequiturs.

>RPGs bad

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I like Sseth, Mandalore and Civvie better

dunkey is funny, and thats enough. i don't need a youtuber to validate my opinions.

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You have to be 18 to post here.

Pick one

Not vidya

Doesn’t his wife fuck black guys?

His real talent is to make videos short, I am sick of 20 min long videos essays to say so little

repeat the phrase

His latest reviews are fucking bad.
>AHHHH look i can't solve a fucking puzzle because im retarted. I make the same joke 4 times in the video it's sarcasm. Don't you get it?
>Also Half life alyx sucks because the puzzles are bad.
His fanbase is praising him for everything and he thinks he is a comedy god now

what april fool video is he going to make?

I saw that he played some games in his league account

The only decent one you mentioned is Mandalore. Sseth is for ADHD children that laugh when their Yas Forums memes are regurgitated to them and Civvie is just a dumb boomer that goes OLD GOOD NEW BAD.

The first thing is why I stopped watching him. It's only funny the first handful of times and then it just got obnoxious when it was several entire videos about it

his shenmue 3 vid genuinely made me laugh, but his """"critique"""" videos and other meme xd ones are cringe

I SHYWKSI (Seriously Hope Your Wife Keeps Saying It)

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>constant cuts to keep zoomers from getting bored
>memes memes memes
>"""obscure""" games for precious Yas Forums cred
>bold boy memes to make the trannies mad, but only ironically because actually being right wing is lame because that means you care about something
>scour old reviews on steam for jokes to steal
>rip jokes and footage from smaller youtubers
>ask the people who pay you to make videos what videos you should make and what jokes should be in them
>I'm going to say something really naughty haha no I won't but it was close!!
>I'm going to show something really naughty haha no I won't but it was close!!

Is that everything?

keep saying it

>I think his opinions are consistent and he's always funny

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>cuck watches his wife being blacked
based as fuck

He couldn't even finish Death Stranding
He's a faggot twink fuckboi

ti gniyas peek

dont post this shit you fucking queer. you add nothing you are nothing

>but only ironically because actually being right wing is lame because that means you care about something

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keep saying it

Is this real?

I feel like I’m missing some hilarious lore

keep saying it

>omg it's cuckey my favorite eceleb friend simulator

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>dont post this shit you fucking queer. you add nothing you are nothing

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>Yas Forums thinks this is funny:

surprisingly good content
no i haven't even watched theri yiikes video yet

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I agree about civvie, he cant comprehend anything being better than quake level

Keep saying it.

The only based opinion he has is that JRPGs are bad.

He wants a game where the player is pulled forward, not a game with road blocks every few minutes to solve a rehashed puzzle.

he used to be witty and not take himself seriously but now he's just boring, this is probably his best video, mixes

Keep saying it.


Emplemon is better. He's probably the most devoted and intelligent Youtubers there is, and Video games isn't even his main focus. Watch his Hungrybox video (fuck off, "HE'S A SHILLLLLLLL" fags.), it's the stuff of legend.

had a friend ask me about their yiik video since i had mentioned it to him being probably the only video I've seen that managed to show off the like, 2 good points in the game and was happy to see it was a popular video

Continue uttering.


>I think his opinions are consistent and he's always funny

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a game that plays itself?

Keep saying it

Only based opinions ITT

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I don't care about that whole leah fucks nigs meme but dunkey is an actual fucking retard who can't play games for shit

How does that one song go?

No, some cuck video exists where the (presumably) white guy behind the camera sounds a bit like Dunkey and the girl being fucked has long curly hair like Leah. When you watch the whole video it's obviously not her. One of those memes people continue to push because 1. it derails conversations and 2. make people mad.

I mean he backpedaled on his Last of Us opinion saying it was 10/10 and that he misjudged its potential, so yeah.

You don't even have to solve the puzzles they are just there to get upgrades you don't even need. He just wanted something to cry about because it's not a nintendo game.

>Emplemon is better
>Video games isn't even his main focus.

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>it's obviously not her
>dunkey deletes all comments related to it
>Leah refuses to show her arm


keep saying it

He just keep provide entertainment whith his vid and saying fun stuff in it.

>He uses Pokemon music in his videos
>Game sound effects in his videos
>Nintendo references here and there

Its obviously the targeted audience.

No, by "pulled forward" I mean the game has ways of moving the player forward. Some shit exploding off in the distance draws you to head that way which is the exit to the area. Vocal cues that drive the player to keep moving, level design that draws the player in to explore more... When you have clunky puzzles it just stops the player form moving forward, all that momentum is lost. I'm not sure if it's as bad as his video makes it seem but I'd get annoyed constantly having to solve some precise puzzle over and over and over again just to continue playing the game.

yes there is a video and they cross examined everything and proven it is her 100%

him going into defense mode for his opinion on octopath was a nice show

his comedy vids are alright but his "reviews" are absolute garbage, even ign which he mocks is better than his "reviews"

These videos really make you FEEL like a cuck

his "reviews" are also supposed to be comedic, rather than informative