BOOMERS and their obsession for long dead franchises
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>If I keep saying it, it must be true!
Thank you for your contribution on making nu-Yas Forums a wonderful place!
Real mature, Bradley.
Don't worry little timmy. If you continue your paper route for long enough, you will be able to afford a head set too.
>doesn't own VR
>posts opinion on VR games they haven't played
I don't understand
Shut up boomer
Don't forget to tell him that he totally fits in now
zoom zoom hate everything before 2005
zoom zoom love league of legends, fortnite and call of duty
shut up zoomer
can't fucking COPE
so much cope in this thread
poorfag cope thread again?
Zooom zoom
So you watched playthrough on youtube?
Not really, I watch Vinny play it on Twitch. VR is to expensive for me, and the best headsets are not available in my region.
>watched a playthrough of a VR game
the buyer's remorse is real
You see, the issue is not being able to afford VR, the issue is being to afford a room to use it. If I extend my arm I hit my screen, if I take a step backward I do a backflip on my bed.
If I look for a bigger place near my job, I can't eat, if I look for a bigger place in the countryside, it'll takes me 5 hours just to get to work.
Played it in VR caffe, most of it can be translated into keyboard and mouse pretty well, that time when game asked me to jump across the wall and it just teleported me without animation was cringe, i hate manual reloading, and also hate when you walk up to the tight passage and game tells you to press {X} to teleport trough it, i bet they implemented that for those journos that had trouble with crouch-jump so the would not break their neck IRL, you can rub your controller against a wall to improve long-distance aim, also humor almost \Pickle-Rick\ tier.
>Look Alex!
>I gonna eat that head-crab!
>I am a sustenance god Alex!
>I will now bestow upon you my gifts
"trows head-crab at Alex"
Ugh, that vortinigger, he is retarted.
Like this whole game!
It's literally the best game in vr gaming
What the fuck are you talking about?
It's a fine tech demo.
Just like the other games.
No melee combat!
Why would you play with teleporting? Are you forced to use it at times? I can see how it would be fun if it looked like Dishonored where it has a mana cost and cool visual effects, but it's so boring and generic in HL Alyx. Just doesn't seem like the valve standard, I'd expect them to do something extra.
The whole point of VR is immersion, so it's pretty lame to see so many people playing this way. Instantly popping in and out of space makes leaning over to pick things up much less cool. You can't duck under stuff (assuming that works).
Because some people get motion sickness.
>Are you forced to use it
No. The only times you have to use it are to jump over a few gaps, rather than a more physics-driven jump.
>Are you forced to use it at times
Yes. There's no jump. So even if you have analog stick movement they force you to use the teleporting in at least a dozen areas.
Also there's no sprint, so they might as well be forcing you to use teleport all the time
What the fuck is this picture, user?
>No. except when you are forced to
Then I think it would be better if they added shooshy electric effects and it had some kind of cost like Mankind Divided for when you do need it
they tried it, didn't work
I took 'forced' to mean as in, 'is this the only way to move', not 'can you never touch it'. It's true that you can't finish the game without using it occasionally, but it's also not forcing you to use it for regular movement in place of analog stick style controls.
The issue there is that it's in as a comfort feature. Some people can't stomach smooth movement and Valve wants them to be able to play the game too, so adding a penalty to it would cause issues.
From what I've heard, smooth movement in VR can cause nausea, so snap turning and teleportation can always be turned on.
Only nerds liked Half Life, real niggas played Medal of Honor and SWAT.
>It's true that you can't finish the game without using it occasionally, but it's also not forcing you to use it
>If I ignore half the statement, it's silly
not him but it just looks like someone dropped a water bottle that rolled a bit.
You have to actually play the game. You can't watch a 2d version of it and expect to know what it's like to play it. In practice, teleport works, and I used it way more than smooth movement.
That`s because they are sissy?
Or it because people ignored their stupid guns and stupid upgrade stations in favor of random pointy-stick-like junk on the floor?
Just ignore OP, he's a retard
I don't think they ever got it working with the level of polish they wanted, plus it takes away from some of the ammo management and horror elements if you can just whack everything to death.
Medal of Honor and SWAT are lame, and so is COD.
Plus, it's okay to be a nerd
Literally 90% of Yas Forums
lmfao are these slavs
I played all of RE7 in VR with DLCs using smooth movement. Had zero nausea. I think they should accommodate players like myself too and add a mode where teleporting is a more immersive game element since you're forced to use it at certain points.
I've played VR before and I'm allowed to look at a game and judge it. Randomly blinking over to some spot with no sound or visual effect or limit will take me out of the experience on a normal monitor just as much as an eye tracking monitor strapped to my head.
How much effort would it have taken them to add simple audio and visual effects for the teleport? This is just lazy. I hope VR is more ambitious in the future. This supposed killer app still looks like a tech demo to me because of this one cheap mechanic
Just spawn more than 3 enemies at once so they could swarm you if you use melee you dumb fucks.
This. nu-Yas Forums sucks balls
>post yfw you did not fall for the vr meme
*head tracking
Lmao landlet
I liked it.
Cope moar poorfag
Now that it failed hopefully Valve can work on Artifact 2 unimpeded.
This is your actual face
Artifact 2 VR only, I really wish to see if they can get AT LEAST 1 player on it.
To be honest it is pretty easy to get extra clay.
You just has to be polite.
It didn't fail though. What universe are you living in?
>I've played VR before and I'm allowed to look at a game and judge it. Randomly blinking over to some spot with no sound or visual effect or limit will take me out of the experience on a normal monitor just as much as an eye tracking monitor strapped to my head.
It doesn't, when you're busy running from enemies or looting shit, you're way more immersed in doing that than the control scheme. It helps that the game has better visuals than any other VR game and hence is much more immersive.
The only time I would agree with you on teleport being a bad mechanic is for multiplayer games.
Regardless, you can use smooth locomotion to play HL:A for everything but jumping so it doesn't really make a difference.
hello, Gordon
Everyone who has played it loves it. I'm seriously considering getting VR for it but my PC is too shit.
Hello, shill fucks.
Half life 2 didn't have this problem.
Stop copying ne nigger
Non-VR shooters are different beasts when it comes to balancing combat, plus HL2 only had horror elements. Alyx is like a whole game of Ravenholm, leaning much more into the survival horror elements.
You have to just stop replying to him.
But I'm me. I should start tripfagging
They're afraid lmao
Don't worry, I'll hop on my computer in a bit and put you little uppity bitchs in your place.
Good god, you're here, just in time, in fact, I was about to type a message for you:
Dear Schizo... erm, "Slayer of HLA Shills",
Newsflash: Not everyone you disagree with is a shill. In fact, it could be argued that you yourself are a "shill" for your own faggotry. There's better ways to deal with your unneeded anger than going onto an imageboard and pretending to be this "ultracool hero that 'slays' le evil shills for game i do not like". Like, go outside or something. Also, the only thing you will "ever" slay is yourself. You are probably too much of a fag to ever even slay pussy.
No one cares what you think. The only thing most people think about you on this board is that you are so fucking annoying and should take a hike.
In other words, get a life.
>They're afraid lmao
No one in their right mind would be afraid of you, you lame-ass namefag
Cope harder shill niggers
I liked the part where you had to sneak around that one hardass infected “Jeff”
The last chapter was really bonkers, it made me feel really disoriented and weird but it was cool. Shooting lightning bolts out of the hands was super cool too.
I might be the only one on earth that really liked the 3D puzzles too, the tripmines were actually a lot of fun to diffuse, I wish those were a little harder. I feel like the people that really seethed over the 3D puzzles probably had a hard time with the later ones.
I didn’t like how upgrading weapons trivialized the gunplay. I’d definitely recommend playing the game without some of the sight upgrades, like the laser sights.
Why are poorfags still seething over a VR game 5 days later?