Nioh 2 thread

What are you guys farming/struggling with? btw is the flying kato set good?

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Nioh is a shit Souls-like

I try to farm the Yasakani Magatama since the one I got from the boss is unsalvagable bad

Just temper it homie. I got defense up (magic) and life drain with onmyo on mine pretty easily

If Nioh fails in copying the shitty Dark Souls games then that's a positive thing.

What "quick" weapons have the best skill trees?



2kats get a lot of love from the devs

Mitsume is absolutely based and destroys waifus

>finally got Otani's set for refashioning when I finished NG last night

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How expeditions and summon drops work, do I get my own loot table, or sane as host one?

You get your own
That includes soul cores and smithing texts

When should I focus on doing everything? From farming, to 100% Kodama, to 100% side missions?
Do I do that all before I enter NG+ or after I enter NG+? I'm about to finish the game.

>Random coop
>Get in a mission
>Host literally dies 5 seconds in
I fucking hate it

Do not reply to soulsposters.

If it's anything like the first game you can swap back to ng at any moment, they have different progression

I'm struggling with the fact that they failed to listen to fucking everyone and fix the problems that ruined the first game.
>Still with the cancerous Diablorderlands loot
>Still with the archaic individual level structure like it was a fucking Megaman game
>Still no invasion-style PvP
>Still with a straightforward traditional narrative that spoonfeeds the audience

Which is better for axe, Kintaro's set or Giganigger's?

>I want it to be exactly like Dark Souls

Pastebin compiled by the general

There are some smithing texts that are only available on NG+, so you kinda have to wait until then to do everything. Also, grinding proficiency is much easier on NG+.

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kek, nice bait

>why isn't every game dark souls

I agree that the loot system is garbage and there should at least be a trading system in place and bosses should be guaranteed one of their unique drops every x defeats.

Cute feet.
Do you think femHide has cute feet too?

>add trade
>every beginner is in full green set

At least you recognize that soulsposter
Other anons are fucking retarded and keep falling in his bait

Level locking, you need to be within 10 levels of the gear to equip it.

Problem solved.

Fem Hide is perfect because everyone has their ideal one
and grab user then humiliates them all

Not mine.

kato is good if you can get the smithing text and roll a set that gives +Ninjitsu Power or +Kunai damage

most of the dropped versions are shit

She has the face of a 40-year-old japanese sales man

>game forces you to grind levels to equip gear from missions you cleared
Yeah, nice system
Kill yourself

>>Farm on and off 3 days to get the smithing txt
>>Finally get it and craft all purps
>>Waste 3million gold trying to get unlimited ninjutsu on everything
>> Find out theres only a set pool of upgrades to get from tempering

Seriously wtf is this?? Why the fuck am i grinding for then? Why is there no chart or anything that shows me the possible upgrades from tempering? I beat the game with a friend and got my moneys worth but ill never touch it again

Trying to farm 170 divine gear and soul cores
Got nothing so far

All the loot you get is level scaled anyway, my dude.
Telling me to kill myself is a bit of an overreaction, isn't it?

How do you even get 170 gear?
160 is limit for me

Yeah but dat ass is beautiful

>All the loot you get is level scaled anyway
Only if you got summoned or used level sync(which only possible AFTER you cleared mission once)

Yours will be the first, you can't hide her code forever, and the other anons hiding theirs will follow too

Fine then. All loot that is traded to a lower level player is scaled down to be within 5 levels above or below their level, allowing people to complete sets and share good rolls without instantly breaking the game.

It’s a really rare drop you can get from anywhere in ng+ but it can roll on any gear quality so even if you get a 170 drop if it’s on an exotic or below then it’s literally useless since you won’t be able to soul match it to your divine gear
You can also get 170 soul cores as drops from anywhere but again they seem to have a tiny drop rate

If I could be arsed to generate a code, I would. What you do in your dirty degenerate save file does not affect my pure, brave Hide...

...Or some dumb shit like that, I'm not pretending I give a shit about a fucking toon.

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The game is garbage, no one is playing it.

You're only making things worse by replying to that shit.

>every thread that gets made reaches bump limit
>usually several made every day
>no one is playing it


Seems like they post more about the game then actually play it.

Go back to your monster hunter thread

Seethe harder.

Post your
> Hiddy
> Main weapon
> Guardian Spirit

Spears, with Whalebro Isanagami at my back.

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How come first nioh didn't had god tier emotional moments like nioh 2 two final cinematics?

She gets choked by a handful of gaki cocks on a daily basis

Because in nioh 1 the story was even more of an afterthought than here

trying to speedrun through NG+ missions so i can unlock the last region and farm NG+ otakemaru for sanada's smithing text and his spear

You are actually the prettiest Hide in these threads.

Spear with 1kat secondary, butterflies and mermaid.

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Because Team Ninja realized that William was not that interesting as a protagonist, but he could be an excellent side character instead.

Not to mention that the composers stepped their game up for Nioh 2 considerably

Are there any European/Western/Medieval-style armor sets in Nioh 2? I wanna go full DEUS VULT on my 1kat build.

Tokichiro doesnt get a bossfight only mission?
I dont want to run the mission for a drop chance.

>Not to mention that the composers stepped their game up for Nioh 2 considerably

So true.

Nanban, Platemail and Conquerers sets are all western style armours.

What’s a good set for odachi?

>find an odachi with inheritable attack bonus stamina A
>doesnt let me inherit it on my current odachi
Why is this?

My game has crashed two times co oping in ng plus when melting a boss.

Yeah, it sucks. I have to quit out of the game every time I kill him in his Two Faces of Hospitality mission in case I don't get the text/skill drop I want from him.

Currently fighting Shibata.

The game is really fun, but the bosses are terribly designed for the most part.

probably conflicts with another attack focused ability.

Did you max out the familiarity on the odachi with inheritable attack bonus stamina A? You can only transfer inheritable skills to another weapon when that weapon has max familiarity

Aw come the fuck on man, that's literally the mission I just unlocked and you've fucked it for me.


Kusarigama as main weapon and nekomata as spirit, but I got too used to phantom burst counter and I need to get the grip of the feral one

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Not really
Nioh had forced story during missions, in 2 most of shit comes from cinematics
And even more from characters and cinematics descriptions
Like people who weared head armor and couldn't see face expression didn't even understood why Hide left


Quick question:
Can you run multiple characters on one account? Wanted to try a very different build/look

I knew I was going to fight him at some point but now I know that it's this next mission.

Shibata is a massive piece of shit until you get used to his charge attack, but I still can't stand the fucker shitting 360 damage with his hatchets
Bunch of whores


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>let me hide the character code

Yes but there's no real reason to when you can change your look with no cost, Respeccing is sort of cheap when you get to the end of the game and even then the game tosses a couple of respec items at you.

You can change your appearance whenever you want and also reset stats whenever you want. In this game though gear matters way more than stats so just sticking to one file isn't a bad idea cuz you won't miss anything

lol get fucked

She's hiding waira dicks from you