How do we save the Mecha genre?
DxM only sold well in Japan
Front Mission,AC & ZoE is dead
All there's left is SRW shit.
How do we save the Mecha genre?
What is the purpose of this thread?
Talking about how to revive the big robots
Play western mecha games instead.
Gachashit with loli pilots.
DxM is AAA price on pc for a switch (cell phone) game that came out
vs M∀RS at less then half the price, nearly perfect game, including vr support
Literally just make a normal mecha game without retarded shit. How fucking hard can it be? Also add cute little girls.
Good singleplayer AND multiplayer. Titanfall 1 & 2 didn't do well because of horrible marketing and release dates, but everyone who played both admits that 2 was superior and the campaign was definitely worth it.
Posting girls posing next to mechas while wearing school swimsuits. Duh.
Shin Sakura Taisen did poor even in Japan, imagine how it will do here.
good macross game when
I have zero feelings on mecha, none whatsoever. But it's not a barrier to sale.
So the solution is probably just to make more great shit and use mecha for theming, and there will always be a portion of the audience that really digs the theme.
And then don't specifically market it to bomb like Titanfall 2.
>retarded transformer shit for kids
Hopefully never.
Titanfall is garbage and has nothing to do with mecha.
Armored core PC online
FA online was lit, but consoles get abandoned too fast and dxm doesn't have the kind of depth AC has
I have no feelings on that statement either.
titanfall is the only good game recently that has had robots in it, fuck off retard
>calling exoskeletons "robots"
Yet another proof that it's a casual garbage for kids.
you want more mecha games and your go-to example is...gungriffon? seriously?
forgettable console schlock
>How do we save the Mecha genre?
Maybe by focusing on the robots and not shitty girls?
Transformer already is for kids.
how is Mechwarrior Online? it seems to have gone up in reviews on steam from mostly afwul.
good thread
need a battletech branded vr game
vox machiname is probably in development hell
>Armored Core 6 gets a proper anouncement
>use soulsborne advertisement with bullshit difficulty and "from the developers of"
>give it a stronger ad campaign and promos
>justify it by making it last raven tier
>bonus points: dig up and pervert Frame Gride's corpse to give it an aesthetic similar to DaS but with mecha instead
Here's your monkey paw.
I haven't played Brigador, but it's sequel's coming out this year, right?
Is it too late to ask for a 10 hour multiple scenarios where you take place in a war between two factions with multiple twists and turns. I'm surprised a cinematic game in this manner hasn't been made. I guess people just don't like mechas.
I know there's front mission but I was hoping more hack and slash gameplay.
How do true mecha autists feel about Power Armours in Fallout 4? I think you can make a good game around concept of customizable wearable mech suits. They'll have to be more agile and have some cool embedded weapon systems and maybe have some other changes. You can make pilots to be cute girls too.
>multiple scenarios where you take place in a war between two factions with multiple twists and turns
AC Last Raven?
user, you can't complain about 'console schlock' without cutting out a significant portion of mecha games. Don't use the platform to excuse not liking something if it didn't affect the game itself.
there are lots of great in-depth great console battletech / mecha games
titanfall is not one of them
Nigger can you read? Explain why with the reasons, not just 'console'
I will keep responding until you do
despite the monetization it's fun
looks great, cryengine
what you would expect from battletech
Battletech universe > Anime crap
>so let me get this straight you think that posting cunny is funny?
It's sakura taisen only in name.
Just like GoW reboot
I hope the Muv-Luv anime will be god tier and convert people to Mecha
love me some cough syrup
slower then vanquish movement for pilot combat
snapping melee and canned kill animations
auto aim
regenerating health and shields
titans barely customizable, only 3 bases, weapons are just carried
It's the only reason I'd consider playing FO4 desu
Robotech Battlecry is still the best.
>AC Last Raven?
Never played it.
Is the MC a blank slate and the characters almost non existent?
I doubt it when Alternative and Schwarzesmarken failed
Blue Gender is the better Muv luv.
Fuck off Harmony Gold. KILL YOURSELF
I loved DYRL, thought the original series was okay/good. It had some really good moments mixed with some really fucking dumb moments.
I heard it gets worse from here. I only watched Plus after and I really didn't like it.
Is 7 or Frontier any better? Delta is not looking like my sort of thing.
The MC is basically nonexistent, but I think FROM did a marvelous job of giving the characters personalities without giving them much screentime.
You won't understand what's going on without playing Nexus first though. And you will also get your shit pushed in.
Damn. I wanted something more character focused. Ace Combat 3 was kinda cool with it's branching paths but the story was pretty barebones in itself.
What would be a normalfag-bait feature a game could add that would ensure a wider audience, but would also not ruin a mech game?
Personally I think a battle royale mode could fit well
>[x] number of people starting, all in mechs
>On losing mech, pilot escapes (maybe with ejector to take them a safe distance from the attacker)
>Now have option of continuing fight on foot
>Human-size weapons lying around to allow taking down of enemy mechs
>Certain weapons designed to pull enemy pilots out and allow hijacking of their mechs
>Have to be really fucking careful to do so successfully because of obvious human vs ~30-foot robot disadvantage
user, please, anyways, pvp would become some guide build of Lahire because fuck creating your own NEXT
Well it objectively had more depth than DxM
>Play Mecha game
>MC gets immediately paired up with worst girl
>She dies
>Development with MC and best girl happens.
>Worst girl comes back 3/4th in the series
>Best girl dies
>Worst girl wins
At least Ace Combat is still kicking while not exactly a "Mecha" series it sure as hell does carry a lot of the trends set by Tomino UC Gundam. It'd be nice if Konami leased ZOE out to Cygames again and they put together a team for 3 but that is never happening in a million years. Play Baldr Sky if you haven't already.
As a ACfag, having this would fucking kill me
How would you compare AC and Baldr Sky to UC Gundam so far series wise?
Good as Zeta, 79?
Okay like 83?
Shit like Destiny?
>Rebel alliance loses to the 'evil' empire because the MC wants to fuck one of their commanders
What we need is more Mecha Musume, dropball this idol and fantasy shit, give sci fi girls some love
In diabetes?
Me too user. I just want some romance in my robot games :(
One thing is romance, another is fucking dating sim
>Main character and enemy commander are in love
>Main character is forced to kill them
>He does
>He ends up dying later in a big sacrifice scene and they all live happily as space ghosts.
Happy end?
Titanfall is great. You are shit.