JRPG Thread. What are you playing during quarantine time? I just finished FF12 and loved it. I just need to defeat the superbosses and do the rare game monsters now
JRPG Thread
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The problem with this game is that the new artworks are great but they aren't in the game. There's no cool art like this one. So I guess it's just a bait they use to make us buy this game?
oh and by the way outfits don't change with classes. So it basically is false ad.
Is there post game or does it end after the final boss?
no post game. you have to do everything before killing vayn
Making illustrations for a video game is not an ad and it isn't bait. Were you born in 2005?
I like it more than BoF1 so far but god damn they made the random encounter rate even higher!!
Recommend me a good JRPG that you think deserves more recognition. Emulatable or on steam.
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
I'm replaying Cold Steel 4. Don't know what I should play next, Vesperia or Ys IX.
Radiata Stories
What's with all the FFXII threads lately? Did it go on sale or get a remaster or something?
Breath of fire 3.
Best rpg ever
Yes it’s on sale and people are shilling it. Happens will all the sales.
It hasn't seen a sale in a long while and it has been a very underlooked FF people have been willing to try out
Been playing pic related while "working" from home. It's slowly creeping into my top 3 Final Fantasies the more I play it.
Star Ocean 2 is fantastic
The game barely looks like an FF game. It’s more like a Western RPG.
Agreed. Star ocean 2 is great.
Valkyrie profile
Shadow hearts 2
I never understood how people can stomach playing gba/gb games. Maybe I'm just traumatized by just how fucking poor and barebones some of the games where when I used to have one.
In terms of gameplay it is godlike.
Holy shit I am playing through it and it’s perfect, wtf Yas Forums you told me it’s a shit game
That said, I've literally never seen ANY RPG where the protagonists have such shit luck with their vehicles/modes of transport
>ditches boko right at the start
>pirate ship gets fucked by a whirlpool and left in a ship graveyard
>abandon flying dragon after sinking part of a fucking continent
>get another boat which ALSO gets fucked by a whirlpool
he said good
Switch sale
I'm currently playing FF4, Octopath Traveller and I might startr XBC2
Second Story this. I'd even advise to play without a guide and then if you really enjoyed it to go back and try the other storylines - you can only have 8 characters out of 12 total, and the game has a bunch of optional endings and interactions based on who you have and what you do with them.
Emulators make them tolerable. If you have a PSP, Vita, 3DS, you can enjoy these games as handhelds while receiving quality of life improvements such as savestates and speedup.
PC is viable as well, but misses out on the portability factor. To each his own. Playing on original hardware was only tolerated during its time because we did not have anything better. Don't let that stop you from enjoying the finest titles that came out on those platforms.
I wish Square Enix would grow a pair and take a risk reviving one of their old rpg series. How insane would it be if they announced a Vagrant Story remake/sequel
Don't ever believe Yas Forums when they say something is shit
Why the hell are there so many retards that think SO2 is underrated?
Playing FFXII since it went on sale. I like the game but I hate desert areas aesthetically. Is the entire game deserts?
It's just the kingdom of Dalmasca and the sandsea. It's only 20% of the game at most
I'm waiting in a dungeon queue on FFXIV.
Sweet, thanks. Just got through the sand sea and I'm getting pretty tired of seeing sand already. Nothing else about the game puts me off though and I can't really knock the game anyway for having desert areas that's just my taste.
>Maybe I'm just traumatized by just how fucking poor and barebones some of the games where when I used to have one.
That's to say, I'm used to gameboy games in general being pretty fucking barebones so I tend to look down on them. It doesn't particularly have anything to do with physically using a gameboy, and this is not something an emulator would solve. Again, it just comes from my own experience form when I was a kid.
Because despite people saying it's great, very few people have actually played it compared to the likes of FF, Chrono Trigger, etc. You're kidding yourself if you think it's in any way popular
Got the good ending for Caligula OD last night, I'll start a ng+ later today so I can clean up the other character scenarios/social links. They were a lot more serious than I was expecting, it's a pleasant surprise
The soundtrack is also half of what pushed me to go through the entire game, hell music is pretty integral to the setting
Have you tried playing Dragon Quest 3 on GBC? It's such a well made port that some people consider it superior to any other version. It really is that good.
I always liked it's demi-active combat system. I should emulate Blue Sphere sometime.
I have a vita and a 3ds but I don't think you can upscale resolution when you emulate in those. I'd sacrifice portability to emulate on pc and have the option to enhance res.
The landscape and aesthetic of Ivalice is a lot like the landscape and aesthetic of Vana'diel, Eorzea and the first
Nah, it's pretty mediocre. Too many stupid crafting and skill gimmicks.
Trails in the Sky and Rune Factory 4 Special. I got my adventuring fix in the former and my farm and town roleplaying fix in the latter. Just finished Chapter 1 in Trails while I've been doing town events and grinding professions in RF.
What is it on sale on? Steam? I hear the best version is on switch cuz it has some added features, is that one on sale?
You mean, like every other JRPG? Also, they are mostly avoidable if you don't want to bother.
But they are? Trials of Mana remake is out in 2 weeks.
Didn't this get a modern re-release on vita? Is it any good?
Final Fantasy Adventure was pretty great for a gameboy action RPG.
CS3 then FF7R then Trials of Mana then Sakura Wars then Xenoblade Chronicles DE. As for what to play after I finish CS3 before FF7R, still undecided.
Quarantine over here is till the release of Trials of Mana but I expect them to extend it again so who knows.
I think it has the same art director for FF14.
You mean 4 weeks.
I’m playing through DQV and Radiant Historia right now. Shit’s pretty great.
as if you will play all these long jrpgs one after another
It has both positives and negatives imo. It improves the technical aspects, fixing some bugs and exploits, and most notably being widescreen, but the game moved closer to feeling more weeb, with a godawful anime intro, voiced character dialogue and character portraits/expressions. Overall probably a net positive, but it depends on what you like. I can't stand the weebiness of the Tales Of games and the changes make it feel less old-school 90s anime than it did.
For example, heres the original intro
And heres the remake intro
I liked Berseria and I think I'm more into Action JRPGs rather than turn based ones, which game should I play next, Vesperia? or go for a different series? will probably play Trials of Mana at launch
forgot to say I also played the 3 ./hack games that are on steam
I'm not allowed to leave my house unless it's for shopping and work is suspended due to Corona, what makes you think I won't?
I'll probably have to start working again once Trials of Mana hits but I'll continue the quest.
Sure, you can avoid them, but then you're left with a mindless X-mashing fest of a battle system and boring scifi isekai plot from the 90s. Not much of an improvement in the overall experience if you ask me. This game's super overrated.
Depends. What systems do you have?
Only PC, Emulators are fine too I guess
>but the game moved closer to feeling more weeb
I'm not a braindead shitposter and I don't judge games based on their degree of "weeb", I just judge them for how good they are as video games. Maybe I should have made that clear.
How was Oreshika: Tained Bloodlines on Vita?
Then you'll enjoy the rerelease. The games the same otherwise and performs better, it just brought in a few elements that had me rolling my eyes when it came to the presentation.
I recommend trying out Ys, Dragon’s Dogma, and Star Ocean.
XII makes me nostalgic for Ivalice which makes me nostalgic for FFT then I get sad because there isn't anymore FFT games.
I just want another high fidelity game in ivalice. The world just feels great. I'll always be disappointed we never got that ivalice mmo
Thinking about it, I more meant "Moe" than "weeb"
I want to see more of post-cataclysm/medieval Ivalice