What makes men donate to streamers?
What makes men donate to streamers?
>like content the streamer makes
>want to see more of it
>give them money so they can continue making content
It's not hard, retard
fifteen seconds of fame.
you just posted the reason
Why are all women like this?
What's the male version of OP's webm?
Yeah but why do they donate thousands of dollars
you must be a girl because everyone knows guys donate to girls strictly for fetish reasons.
being a simp cuck trannhole.
ez money because loser low life basedboys give money.
what an absolute fugly hoe. Imagine wasting your money on that lmao.
Modern medicine saving undesirables unfit to live so they come out like this. It all boils down to this problem.
Yuck look at that hook nose
they are simps who think if they give enough money she’ll sleep with them
Have you considered not being poor?
Ebin maymay
Are you implying that it would not be a waste of money if the woman is beautiful?
Kinda yikes.
this is such a hard cope, pay piggie detected
Lmao what fucking content is this other than softcore porn?
I'm not poor, but I'm not giving some random person playing video games more than 5 bucks a month
God-tier bait, user.
lack of sex
The only men who donate are rich oil barons who don't give a fuck. Most of the other donations come from 14 year old boys with irresponsible parents that gave them access to a credit card.
jesus what an ugly toad
There are more streamers out there that are not the girl in OP.
>giving money to some bitch who ain’t even sucking and riding your dick
nigga what the fuck is you doing?
>cuck and proud of it
not that user but yeah
that's pretty much it.
He pulled the trigger
I'm not poor either but fuck giving a rando video gamer anything more than 0 bucks
How does it feel to know your shitty opinions on an anonymous image board have no effect? Twitch is literally more popular than TV now. Cope and seethe, incels
I don't. I fell for the scam of e-dating instead. It taught me a hard learned lesson though, and at least I was only out $30 instead of hundreds, or even thousands.
plus I got to enjoy the game I bought with another person, honestly more fun than I'd ever had before or since.
But streamers, I don't understand. I used to stream before and even without any way to be given donations because I didn't want nor need them, I had people asking "hey man why no donation button". I just don't get it. Maybe they feel like that's the best way to get someone to appreciate them, is throwing the money out. But that's just for guys. For girls it's obviously for attention, nudes, or some mix thereof.
more like
>I better donate hundreds/thousands of dollars to an e-girl because I hope she's going to fuck me
This is why I'm okay with gun control requiring you be 21 with training to buy one.
I'm not most men but I have a hiccup fetish So I donate to a streamer who gets them a lot.
Take from that what you will.
Hey now, John from Digital Foundry is a cool chap.
yeah that's how guns work
If I was fondling her tits then it would be worthy. If it's on the other side of a screen then it's for faggots basedboys.
When you amend the Constitution you may have that.
Sigh. No one thinks donating money is going to have her fly to their house and fuck them.
You're clearly projecting.
Feels better than throwing money at a female because you think she might notice you simpy. I like your kind, you always make me feel better about myself.
i dont know what that word means
Cringe but also pretty based.
Excess of heterosexuality
this guy get it, you can get my money if you hop on my dick first
oink oink pay piggy, time to gibs more money so she can get all dolled up for her boyfriend right before he fucks her while you sit in a corner and cry
I go to hookers so I dunno.
This. Never give anything to a woman you aren't fucking.
>Could give money to prostitute in exchange for actual physical service
>Instead giving money to some e-harlot who won't interact with you in any meaningful way and who is getting railed by someone who doesn't give her money when she's not streaming
Absolute state of modern """""""men"""""""
this, no matter how down I feel at least I’m not a pathetic simp
What about own mother?
males are simple creatures. men have always been simple creatures. It's why they're so weak and easily controlled by women.
You're either a tranny or a dumb woman
That isn't a word.
Moms arent girls user
Did I stutter, simp?
I don't normally condone donating to twitch streamers but my few bucks causes her to not get rid of them which makes my dick DIAMONDS.
Not sure why regular people would donate to twitch streamers tho. I kind of have to get what I can
And yet, waaaah the patriarchy?
Female is female is cancer. Why is this so hard to understand for females?
a glimmer of hope of her having sex with him after said donation
Gun control should be
>18 years old minimum
>Pass a safety training course
>Proof of safe storage facilities (e.g. a safe up to a certain spec)
>No felonies on record, no violent crimes in the last decade (prison time not included)
>No schizos or other memtaly ill who have detachment from reality
>Recertification to maintain possession every two years
Loneliness, I guess.
Even though twitch thots are often quite lewd (and get a pass by pathetic twitch staff), it's not like guys who donate to them are looking for sexual stuff. There are cam whores that will literally do anything you want to see for a fraction of what some guys pay twitch thots. They, instead get a feeling of getting genuine affection if they pay them without any sexual services in return. It's really sad.
game sickness, it's a growing trend among our youth. The cure is prayer and community work.
ITT: Simpin' simps
It makes them feel like they are the boyfriend when she says their name
Gave $100 to a guy I've been watching since 2012 because I think he's nice and I like his videos.
Also work has been a bitch since I'm paranoid about getting chink flu at the hospital.
Why are Mexican gamer girls like this?
Since this is an actual cam girl, probably so she takes her cloths off.
Men that donate to women are kings
Reminder that if you'd date a Twitch streamer that does this, you're a cuck with no standards and you're scared to be alone.
There's vastly superior methods of spending your income. This logic stemmed from manipulative faggots taking advantage of desperate and lonely people while hiding behind the shield of "Well, if they like something they're free to spend money on it! It's not your place to judge!" This shit is disgusting. You're better off paying for a porn membership, a real prostitute, a fleshlight, etc. and it'll be cheaper.
I feel so bad for these people. It's easy to laugh at them but then you realize that it's just taking advantage of someone that's mentally ill. Like you, for example, retard.
even watching them seems like a theft of my time
fuck all of these no good lazy pieces of shit, they don't deserve a cent from anybody
holy basedola
What are they, if not women?
>What makes men donate to streamers?
Parasocial conditioning. They don't actually donate because of the tits. The tits are there to draw people in and keep them around for a few minutes. Nobody who jacks off to a titty streamer the first time is paying her rent. However, the oxytocin release that follows slowly helps train the brain into seeing this person, who doesn't know you exist, as a valued acquaintance. At the beginning, it's not enough to matter. But she has two goals: keep you around, keep you masturbating. The fap material is one method of keeping you around, but the games are another. It doesn't matter if she plays well (haha) or terribly, the ONLY GOAL is to keep you watching long enough for your refractory period to expire so you can take another dose of oxytocin while looking at her. It doesn't matter if she is absolutely serious or, like a kaceytron or venti or something, putting on an ironic act. The outcome is the same. It is just interesting enough to keep eyes on long enough for you to take another hit of the drug that brainwashes you into wanting to support her.
This is the real reason porn generally is bad for people. Not some fuzzy-logic moral shortcoming, but the very real situation of men brainwashing themselves into parasocial partner bonds with women who offer no reproductive returns to them.
When did you realize you were a raging homo?
There are only two situations where you give shit for free to women - either woman is your blood relative who is in need of support, or it's a women you are in reproduction-focused relationship with. This way of things is rooted in biological laws of K-selection that made humans what they are.
By giving shit for free to women outside of those circumstances you undermine very fabric of human culture, and most of all your own place in it. You may as well hack off your own balls if you do it, it's not like "man" who voluntarily assumes this role will ever need those.
>>No schizos or other memtaly ill who have detachment from reality
And by who's definition? Somehow trannies are just fine and not mentally ill at all but gamers who play more than 6 hours a week were last I checked
I've been watching Clint Stevens for 3 years and never once donated or subbed
Being single
>you're scared to be alone.
I mean, yeah. Aren't we all?
Basedola on what-ola?
i think i may have that. what are the symptoms?
Twitch has become nothing more than a softcore porn site with the occasional guy trying to play video games like some sort of out-of-place weirdo.
i'm giving it 15 more posts until the thread gets deleted
any takers?
Nationalist incels are so fucking retarded.
not even 15, probably like 3-5
Euch. What a fucking butterface
Symptoms: you spend more time playing video games than reading the bible.
Seems like he thought he unloaded the last round and dry fired out of routine.
I know the idea has fallen out of style lately but some people really are inferior beings.
Crippling loneliness is my guess
I love the beautiful women and I want to show them. So what?
Who is she?
Yes I know user but we are talking specifically about girl streamers and the most popular girls streamers "content" definitely ain't them just playing games
>Have no argument
>Attack my image instead
I should have expected resetera trannies in a simping thread
Too redplled for this trashy board, but perhaps someone will get it.
what if i already read it in catholic school and church?
I miss this nigga, like you wouldn't even imagine. I still disagree with his swinger shit.
I pay $200-250 each month to fuck some cute college girls in the butt-hole as a "donation" for their book expenses. These idiots spend at least that much each week just so a girls will say their name. I don't really understand it.
Go outside faggot
When did you realize your entire gender is cancer?
Then you're damaged from all the child rape and can't be helped.
it's not a c*nny thread so the mods dont care
I already read the bible twice when all of the adults in my life were brainwashing me. shit's boring as fuck, and completely batshit.
It's probably not a female, just a turbocucked and pathetic simp.
Pathetism. And no one considers them more weak, retarded, inferior and repulsive than the women who receive the money.
Are you a pajeet by any chance?
I've been a casual Twitch user for 8 years now and still don't get the phenomenon
I never subbed or donated
A lost of streamers are literal millionaires, they're not starving homeless people. I don't understand giving money to people who aren't in immediate need
>muh entertainment
Why would I pay for entertainment I can get for free
Streaming takes 0 effort
Men fall into roughly 3 categories
Chads, Simps, Incels.
Alphas, Betas, Gammas
or Chads, Incels and Bitter Incels.
Or chads, betas and self aware bitter betas.
betas are desperate for female attention, so they donate for attention. Bitter and self aware betas still crave the attention, but they feel too much shame to donate for it, they know how things are and don't like it. Chads get attention anyway, they might donate, just like they might throw a dollar at a stripper, they don't do it by habit.
Most men are betas, some men are self aware betas, some are alphas.
>controller mirrored in pic
I never thought something so simple could bother me so much
guess i'll go back to videogames.
have a blessed day, user.
>dumb john takes pride in being a waste of space
>I don't understand giving money to people who aren't in immediate need.
The world needs more people like you.
Why does people give money to people with charisma instead of fucking give it to people who truly needs it?