Discuss lore.

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Are there any good videos on the lore of Doom 2016? Probably a little early for Eternal ones probably but if there are good ones feel free to link.

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that new direction could make some bullshit science fantasy book

Do you think Doomguy will fight the sentinels in the next game? Pretty sure thats what they were setting up in the Sentinel Prime mission but I just think it would be odd to fight what are essentially humans in a Doom game. Also was that mysterious voice after you kill the khan makyr the Dark Lord?

>Also was that mysterious voice after you kill the khan makyr the Dark Lord?
Also VEGA is strongly hinted to be the father, not sure what direction they'll take that in but he's still left there in that alien world.

I want a campaign where we play as a marauder heading the invasion of earth.

rip and tear xD

Doubt so. They will probably be completely infested due to the loss of Urdak and be an upgraded Marauder without that bullshit shield.

Who was that makyr in the tub at the end of Urdak?

>Demons evil
>Shooty shooty bang bang
>Grunt in satisfaction

So Exultia was part of Argent D'nur right? Why did he have to go to the core of mars to get to the slipgate that lead to Sentinel Prime when he already had access to Argent D'nur?

was Sentinel Prime just not accessible from there? I know there are multiple dimensions, so maybe that's what it is.

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>Discuss lore.
What lore? There's hardly any lore worth discussing. 2016 actually had discussion because it was very open ended. Eternal basically explains everything.

Why did you come into this thread if you had nothing to add? Fuck off and kys. All of you.

bing bing wahoo yourself


I like the idea of Doomguy only slipping into the 'Rip and Tear' mantra after Doom 64's ending. As if he used to be a regular guy back in the original games but decomposed into an insane psychopath. Considering how Doomguy was going to kill himself after sending off the spaceship with humanity's survivor's, it gives a lot of depth to what little character Doomguy/Doom Slayer has.

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Will the third game explore Hayden's origins and what VEGA truly is?

>end of doom 64
>doomguy gets into hell, they decide fuck it and banish him to mars, leaving him to die
>sentinels pick him up and train him
>becomes rip and tear between then

So there are multiple earths right?
The earth the slayer is from isn't the earth the slayer is defending in eternal?

>2016 echoes the original Doom, taking place on a UAC base that has been taking over by demons and then transitions into hell
>Eternal echoes Doom 2 by having Hell on Earth, although is does meander into more of the Sentinel stuff
Next Doom will take inspiration from 64 or 3 then?

i liked 2016 when you were the betrayer, all that rage seemed more 'logical'

So are the Sentinels and their homework’s supposed to be a part of Hell, as a separate realm like Limbo?
Also canon
>Doomguy has Blasckowitz in his family tree
>Punched officer after being told to shoot civilians, showing he has a good minded heart, yet very unorthodox reactions
>Doom 1 is him simply trying to stop the demons and their invasion
>beats the master mind and saves the day
>demons are sore losers and kill his bunny
>this enrages him and this becomes less of an obligation to fight, and more of an obsession to kill
>stays in hell in 64 to give demons their own medicine
>found by sentinels
>trapped in coffin
>found by alternative UAC

>muh doom lore thread
you're fucking cringe. the 'lore' in this game is fucking retarded and you're basically cancer. enjoy your shit thread.

Rip and Tear was what he chanted in the gladiator arena and it caught on and the sentinels watching would chant it as well.

Home world**

>you're fucking cringe

it takes place after doom64, doomguy probably got sent through time and space to mars which explains why nobody knew who he was

Sentinel world is supposed to be a different dimension where Doomguy's Earth already fell and where Hell exists. If I'm understanding correctly. Maykr seems to be referring to Doomguy's Earth when offering to send him back and Doom heh this Earth.

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my headcanon is that the sentinels are essentially just demons who praise that god-computer making them think they aren't demons when the god computer and their angel image is false as seen when khan makyr dies and reveals to look like more of an imp type creature


this shit is marvel shitematic universe tier writing
Zoom was a mistake. no self respecting man would take any interest in this cringe tier shit. embarrassment to the original games


Why are schizos so upset at people having fun?

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hahahah seeeeeething!!

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Next game is the Quake 1 reboot that heavily ties into Nu-Doom's lore, calling it

and Doomguy is the final boss

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Who else isn't as interested in the ebin warrior planet and their warrior king bullshit and just wants to delve deeper in to the pits of hell and find out more shit and potentially even see the Dark Lord?

maybe i like being mad

2016 lore has almost no bearing on Eternal's outside of a few of the same characters appearing and then acting completely different

>lets add lore that makes heaven aliums that work with hell to juice human souls into space fuel and god energy
Fucking stupid.

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So how exactly do the Zenimax Wolfen games tie in? From what I remember in Youngblood, there’s talk of other dimensions

"mysterious voice" is probably whoever is in charge of hell because his human souls trade deal with CHYNA got tariffed by Donald Doomguy

it's bigger than the Khan Maykr herself
there's 3 options
1. it's the previous khan maykr that died to make way for her
2. it's the next khan maykr that's been growing in stasis without the father around to make it the khan
3. it's the prime maykr/father after Samur/Seraphim stole its consciousness

Stupid people is the target audience for this game so I see no problem.

This entire game felt like quake, it was just a strog invasion of earth, and i think i would have preferred if that's what it was.

Because all of the cities that he had access to were in the North. Argent D'nur is a very hostile planet outside of the cities, he would have had to travel south from Taras Nabad and there are no actual roads to Sentinel Prime.

master chief but he's an EPIC BAD ASS

So, do i understand this correctly, the icon of sin is the son of the betrayer dude you find sitting in a cave?

Yeah but I'd still like to get filled in on it, I haven't played it in like 3 years.

What was the deal with those coin things? I know they’re praetor points, but doomguy uses one before he kills the hell priest, and gets one when he fights the gladiator that he just throws away.

Doom: Eternal lore's retarded and a bit too much for absolutely no reason. Same with the gameplay.

It feels like it should be more Quake, rather than Doom.

Also the Maykr/Hell thing makes VERY LITTLE sense considering Doomguy.

wrong, the eternal lore directly references 2016 lore, the textlogs from both are necessary to actually understand the nature of the plot and characters

The Sentinel world is a part of real space. The Elemental Sepulcher, where the Wraiths were held, was merged into Hell after the betrayal. The rest of the planet escaped this fate, but it's been so broken and it's people scattered that it doesn't really matter if the rest of the planet was consumed or not. The only sentinel left alive, are the betrayer and the ones that were loyal to the priests.

I hope we are done with the meme knights. They might get mad you killed their god though


Seething transfaggot, go back to your Nintendo threads

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anything that was important in 2016 is repeated in Eternal usually with major retcons
anything that wasn't important they pretend they never mentioned

So what does this mean? In 2016 I was stretching and heard the trees say something, I looked it up and this is what they said

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such as?

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The first passage is refering to Hayden. They can't tell what he is, because of his robotic nature, but they do know that he has a heretic seal. This is what they refer to mortals as, basically, that he has a protected soul.

Second should be self evident, Olivia was rewarded for her effort with the transformation into the Spider Mastermind.

Third is that later, after everything, there will be someone consumed by the crucible, possibly Hayden, who will be an equal to the Slayer and that with it, he will corrupt all the realms. The interesting thing, is that in Eternal, they refer to the Slayer as the Beast.

>Do you think Doomguy will fight the sentinels in the next game?
arent they dead?

Not the ones who pledged loyalty to the Khan Makyr.

so was the betrayer tricked into what he did, or did he knowingly compromise the sentinels because he wanted his son back?

So, anyone still got clue what the hell Wraiths were about?
>cause shit to form on a planet, including Argenta people
>shit's going fine, some weird porcelain lady's around now
>oh shit we got teleyeeted into Hell (thanks Betrayer) and are living batteries
Are they still unrelated to Maykrs?

he did it on purpose, but he didn't realize that Hell was playing a literal genie and so restored his son to life in the most grotesque and horrifying way imaginable by turning him into the icon of sin

So did they retcon Hayden looking like an old human dude? or was that what he looked like under the robe? I highly doubt it was.

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He gave the sentinels away and he got bamboozled when it turned out they resurrected his son as the icon.

Both. The Hell Priests promised his son back if he betrayed the Sentinals. He did it but Hell are cheeky fucks so they resurrected his soin as the Icon of Sin.

he probably lied about what he looked like or disguised himself somehow.

Samur gave up his "divinity" when he put Doomguy in the divinity machine
then he crossed dimensions and became human and grew up as a child prodigy

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Kinda got Quake 1 vibes from a lot of the soundtrack too

They never got explained, just that they came from the planets core after the Spire hit. So they were either always in the planet, or they were in the spire. Whatever they were, they had the power to process Soul Energy into Argent by combining it with their own Wraith Call.

I want to fight more angels and maybe even UAC soldiers, a leak told me that the chain gun guy will be a new enemy soon

What are your thoughts about the Maykers and their role in the game?

Pretty cool, shows that no matter how advanced you are, you can't control Hell. Something will always happen and fuck you over. Also, trying to avoid your fate will only accelerate it. Khan should have just accepted that her people would be destroyed and avoided everything to do with hell, then Urdak would have remained as pristine as it was. Could have even ended up a nice sanctuary from Hell.