Fucking why...

Fucking why? Why can't you just design your town without having to pay the price of a house just to buy a shitty log bridge and an incline?

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Because building things cost money?

the whole point of the game is that over long periods of time your village grows and advances; if you could build everything instantly there wouldn't be much of a game left

>t. Assblasted timetraveller that doesn't know how to farm bells

Animal Crossing is not for you, normalfaggot.

What a brilliant strategy; half ass everything and convince your base that the lack of anything to do is part of the game.

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Because the game is boring otherwise if you have everything readily available. It has less depth than a mobile clicker game and that's how content works.

>that guy who wasted time doing time travelling when he could have duped crowns when he had the chance

New Horizons is jew shit, but don't you dare talk smack about AC as a whole.

the game isnt for you then

>lets you craft a wooden bridge pretty easily
>takes the recipe away from you and charges you an insane amount to make more


>More money grinding in my money grinding tranny game
Sounds good to me

what a retarded post; you went from complaining that you cant do as much as you want yet to complaining there isn't anything to do. you are a buffoon

>pay $60 for a mainline console game
>still have to deal with shitty free to play grindy gameplay

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This is it, the most ironic post I've ever seen on Yas Forums

>I play cities skyline in free mode

>one of the easiest AC games to make money in
>even literal retards who've never played before NH have hundreds of thousands of bells already
>user can't figure it out
Its not even the duping glitch, unless you've somehow managed to completely avoid catching any spiders I don't see how you could have no money

Go back to plebbit.

doing the same thing over and over doesn't count as having loads of stuff to do

>First bridge you build you make yourself
>Every bridge after costs money because?
I'm enjoying the game and all but that is some fucking bullshit.

You're supposed to play it 30 minutes every day. Sorry your IQ is too low to understand that it isn't a grinding game.


fair enough if you need to pay for a fancy bridge but don't just remove content for no reason

Because every other AC game starts off with at least one bridge and this one doesn't, so they make the first one really easy to get.

It's almost like AC is for fags and women.

He's right though, there's barely any content. They just stretch out what little they have.

I don't even have any locations to place bridges. The rules the location needs to conform to are so precise, there's no way I can place one without the terraforming tool.

But spiders are scary...

>catching and cataloging bugs
>catching and cataloging fish
>digging up fossils
None of these are things that women or faggots typically do.

>dude just hope you manage to get to spider island instead of the shitty island with the same fruit and nothing else that you get 9/10s of the time

You can literally force spider spawns you fucking brainlet, its a similar process to chopping all the palms down in New Leaf and hoping for beetle spawns

I don't want to spoil video games for you; doing the same things over and over is how they work. in an fps you shoot people over and over again, in a moba you do the same thing every time, a fighting game? literally the same thing every time. Are you such a simpleton that you are unable to realize that all games fundamentally are repetitive? The reason people play games is because they enjoy doing those actions repeatedly

It's about collecting in general, which isn't a thing women or fags do, but is a thing autists do.

And since we're basically all autists nowadays, that means everybody bought the game.

based pleb filter

That is not an excuse for removing the recipe and making even the first bridge costs almost 100K when the shit needed to make it don't cost much at all. For a game that focuses on DIY why the fuck would you not at least have the option to let the player go gather the resources themselves.

The only valid argument, those fuckers will get you

>And since we're basically all autists nowadays
You wish, you normalfaggot. Autists are royalty.

>in an fps you shoot people over and over again, in a moba you do the same thing every time, a fighting game? literally the same thing every time
*doesn't understand the variable of playing against a different person in a multiplayer game*
*calls others simpletons*

I just got my town hall today and I've already amassed all the funds I need. What the fuck have you been doing OP?

>emphasise crafting system
>still need to buy all the important stuff

>Its not the same general gameplay if there is a person on the other side
you're not a smart man; you should not attempt to pretend you are

>playing fighting games at a high level and a low level is the same
based brainlet

Same to you, semicolon-using psuedo.

Fuck off and go play a gacha game or whatever is made nowadays for ADHD mouthbreating faggots like you

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fighting games and animal crossing are completely different genres, you can't equate a singleplayer game to a multiplayer one like this

whao dude way to argue against a statement noone made. you showed that strawman

bros, when you put down buildings and houses do you put them right up against a cliff, or do you leave a one or x amount of spaces between it and the wall? I can't decide how I want to do it so I blow money moving them all around.

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But Animal Crossing IS the gatcha equivalent, it operates on a real time clock and expects you to login daily.

i slap them wherever and roll with it. a town should evolve naturally over time.

yeah man I can't wait to buy some more new horizons lootboxes

nigga you getting nook'd
can't spook da nook

>too hard

Yas Forums has gotten to the point about complaining about AC being too hard and not immediately gratifying them. Casual relaxing games are too hard for you fucking zoomers now, absolutely fucking disgusting.

That's actually a good joke, it's a shame it's attached to a dead meme.

I like the game but the fan base can be pretty fucking, even by Yas Forums standards. Fucking raging as fuck over some criticisms. I mean for fucks sake complaining about the money bridges and slopes costs isn't even that fucking bad.

give me one good reason why I can't craft bridges and slopes?

It honestly is annoying how expensive it is, it makes it difficult to be just go with the flow and have fun with it because its such a huge ass mother fucking commitment to build one fucking thing, not to mention 2 fucking things.
Things should cost like 10-30K or something like that.

The game fucking throws money at you for everything you do. Even without duping or spending an hour making a spider farm, just walk around and do shit. If its past 4 there are blue butterflies worth 5k and hermit crabs worth 1k literally fucking everywhere.

You are constructively lacking

it looks retarded if you don’t put important buildings in open spaces

There isn't one considering you make the first bridge yourself. It's literally just fan boys flying off the handle at people not liking something about a game they like.

this is why I duped myself 50mil lmao fuck that

You build fences on your own too.

nintendo consumers don't care, my man