Ask e-girls if they wanna join me and the boys in games

>Ask e-girls if they wanna join me and the boys in games
>No thanks :3
>Buy Animal Crossing
>Suddenly all my female friends wanna hang out

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This is a barebones hallow of what Animal Criossing used to be. Why the fuck are you sucking Nintendos dick?

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fuck off

>buy animal crossing
You're starting to realize your gay, as such your girl friends want to rely on you.

I'm sorry but esl isn't allowed on this board, and advised to keep quiet.

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Perhaps you should get hung. By that I mean enlarge your penis to further impress your lady friends.

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>Be me 5 years ago
>Link a girl a trap doujin so she thinks I’m gay
>We Skype all the time
>She’s comfortable undressing around me
>Got to see her tiddies multiple times



Attached: TransnimalCrossdressing.jpg (1280x2720, 1.47M)

Well what games were you playing prior? Doom?

I pull my penis every night and it seems to be getting smaller

But you wouldn't care about her tits because you're gay, user.

>ask them to play a game they dont want to and they say no

Y-Yeah lets go with that

Stop fapping for a while and it'll get big again. You are draining the poor guy.

But it feels too good..

look pal, they're the only mouth and eyes that don't look retarded

The sleepy eyes are cute though

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>This is a barebones hallow of what Animal Criossing used to be. Why the fuck are you sucking Nintendos dick?!!!!!!!!!!!

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I remember playing the original as a kid. Back then I didn't know trannies existed and there were no trannies in the game so it was quite comfy. Also, no character creation was a much better choice in my opinion.

Your dressing is too outlandish

looking like a fucked up little sperg is classic ac

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Griffin is that you

I feel like this game is purposefully designed to make you play as a girl.
They get all the best clothes and the most customization options, you can even choose long hair and wear dresses and change your face so you won't have to restart.
You even had masks and rainbow thigh high socks in the last game, letting you play as a trap.

Attached: cute mask.jpg (640x640, 22.29K)

>see cute girl
>look at their villager card
every single time

>best face was female exclusive

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can you draw on the sick masks? :3

mmmmmmmno, that’s just you being a fag
you’re now trying to bargain with reality by finding ways to validate yourself for thinking these things

That's because they think you're gay now and every girl wants a gay friend.

>Catch 30+ fishes
>no string fish
>Even caught a Char
I hope it's because i'm unlucky, not because they don't spawn when it's raining.

Does wearing grass skirt makes me gay though?
I feel like a hawaiian doing so.

Also, how do i go upper naked??

My only hope is that they will add things later in time, seeing that the developer team is the same as Splatoon.
Kinda like they added weapons months later, they will add shit later because this game lacks so many fucking features compared to New Leaf it's not even funny if it's gonna stay like this.

You can't possibly mean that in past games the default face didn't look like a sperg.

Wait serious question
What does those type of face masks have to do to someone being trap? Like, how are the 2 things related? Is it like a fashion thing trannies use IRL?

>he's not doing feng-shui in his gouse to increade his luck

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Traps usually cover their face because they still look like dudes in the face and want to keep the illusion for their camwhore pics.
In doing so, they turned masks into part of the appeal, if you wanna give off the crossdresser look, you wear a mask.

Does it feel like this game is more of a straight up status symbol thing than people actually enjoying the game? I haven’t had the time to start it yet, but New Leaf had more of a comfy, community feel to it while people explored and talked about new discoveries.

>Is it like a fashion thing trannies use IRL?
Yeah, it's like a bad meme that caught on with them, they use it to hide their man-features.
Not that I care much about the whole tranny hate thing, just answering your question since I've seen it in person.


Traps and trannies like to cover their manjaw, it's something that really stands out otherwise for many.

That's because stupid kids started racing to see who could TT the fastest and unlock everything faster than everyone else so they could make youtube videos about it during the brief 2-3 weeks where normies will care about it.

Is feng shui still a thing in NH?

And I bet you simps shower your female AC friends with bells and all your items. kek.

Yep. Normies and roastie thots are talking about this game to death. Funny how the shittiest game in the series is also the most popular.

tag yourself, i'm the girl

it has the best looking museum in the series and while there's a bunch of dumb shit that's a massive plus for me
the museum and blathers are what i care about

>shittest game in the series
Explain. Again, I haven’t played it yet, but I don’t see how this can be true when each game is basically just minor improvements on the last one.


v niggas know too much lol

To prevent TTers from seeing everything in 2 weeks, they locked many aspects of the game behind updates that will unlock stuff already on the cartridge as time goes on.
This is why retards think the game is bare-bones.

>sister keeps pestering me to go and play on her island
there are only so many fish I can catch in a day, woman

>tfw wearing the mask cus COVID-19 but everyone thinks you're a tranny.

I just thought those were normal face masks like the japanese people wear in the street to limit coughing near people

We're talking about this specific print.

>I feel like this game is purposefully designed to make you play as a girl.
>They get all the best clothes and the most customization options, you can even choose long hair and wear dresses and change your face so you won't have to restart.
That's true for almost any game that has clothing though. There's a reason it's a meme, it's been a thing for ages, and the stuff in pokemon is no different.
Guys are less likely to want cute clothes but girls and faggots like me do like cute clothes so they give them more options.

They mean specifically the mask with the cat face and the blush

>when female camwhores wear masks and pretend to be a boy pretending to be a girl


It’s the opposite all my female friends give me fruit and cute clothes :3

>you have been banned for the following:
>posting Wojak
In a better world

not happening until someone buys this garbage heap from hiroshit

>grouping traps with trannies
completely different mental illnesses but traps at least have some self awareness
trannies are legit insane

ever since the big reddit migration retards have been trying to say any fag shit is tranny shit
which is funny since that's what trannies say all the time to try and associate themselves with less insane practices

>tfw no dragon /cb/ to RP with
Why live bros...

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It's entirely possible that most of those "girls" are actually guys, since the game makes no distinction between sexes anymore.

I'm not a fan of traps but don't group them with trannies
At least I can have a conversation with traps and they're self-aware
Trannies are completely off the deep end and aren't considered human

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The only retard here is you for trying to justify locked content.

make way for Mr. 300 IQ over here
did you come up with that all by yourself?

Thoughts on the insects in this game?

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>Nagabe made fanart of best lad
Absolutely based

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>not posting the best one

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